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Jade Alendir with her lover in Imperial City.

Sorry about pixels, I honestly don't know what's going on there. Maybe I have too low resolution, or something, I have tried everything and still pixels are there. Well, ofc there is pixels, but I have ever noticed them before that bad. I try to figure what's going on there.


  1. ZhenzaRegy
    • BANNED
    • 81 kudos
    very good screenshot
  2. Leenysaurus
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    I have given this image a rating of 8

    Nice looking characters and the pixels you speak of aren't awful.

    A helpful tip, before you take a screenshot, close Oblivion and turn up your graphic's card antistropic filtering. That's what I do sometimes, mainly when I'm aiming to take an epic screenshot.

    Nice pic regardless; I hope that helped.