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The idea here was a falling view from the victim of a swift attack. The motion blur had to be tweaked to stop dizziness but it still catches something of what I wanted. The last thing the victim sees in a frozen moment are the eyes of their unknown killer.


  1. ZhenzaRegy
    • BANNED
    • 81 kudos
    Nice shot
  2. Glue
    • member
    • 25 kudos
    Thanks kalia. Kudos. I hope it doesn't hurt too much now.

    To explain this comment a little kalia felt rightly on a previous incarnation that the motion blur was a bit much and I agreed. I explained though that my idea for this shot was the victim's view while falling. What they would see in their last second of life before hitting the floor. It doesn't quite nail it, (perhaps a caption or more obvious title would help) but I wanted it a little ambiguous. I still like the intensity of the picture.

    Menrhunes, not biting but you got it. That's really pleasing. Have a Kudos and thankyou.
  3. Menrhunes
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    Nice. It's like if I was the victim and him the muderer and he bit me just before.
    Excuse me for my english I think the sentence should be hard to understand <img class=">.
  4. kalia
    • supporter
    • 26 kudos
    I have given this image a rating of 10

    It still bothers my eyes a bit, but I'm *sure* that's just my eyes. I certainly see the point of the effect more now, and his face is striking. Great job on the scars, eyes, and especially his expression.