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Damar Stiehl

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About this mod

Mighty Magick: Reborn is a complete, from-scratch redesign of the original Mighty Magick, the history of which ended at version 5.25. This mod is intended to provide a balanced yet very exciting experience for those wishing to play Oblivion as a pure or a hybrid spellcaster class. Under the Reborn rules, spellcasters are quite powerful, but they fa

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- All stock spells and spell effects have been overhauled with respect to magnitude, duration and cost. There are no more "useless" magicks that barely produce any effect when you cast them. Regardless of your playstyle, you should have no trouble finding the appropriate "tools of the trade" even before you get to the Spellmaker, and expect them to work very well. Combat spells hit harder; buffs last longer; summoned creatures hang around long enough to get through a few battles.

- Most of your summoned minions will increase in level and power as your character increases in level. The only exception to this rule are lesser corporeal Undead (Zombies and Skeletons), who have a set level.

- Your magicka no longer regenerates dynamically. Instead, most characters will have a very substantial reserve of Magicka (it is normal, for example, for a level 5 Dark Elf born under the sign of the Mage to have around 600-700 Magicka, and for a high-level spellcaster to have 3000+). Restore Magicka potions are far more potent now, and cheaper to buy; there are also several other ways to regain your magicka without sleeping, from absorbing spells to outright consuming your enemies' souls and converting them into raw energy!

- Elemental-damage spells and effects will produce detrimental "side effects" that affect both NPCs and the player. Fire will catch your enemies ablaze and induce pyrophobia, causing your opponents to run in terror and drop their weapons and armor as the searing flames make them too hot to hold or wear. Shock damage will cause uncontrollable spasms and seizures. Frost will temporarily freeze your foes (and you!) solid. This applies to ANY spell that inflicts elemental damage (stock, custom or introduced by another mod), and even to elemental damage inflicted by enchanted items.

- Constant Effect enchantments have been carefully balanced to prevent game-ruining abuse. Most Constant Effect enchantments created with Grand Soul Gems now match the enchantments created with Sigil Stones. However, some CE Enchantments with certain effects like Chameleon or Reflect Spell are far weaker than what you would get by using a Sigil Stone, to prevent the easily achievable 100% immunity to everything or 100% constant invisibility.

- Sigil Stones have been adjusted to provide better variety of effects. Also, now the player will only receive Transcendent-level stones when closing the Oblivion gates. This is an optional module and may be turned off if you prefer to use another mod that changes Sigil Stones.

- Magick requires commitment! If you choose to specialize in Magick, and choose Magick schools as your Primary skills, you will always be a noticeably better spellcaster than someone who specializes otherwise or doesn't pick Magick schools as Major Skills.