About this mod
Thousands of players have laughed, cried, thrilled and despaired as they undertook a perilous journey thousands of years into Tamriel's past, becoming the lone salvation for millions of lives. Do you have what it takes to avert the slavery of all humankind in this award-winning quest?
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- German
- Changelogs
- Donations

From the creator of Anduril Reforged comes a sequel to Knights of the Nine. Umaril has been vanquished and the people of Cyrodiil hail you as the Divine Crusader. But little do they know that Pelinal's relics hold the key to protecting the freedom of all humankind... or enslaving it.
- An epic quest where only YOU can prevent the enslavement of all free humans.
- Upgrade and customise the Crusader's Relics.
- Over a hundred new items.
- 40+ NPCs, 1,500+ lines of dialogue, fully voice acted by a dozen voice actors.
- Original music score by Ronald Van Deurzen.
- Dozens of new followers.
- Massive, functional player home designed specifically for busy adventurers.
- See below for the full features list!

- The Knights of the Nine DLC
- Oblivion Script Extender (OBSE) 0020 or higher
- The Horse Armor Pack DLC is required for the optional horse barding.
- A mannequin mod of your choice. I use Reznod Mannequins.

- Open the Mods tab.
- If the mod is not already be there, click Add Mod from File and point Nexus Mod Manager to the file location.
- Double-click Knights of the Nine Revelation - Knights of the Nine Revelation 1_3_7 Full Install.
- In the Plugins Tab, ensure that Knights – Revelation.esp is loaded AFTER Knights.esp and Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp.
- Place the downloaded archive in your Bash Installers folder.
- Launch Wrye Bash.
- Open the Installers tab.
- Right-click on the downloaded archive and click Install.
- In the Mods tab, ensure that Knights – Revelation.esp is loaded AFTER Knights.esp and Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp.
- Use a utility like 7-Zip or WinRar to extract the files to a temporary location.
- Once extracted, you should have the following files and folders:
- Knights - Revelation.esp
- Knights - Revelation.esm
- Knights - Revelation.bsa
- Knights - Revelation Music (folder)
- DistantLOD (folder) - Copy these five items into your Oblivion/Data folder.
- Use a mod manager such as Oblivion Mod Manager or Wrye Bash to ensure that Knights - Revelation.esp is loaded after Knights.esp.

You can start any time after finishing the Knights of the Nine main quest. To begin, sleep in the master bed in the Priory of the Nine.

RAM Usage - Parts of Knights of the Nine: Revelation are very RAM intensive. It is recommended that you close all other programs and consider using a program like GameBooster to temporarily remove unneeded background processes.
Teleportation and TCL - Many quest updates are triggered by passing through certain areas. Therefore avoid using using teleportation mods to get out of dungeons. Likewise, avoid using tcl in the console to walk through walls.
Worldspace Borders - If you have disabled the borders for worldspaces, it is possible to walk outside the playable area into a seemingly unfinished area.
Tough Bosses - The bosses in this mod are difficult to beat, and will require discovering their weaknesses and formulating a strategy to beat them even at 50% difficulty. Don't be afraid to turn down the difficulty if they are too tough for you.
Quest Markers - Quest markers are only given if your character would realistically know the location of the target.
Double Face Bug - Vanilla Oblivion has a creepy bug where NPCs will have two faces after fast-travelling. To fix this, a copy of troybayliss's Fast Travel Double Face Fix is integrated into this mod. If you wish to disable it, open the console and type Stopquest DoubleFaceFix.
Resurrected Knights - As the eight Original Knights of the Nine are needed for this quest, they will be resurrected if they are dead, and are given an “essential” status.
Loud Speeches - As a workaround for Oblivion's sound volume limitations, certain speeches will remain at full volume regardless of the NPC's distance.
Weapon Turn Undead Shader - The yellow weapon shader for the “Turn Undead” effect will be temporarily disabled while the Mace of the Crusader is equipped.

Knights of the Nine: Revelation was fully cleaned and designed for maximum compatibility. It should conflict with very few mods. It is likely to conflict with mods that make significant changes to Knights of the Nine itself or Tamriel exterior cells (-1,3), (0, 3), (-1,2) or (0, 2) where Sir Gareth's castle is located.
HGEC Based Body Replacers - If you use a HGEC based body replacer, you will find that skin textures are out of alignment for the Ayleid Armour. This is aesthetic only and does not affect gameplay. Nephenee13 has made a conversion that fixes this.
See You Sleep by mmmpld - May cause you to be unable to activate anything after a dream in the first scene. Workaround: type StartQuest P1DsleepFix in the console and then sleep in a different bed in the Priory. This will teleport you back to the master bed, after which the glitch should be resolved. A new version of See You Sleep created by LogicDragon has not been tested yet.
Reneers Guard Overhaul - Reneers Guard Overhaul's regional bounty system may cause a bounty not to be erased after completing a certain quest. It is recommended that you switch off the regional bounty system until the completion of the Knights of the Nine questline.
Greenview Manor - Occupies the same spot as Sir Gareth's Castle. Loading it before Knights - Revelation.esp will result in the manor floating in the castle courtyard but both mods will otherwise be playable. Loading it after Knights - Revelation.esp will bury the entrance to the castle underground, making it impossible to proceed.
High-Res Varla and Welkynd Texture Replacer - If you use the optional mesh replacer, you'll find that a certain "giant crystal" in one of the quests cannot be interacted with. Temporarily disable this replacer to get past that quest.

Patches are regularly released which not only fix bugs and mod conflicts found by the community, but sometimes add new features as well. It is recommended that you keep the mod up-to-date. Installing a patch will not affect your savegame nor will it require a clean save. You can view the changelog to see what was added in recent patches.
- Open the Mods tab.
- (Recommended) Uninstall any previous patches by double-clicking on it.
- If the latest patch is not already in the Mods tab, click Add Mod from File and point Nexus Mod Manager to the file location.
- Double-click Knights of the Nine Revelation - Knights of the Nine Revelation 1_3_7 Patch.
- If a message saying that a different version of Knights of the Nine: Revelation has been detected, click No to install the patch normally. Do not click Yes as this will replace the entire mod with just the patch!
- If prompted to overwrite existing files, click Yes to all.
- In the Plugins tab, ensure that Knights - Revelation.esp is loaded after Knights.esp and Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp.
- Place the downloaded archive in your Bash Installers folder.
- Launch Wrye Bash.
- Open the Installers tab.
- (Recommended) Right-click on any previously installed patches and click Uninstall.
- Right-click on the downloaded patch and click Install.
- In the Mods tab, ensure that Knights - Revelation.esp is loaded after Knights.esp and Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp.
- Use a utility like 7-Zip or WinRar to extract the files to a temporary location.
- Once extracted, you should have the following files and folders:
- Knights - Revelation.esp
- Knights - Revelation.esm
- Knights - Revelation Patch.bsa - Copy these three items into your Oblivion/Data folder, overwriting when prompted.
- Use a mod manager such as Oblivion Mod Manager or Wrye Bash to ensure that Knights - Revelation.esp is loaded after Knights.esp and Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp.

- Open the Mods tab.
- Double-click on the Knights of the Nine: Revelation files to uninstall them.
- (Optional) Highlight any Knights of the Nine: Revelation files and click the red X button to delete it.
- Open the Installers tab.
- Right-click on any installed Knights of the Nine: Revelation packages and click Uninstall.
- Delete the following from your Oblivion/Data folder:
- Knights - Revelation.esp
- Knights - Revelation.esm
- Knights - Revelation.bsa
- Knights - Revelation Patch.bsa (if it exists)
- Knights - Revelation Music (folder) - Delete any files beginning with aaKOTNR in the Oblivion/Data/DistantLOD directory. (Make sure you don't delete anything else though.)
After you have started Knights of the Nine: Revelation, certain items are necessarily changed as part of the mod. If you uninstall the mod halfway through, these changes may not be reverted.
If you wish to revert to vanilla Knights of the Nine, download and install the Knights - Revelation Uninstaller.esp and activate it. On your next game load, it should automatically revert the changes that the mod made. After this, you may delete Knights - Revelation Uninstaller.esp.

Does this mod overwrite the Knights of the Nine DLC? Does it change anything?
This mod is an add-on to Knights of the Nine and does not overwrite anything in your data directory. The original quest line is untouched with one minor exception:
The eight original Knights of the Nine followers are used for a lot of dialogue in KOTN:R so it is necessary for them to be alive. The mod will resurrect them if they are dead, or keep them essential if they are alive.
Do I need to finish Knights of the Nine before installing this mod?
No. If installed beforehand, it will sit there quietly until you finish the Knights of the Nine main quest. Its only effect is that it will prevent your Knights from dying.
Can I play this mod without Knights of the Nine?
No. The game will crash if you try. If you don't already have Knights of the Nine, the best legal ways to obtain it are the Oblivion Game of the Year Edition from Steam (discounts frequently occur) or the boxed set from places like eBay and Amazon. Hopefully Bethesda will remedy the availability of the DLCs soon.
Can I play this mod without OBSE?
No. Many of the quests will not work. A fail-safe at the beginning of the quest-line and every subsequent game load detects your OBSE version and warns you if you don't meet the requirements. You can obtain the latest version of OBSE from http://obse.silverlock.org.
Can evil characters play this mod?
Yes! While the mod is themed around playing a "good" knight, there are numerous benefits for evil characters:
- You'll be able to use the Crusader's Relics regardless of your infamy.
- Your character will still want to complete this quest - for self preservation and also to send a clear message to the bad guy not to mess with your character...
- The biggest quest rewards are alignment-neutral and can be used by anyone.
Can mages, rogues or other non-warrior classes play this mod?
While warriors fit in best thematically, mages and rogues aren't completely left out. You can complete the questline using magic or stealth as you prefer. Some of the quest rewards are incredibly beneficial to mages. The Crusader's Relics's powers can be switched between "stealthy" and "damaging" modes at any time.
Is this mod lore friendly?
This mod takes established Elder Scrolls lore, especially the Song of Pelinal and the Adabal-a, and recreates it as faithfully as possible. All events portrayed in the mod are consistent with what is written in the books.
I have a pirated copy of Oblivion and...
If your copy of Oblivion is pirated, please don't ask for help if the mod isn't working. Cracked versions are notorious for having hidden bugs, practically guaranteeing that mods as complex as this one won't work.
If you wait for a Steam sale, the Oblivion Game of the Year Edition can be obtained for under USD $10. Not only is this incredible value for the hundreds of hours of gameplay that you'll get out of it, you'll know that by buying the game you've done the right thing and you'll be able to post in various forums without risking a ban for piracy.

What should I do at Vanua?
Maybe you have reached a dead end. Head back out and see if further clues present themselves.
Where am I supposed to get a shovel from?
Naomi tells you that she has one propped up next to her door. Shovels are also purchasable from vendors in the Imperial City.
I keep dying after Malenir starts his spell-casting. How do I get past this stage?
You must choose the correct location or you will die. Hint: Early in the questline, you should have completed a certain quest that seemed rather meaningless at the time.
How do I defeat the final boss?
If you are paralysed every time you try to fight the final boss then you are missing a quest item that Naomi wanted to give you. Check your journal carefully!
How do I get the horse?
A few days after you've finished the questline, one of the Knights will approach you saying that they've spotted something in the forest. If you want to start this quest as soon as possible, stay around the barracks where the Knights usually hang out.
How do I customise my armour or change its properties?
After you have purchased all the upgrades for your new home, there will be a book in the Lord's Quarters that will allow you to do this, and other things as well.
What is the Armour of Sotha Sil used for?
When the expansion pack is released, there will be a quest to restore it to full strength.
Where can I find Trueflame and all the pieces of the Armour of Sotha Sil?
Boots - In the water slightly northwest of the statue
Cuirass - In the water slightly southeast of the statue
Gauntlets - On the beach, slightly north of Fanacesecul
Greaves - In the grass against the wall of the northern cylindrical column that houses the spiral stairs to the entrance.
Helm - On the stairs to the entrance of Fanacasecul.
Shield - On the Southeast cylinder, the jetty that juts out to sea.
Trueflame - On the steps leading up from the beach.
Where do I use the Sunhallowed Elven Arrow?
Use the clues at Trumbe to pinpoint the location.
- An Island southeast of the Imperial City
- There's some sort of dragon where you need to go
- You need to be standing on some sort of platform and shoot at the midday sun.
Will a certain NPC return for future adventures?
No comment.

- An epic quest spanning 4000 years where YOU are the only one who can stop the slavery of all humankind.
- Meet characters from Elder Scrolls lore including Pelinal, Umaril, Alessia and Morihaus.
- 40+ NPCs, 1,500+ lines of dialogue, fully voice acted by a dozen voice actors.
- Original music score by Ronald Van Deurzen.
- Many new dungeons and a strange but familiar world...
- No hand-holding - quest markers are only given for known locations.
- Half a dozen mini side quests for when you need a break from saving the world.
- The biggest, most destructive final battle ever seen in a mod!
- Multiple upgrades for your Crusader relics with stronger enchantments and new powers.
- New armour mesh for female Divine Crusaders.
- Customise your Crusader Relics: heavy or light, polished or antique - your choice!
- The Crusader relics now level all the way to level 40 instead of stopping at level 21.
- Use the Crusader Relics regardless of infamy (with a quest related explanation for the sudden change)
- Dozens of of new armour and weapons including full sets for the various factions you'll encounter.
- Huge castle that functions as a player home and headquarters for the Knights of the Nine.
- The Knights of the Nine are expanded from nine members into a small army.
- Individual Knights of the Nine play important roles in the questline and aren't just window dressing.
- The Knights of the Nine all receive equipment upgrades and will repair their own equipment.
- All followers are either essential or re-spawning.
- Summon a squad of soldiers to be at your beck and command.
- Paladin's Warhorse - as the divine Crusader should not be riding Shadowmere. Armoured version available if you have the Horse Armor DLC.
Certain features were created, but were disabled for performance or realism reasons. But once you've finished the main quest, you can re-enable them if you want to!
- Revisit areas that are no longer accessible.
- Re-customise your your Crusader Relics if you change your mind about their appearance or weight.
- Roll-back (and roll-forward) upgrades to the Crusader Relics.
- An extension to your new home.
- Summon up to 72(!) followers at once! (Note: I'm not responsible for lagging out your game or causing crashes if you do this!)
- From the maker of Anduril Reforged.
- Fully compatible with the Unofficial Mods Patch
- Fully compatible with most other mods
- 100% clean. Designed for maximum compatibility and cleaned using TES4Edit to reduce crashes and prevent conflicts and save-game corruption.

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