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Created by

Farm Fresh

Uploaded by

Farm Fresh

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About this mod

Messages in the form of thoughts instead of third-person or first-person ramblings.

Permissions and credits
TTYM - Think To Yourself Messages

Tired of having that deity apparently watching your character, telling you have no more lockpicks, how you feel when you level up, or you, for no good reason, can't add an item to someone while pickpocketing?

How about the mods that make you sound like a psycho, always screaming out things like "I have no soul gem" or "I'M IN COMBAT!!!"

This mod changes all that.

Think To Yourself Messages is a small file that changes all the immersion-breaking third-person messages into not just first-person messages, but messages that are more descriptive and actually sound like thoughts from your character. Some examples include:

"You cannot place items in a container while pickpocketing" becomes "Adding something will get me caught for sure!"
"You find nothing of use" when harvesting for alchemy becomes "There's nothing useful here."
"You cannot remove quest items from your inventory" becomes "This is too important to drop!"
"This lock cannot be picked. You need the key" becomes "This lock is too complex. I'll need the key."
"You have used a Varla Stone's power to restore your enchanted items' charge, and now it is gone" becomes "I shattered the Varla Stone and used its power to recharge all my magic items."
"You cannot wait while trespassing" becomes "I'm already trespassing. Waiting around here would be a bad idea."

This started out as a mod for myself, but when I realized how badly spelled or ridiculous the other message mods seemed, I decided to polish and post it. I believe I've ironed out all the typos, being so bothered by bad grammar or spelling, but if you find one, please let me know immediately so I can fix it. This is not a complicated file, but it's here for convenience.


Simply unzip the file into your Data folder inside the Oblivion folder. If you used the default install path, this is probably C:Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data. Launch the Oblivion Launcher or OBMM (which I recommend) and make sure Think to Yourself.esp is checked. Now launch the game.

To uninstall, simply delete the Think to Yourself.esp file. That's it.

Comments & Feedback

Questions? Comments? Think you have a better way to give a certain message? Found an error? Even a small typo? Let me know via a Private Message or comment. Your comments are important to me. Don't feel like what you have to say is not important enough.

Finally, nothing of Oblivion is owned by me, nor are my words copyrighted. Feel free to use this file as inspiration for your own, but please don't simply rip it off and claim it as your own. That's just pointless.

P.S. I couldn't help but slip a small line from a song in a very famous movie in one of the messages. I'm curious if anyone will find it.