Addon for The Vicious Heart v 2.0
A Oblivion plugin
For Oblivion
Excuse me for bad english.
Authors: Gizmodian, Visman
Adds 2 swords, 2 daggers and claymore.
Swords buy in gun shops. Roxanne's for example.
4 variants of plugin. Use only one esp.
It's required plugin "The Vicious Heart"
The SoB version requires OBSE v0015++ and file ShieldOnBack.esm
"Addon for Shield on Back v31" v2.4 or high.
In the Left and the LeftBack versions it is forbidden to add enchantment on swords and daggers.
1. Install plugin "The Vicious Heart".
2. Extract this archive in directory ...\Oblivion\Data (file Oblivion.esm is found in this directory).
3. Start Oblivion (OblivionLauncher.exe).
In menu "Files" choose files Gizmodian - Vicious Heart.esp, Gizmodian - Vicious Heart.Left.esp,
Gizmodian - Vicious Heart.LeftBack.esp or Gizmodian - Vicious Heart.SoB.esp (Use only one esp).
Press <ok>.<br><br> 4. Can begin to play.<br>================================================================================<br>Credits:<br><br> Thanks to Gizmodian for the original plugin.<br><br>================================================================================</ok>