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Created by

SilentResident - Thomas Kaira

Uploaded by

Thomas Kaira

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About this mod

Now users of Open Cities can experience Unique Castles!

Permissions and credits
Name: ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles for Open Cities
Version: 1.1.6
Date: 04/06/2011
Category: Castles
Requirements: Open Cities Classic OR Open Cities Reborn
Author: Thomas Kaira


French translation available here

WARNING: Translation is out of date.


SilentResident has given his permission for this file to be uploaded.
Arthmoor has given permission for this file to be uploaded.

ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles is an excellent mod by SilentResident that improves the look and feel of the castles in the game. This is accomplished by adding numerous new extensions to the existing castles, as well as many more windows and banners. Unfortunately, users of Open Cities (started by texian and godhugh, now managed by Arthmoor) found that SilentResident's changes were not entirely compatible with their newly opened cities...

...but not anymore!

This mod aims to correct this glaring shortcoming and allow users of Open Cities to finally experience SilentResident's
vision of Unique Castles.

All of the castles in each of the games seven castled cities have been overhauled, providing a brand new, unique look to each one.

In some cases, SilentResident's changes to the castles were not able to be preserved in the Open Cities Reborn version. In such cases, I salvaged what I could and started from scratch, rebuilding the castle how I thought it might look under the new Reborn city layouts. In such cases, I have tried to keep hold of the original vision SilentResident had for the castles, but some artistic liberties had to be taken in such cases.

In short, some castles needed to be re-designed in order to work with Open Cities Reborn. These include Anvil (slight edits), Cheydinhal (moderate edits), and Leyawiin (completely done over).

Open Cities Classic, on the other hand, was very easy. All that needed to be done was reposition a few of the Open Cities flags and, in the case of Anvil and Cheydinhal, move the Unique Castles architecture so that it was positioned correctly.

You need Open Cities Classic or Open Cities Reborn to use these mods. If you don't have them, you are in the wrong place; you want the original version of Unique Castles.

Blood & Mud version requires Blood & Mud.

1. Copy the .esp file to (install folder)\Oblivion\Data\
2. Start OBMM/Wrye Bash, place a checkmark beside the .esp file.
3. Adjust load order as follows:
Open Cities Resources.ESM
Open Cities (Reborn or Classic).ESP
ImpeREAL Empire - Unique Castles - All the Castles - (OCC or OCR).esp

Or use BOSS.

This mod is also pre-packaged for use by Wrye Bash's BAIN installer. If you use BAIN, just select the appropriate sub-package for your version of Open Cities (Classic or Reborn) and the correct ESP will automatically be installed for you.

1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, uncheck the .esp file(s).
3. Delete the .esp file from \Oblivion\Data\

Do not use this with Better Cities (open or closed). Since you already get Unique Castles there, you'd just be wasting a lot of time.

Do not use this with the standalone Unique Castles mod. These plugins replace the originals, and as such should not be used together.

Make sure you choose the right version of Open Cities when installing this, otherwise you'll get the wrong castles.

This mod is incompatible with any version of OCR lower than 0.9. Do not use it with an earlier OCR version.

This mod is incompatible with the old Open Cities mod by texian and godhugh. As Open Cities Classic takes over where it left off, there is no reason for you to use it anymore. This will not be addressed.

Known Issues or Bugs
None that I know of.


2011/01/11 - Version 1.1.6 - Adjusted Castle Bruma's Unique Castle architecture to be in line with OCR 1.1.2's moving of the castle. This mod is no longer compatible with any previous version of OCR.

2011/03/07 - Version 1.1.5 - Repaired CTD caused by this mod when used with OCR 1.0.1

2011/10/04 - Version 1.1.4 - Tweaked B&M plugins to perform the edits more cleanly.

2011/10/04 - Version 1.1.3 - Permanently removed a troublesome NULL Ref from OCR verions, Removed a ring of floating windows in Anvil OCR versions.

2011/09/04 - Version 1.1.2 - Added VWD flags to the city flags so you can see them from far off again, removed a couple floating objects left behind in the Leyawiin OCR versions.

2011/07/04 - Version 1.1.1 - Cleared up a few wild region edits. They are harmless, but nonetheless untidy and unwanted.

2011/07/04 - Version 1.1 - Blood & Mud support added, Castle Bruma tweaked to mirror a recent update to SilentResident's version of the mod.

2011/06/04 - Version 1.0 - Initial release.

You can contact me via PM either on the Nexus or on the Official Oblivion Forums. I am more likely to respond to the latter.
You can also pose any questions you might have in the thread.

Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to DarkOne for providing TESNexus so swiftly after TESSource/TESDB went down, and continuing to improve on it.
Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator this file was based on.
Thanks to Arthmoor for Open Cities, and for destroying Bethesda's cop-out, unneeded console optimization once and for all.
Thanks to SilentResident for the ImpeREAL project, aiming to return the Imperial grandeur to a Cyrodiil that was missing so much of

Tools Used
TES Construction Set -
Readme Generator -
Wrye Bash -
TES4Edit -

Links to Required MODs
Open Cities Classic:
Open Cities Reborn:

Please contact either me or SilentResident for usage permissions. All of my work is considered open-source, so feel free to use it so long as you give credit where credit is due.