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Mod articles

  • Unique Landscapes Section 4: Released Mods

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    Section 4

    :: Released Mods ::

    A regularly updated OMOD-ready, BAIN-ready, NMM-ready archive containing all UL mods is available at Nexus. Thanks to Kerghan for originally creating this, it is now maintained by Vorians.

    Translations into other languages
    French: all the Unique Landscapes mods are available in French. The compilation has been completely translated, and can be found on La Confrérie des Traducteurs.
    German: all the Unique Landscapes mods are available in German from Scharesoft, World of Players and Suzie Q is currently handling the German translations.
    Also, you can find an OMOD-ready, BAIN-ready compilation of all the Unique Landscapes translated into German at Nexu...

  • Unique Landscapes Sections 1 to 3: Information - The Project - Works in Progress

    Welcome to...


    Unique Landscapes (short: UL) is based on the vision of a diversified and beautiful Cyrodiil. Imagine a world where exploring not only means to find new enemies and treasures but to enjoy gorgeous landscapes, a world where every step could lead to a new and unique visual experience. That is the Cyrodiil UL is working on.

    To achieve a goal that huge, the UL project consists of multiple single mods. Each mod modifies a
    part of Cyrodiil, following a single theme. Usually UL mods get developed completely independently from each other. This way each modder has a maximum of freedom to work on his or her vision, so every UL mod gets its own style and contributes to the ...