Uploaded the final version.
- she's standalone now! No Kaleen race needed anymore.
- greatly improved all textures
- added armor
- added weapon
- changed hairstyle
- changed head mesh
This version wasn't tested by anyone except me. So if there are any issues or bugs, please report as quick as possible.
This is the final release of my bluest character, Destara. She will help you as much as she can!
You can find her in the Flowing Bowl (Anvil Bay).
To maker her look like on the picture, I highly recommend you to go to your Oblivion.ini and set FaceGenTexturing to 0. This will disable the aging effect for the face texture.
CM Partners by Blackie
Universal Skeleton by Growlf (or any other compatibility skeleton)
only for v1:
Kaleen race by nouserhere
Extract all files into your data directory and activate "CM Partner Destara.esp"
Go to your Kaleen meshes/textures directory and delete the folder named "Destara"... and delete CM Partner Destara.esp" :D
If there are any bugs, tell me. I'll fix it :P
Thanks for downloading.
Other companions:
Sheela http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38430
Isabell: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38518
Blackie for CM Partners
nouserhere for the Kaleen race. You won't need the race for the newest version, but Destara started as a Kaleen so... thanks!
nao4288 for Womans Move
KURESE for the Dancer armor
Floydian1 for the Dark Adventuress Bow
Growlf/coronerra/deedes for their skeleton work
If you want to redistribute this mod (or parts of it), please contact me first, thank you.