
Proposal for new mod or DLC (4 comments)

  1. VladaV90
    • member
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    If you have a program for creating fashion and if you can with these mods for oblivion that already exist
    Curse of Hircine - Resurrected http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/35118/?
    [UPD] The Grand Vampire Experience mod http: / / www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2686/?
    Darker Vampirism http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/2883/?
    Lithians Nature Of The Beast Mod Beta http://www.nexusmods .com/oblivion/mods/20119 /?
    Spreading Vampirismhttp://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/17338/?
    Vampire Aesthetics http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/16668/?
    Vampire Clan http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/7671/?
    Portable Coffin
    to connect to the one you mod for oblivion. Then we could create something and from that I suggested the novelty of the new mod. Only if you can fit one of these previous modes.
    1. forli
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      For now I want to fix bugs and make the mod user-friendly.
      When everything is fine, I will add some features before start working on VR part 2.

      Aesthetic is not the VR scope. Of course, I can try to do something about it, but it will be an optional plugin, independent from VR.
  2. VladaV90
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    We could make a mod or DLC with clans of vampires and their powers and werewolf alpha beta and omega and their abilities as these sites


    Types of vampires

    1. Blood vampires - Those who feed on blood. They are commonly referred to as "sangs," "sanguinarians," "sanguines," "blood vamps" and they usually have regular donors from whom they feed. Rarely, they feed on animal blood. They ingest blood for the energies found within.
    2. Energy vampires - (generally referred to as “psychic vampires") are those vampires who feed on energy directly. They sense and manipulate energy, pulling it into them in order to refill themselves.

    That last category can be split into three other categories, in accordance with the specific types of energy the vampires feed on:
    1. Sexual Energy vampires - These individuals feed on energy produced during sex, or produced by any other sexual activity or influence. They are often referred to as "pranic" vampires.
    2. Elemental Energy vampires - These individuals feed on energy from nature and elements (such as the earth, thunderstorms, the moon, etc.). They are commonly referred to as "elemental vampires."
    3. Empathic vampires - These vampires claim to feed on emotions. Emotions are textures, patterns, flavors of energy.

    Vampires' powers / abilities

    1. Ability to multiply by contamination - vampires give blood to contaminate souls and spread evil and turns ordinary people into vampires as his companion.
    2. Life time - vampires don’t age or die from the passing of time, but they seem to get older when a long period of time passes without feeding themselves. But they can get young again using a blood supply. It also should be saind that most of the vampire's powers increase with age and experience.
    3. Invulnerability - vampires are immune to most a diseases and invincible to mortal weapons, but they became vulnerable when move around during the day or when they rest in the coffins.
    4. Strength - the vampire's physical strength greatly exceeds that of mortals (it is said that they are at least 20 times stronger).
    5. Shape-shifting - vampires have the ability to control several animals such as the wolf, the rat, the fox, the owl, the bat and the moth and they are also capable taking the form of a wolf or a bat and possibly any of the other animals subject to his command. Vampires can also transform themselves into a mist or dust cloud drifting in the air, they can modify their sizes in certain limits, becoming either larger or smaller, and they can climb walls (normally, like a large insect with his head toward the ground much like a spider). Dracula favors "walking" by floating on a runic circle that lets him move very slowly. He has been known to turn into:

    Bat: He turns into many Bats and is his favored offensive transformations. It is called Bat Moon once and allows Dracula to slam all his bats at an enemy to kill them.

    Wolf: For stealth or land based attacks, Dracula turns into a wolf and has the speed and power to match or even overpower a werewolf.

    Mist: Dracula turns into a mist and evades detection. He sometimes favors turning into poison mist when he does so.

    6. Alliance with the devil - the vampires’ abilities to command some form of magical or monstrous beings (demons, zombies, etc.) are considered to be the proof of vampires’ connection with the demons.
    7. Hypnotic mind control - the vampire may exert his will over the will of his victim (that explains why the victims often have no memory of being attacked). and hypnosis can force people to be their guards while they sleep in a coffin or to use them for food.

    Vampires' Weaknesses

    1. Day light - vampires are obliged to sleep (actually, they rest in their coffin in a trance that keeps them aware of things happening around) during the day and to rest upon a protective layer of hallowed ground from its native land.
    2. Light is destructive - during the day light, vampires lose their supernatural powers, becoming only human, that’s why mortal weapons may harm them.
    3. Religious symbols - such as the Wooden stake, Silver, Cross,Garlic, the Holy Water and other symbols of the Church are considered to be powerful weapons against vampires, werewolves, witches, etc. (it has to be mentioned that only faithful persons are able to use those symbols succesufully).
    4. When you kill a vampire he turns into ashes and left him only a skeleton.
    5. Invitation - vampires may not enter a home unless they are freely invited in by one of the residents. Once invited, he may come and go at will.

    A vampire clans are:
    1. Clan Assamite
    2. Clan Brujah
    3. Clan Followers of Set
    4. Clan Gangrel
    5. Clan Giovanni
    6. Clan Lasombra
    7. Clan Malkavian
    8. Clan Nosferatu
    9. Clan Ravnos
    10. Clan Toreador
    11. Clan Tremere
    12. Clan Tzimisce
    13. Clan Ventrue

    Alphas Werewolf

    Alpha werewolves are created through being cursed, born a werewolf or by spell or bite. Alpha werewolves turn into wolf-like creatures at the night of the full moon and when they feel threatend. They have the ability to create betas through bites. Betas can also become Alpha werewolves, by killing his/her own Alpha wolf, who overtime become experienced enough and strong enough. Alphas don't necessasrily need a pack but in order to be strong they need a pack. Or can form a Alpha pack, just made of Alpha's. The Alpha wolf is one of the two head wolves that run the pack and most of the time are the only wolves in the pack aloud to breed. Alpha werewolf is the name given to those who have been given the power of shape shifting through the use of ointments or charms or born to a werewolf (heredity). Passed on from generation to generation, and sometimes skipping one, the hereditary form manifests itself after the person reaches puberty. When using magic, it is quite possible for the creature to perform amazing feats of strength and even call on surnatural and psychic powers. For those who have acquired the "curse" through their own will, by entering into a pact with the Devil himself, the change can be done at will and even in the absence of a full moon. It is said that humans who enter into this pact do so out of desperation and often, in an effort to seek revenge for the death of a loved one.

    Beta Werewolves

    Beta werewolves are people who are bitten by alpha werewolves. Beta werewolf transformations are not as strong as Alpha werewolf transformations and tend to grow slight amounts of hair with elongated nails and teeth. Beta werewolves depend on the alpha werewolf they are under can be forced to transform against their will. A beta werewolf can be turned into a alpha if they kill the alpha, or if they aretrue of soul. Those who have been cursed or bitten by another creature are called Beta werewolves. They have little or no control over their changes from Man to Wolf and Wolf to Man, and are subject to phases of the Moon. Some legends suggest that Betas have no free will at all, but most suggest that they are just spiritually bound in servitude to the Alpha. Also, Betas are made to mate with the male or female Alpha. The relationship between Alpha and Beta werewolves is a complex one. Once a subject is bitten by a werewolf, his or her life and death are doomed to the werewolf curse. The victim does, however, have some hope - as long as they themselves do not taste of human blood, the curse is reversible. If the Alpha werewolf is killed - through some action of the Beta - the Beta's curse is broken. It is important to note that whether the Beta werewolf was bitten by the Alpha werewolf himself or by another Beta, it is the Alpha who must be destroyed - the source of the original tainted blood. It is also an interesting note that since Betas and Alphas share common blood, an Alpha cannot physically harm a Beta of his own bloodline by his own hans without inflicting the same injury upon himself. However, if a Beta is harmed or killed by another, it does not affect the Alpha.

    Omega Werewolves

    Omega Werewolves are always alone since they either got kicked out of the pack by the leader, the Alpha, or they chose to travel alone. Since they have no pack, they were easily killed by hunters. They would usually be called 'The lone wolf'. As lone wolves, omegas tend to be weaker than alphas and betas however in certain cases omegas can be stronger than an alpha. Omegas can also start their own packs. And when they were in a pack they were the last to get stuff as in food shelter and as they where mostly treated badly by betas and alphas.
    I'onna Pitts
    Some omega werewolves can have a pack but they are still the weakest and most can't transform , the only thing that changes is the color of their eyes,and their teeth and nails sharpen. Omega Werewolves are those created in the same fashion as the Beta, but were cursed by a Beta and not the Alpha himself. The Omega Werewolves are considered as the lowest level in a pack.


    And yet in the game he can become a hybrid of vampire and werewolf and you can creating a hybrid companion and be stronger than alpha werewolves and vampires that can go per day and turns into a werewolf at will.
    1. forli
      • premium
      • 86 kudos
      Thanks for the suggestions. I will list, one by one, all my thoughts about these features:

      Blood vampires and Energy vampires: while I would like to add an alternative feed source, I thinks "energy" it's not what vampires want. Also I don't know how to give them any sexual or empathic energy source. I think vampires only need blood, but maybe they need dark too...

      - In some next release I plan to add the ability to infect other NPC and turn them into thralls or lieutenants.
      - Age: As in vanilla Oblivion, nobody get old, and in VR there's already an age and level system which increase your stats and powers.
      - Invulnerability: I cannot add this, as it will seriously unbalance the game, making either you or NPC vampires near indestructible, and with the Oblivion AI no human will be able to beat a vampire, even if you give them all stats and anti-vampire weapons, armors, poisons, etc...
      - Strength: as above it's a balance problem, but vampires already get a boost in all their stats, including strength.
      - Shape-shifting: this is something I always thinked about, but changing the character appearance and animations in Oblivion is a little unstable and create many bugs.
      - Alliance with the devil is something I will add in VR part 2, if you join a specific vampire clan.
      - Hypnotic mind control: actually VR has the "Cold seduction" power which make the NPC follow you and fight for you, but it's effect is temporary and won't surely last for so much time. I will think about this...

      - Sleeping is something I would like to add in next releases. Just wait some weeks, since I'm currently doing some exams...
      - Sunlight weakness is already in VR, but it doesn't remove all your powers. It just make them weaker before it kills you!
      - Religious symbols. Honestly: I really don't know how to add a similar feature!
      - Vampire turn to ashes: it's the main feature for the next release!
      - Invitation: all vampires I ever heard can enter somebody's house and bite without invitation!

      Clans will added in VR part 2. I could use these names but, among all those clans, only 3-4 will be playable and will have quests. All other clans will simply add variety to the vampires world.

      It could be a nice addition but not in this mod! This is "Vampire Revolution"!
      Sorry, but altering the vampires system was a hard work (And vampires ALREADY EXISTS in Oblivion!!).
      Adding a totally new system for the Werewolfs could take many years at my speed and skills!
      Try to understand my position: I have no team, I'm a lone modder!