Under the sea

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Lord Palpatine

About this image

This image is of one of my characters taking a swim in the seas of southern Elsweyr in the Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina mod! And as far as I know, this mod is the only one I know of as far as released mods go that actually features a full coral reef to explore, many different species of fishes to see, and many species of sharks, yes sharks, to attack the unwary adventurer! So be very well prepared if you're deciding to take a swim or dive in the great coral reefs off the coast of southern Elsweyr in the Elsweyr Deserts of Anequina mod!


  1. vvk78
    • member
    • 80 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    Are there no other (smaller) mods that add coral reefs?

    The waters of oblivion are so barren under their depths (and this is despite having mods like Alive Waters).

    One of the first things I noticed about the Elsweyr mod was the addition of the coral reef. Too bad, its author has currently locked the mod.
  2. BlueDanube
    • supporter
    • 274 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    nice one
  3. Spaceritual
    • premium
    • 515 kudos
    I have given this image my endorsement.

    an underwater fight would be very interesting indeed..