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About this mod

Hi this is one of many mods i\'ve made but the first i\'ve uploaded. It just makes you a ghost at the start and it gives you full immunity to normal weopons. I know there are a few huge errors and if you can fix them can you tell me how and email it to me at [email protected] Also can you maybe upload it here. And the errors are whe

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Hi this is one of many mods i've made but the first i've uploaded.
It just makes you a ghost at the start and it gives you full immunity to normal weopons.

I know there are a few huge errors and if you can fix them can you tell me how and email it to me at [email protected]

Also can you maybe upload it here.

And the errors are when you try to enter a Interior world or try to fast travel you go permenantly invisable so it'd be great if someone could help it'd be great Thanks in advance :)