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Name: Children of Cyrodiil
Version: 1.0
Date: 2015-02-28

Category: NPCs, Immersion

Requirements: Oblivion

Author: Emma, with lots of much appreciataed help from those mentioned in the Credits section

Contact e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]




Something has always been missing in Cyrodiil. Where have all the children gone?
Well, now they are back!

Approx 90 children of various races and ages are roaming the streets of Cyrodiil towns, several babies are sleeping in their cradles, and you will also find that a new generation is on its way, as some female npcs actually are pregnant.

All the children are fully voiced (around 1300 voice entries), fully scheduled and living with their own families. Many of them have siblings, best friends, hobbies, pets, horses, chores to do over the day etc. In other words, each one of them is unique, which you will find if you spend some time looking at their behaviour, talking to them or listening to them talking to each other or to other npcs.

You'll find the children in or outside the towns during daytime, playing on the streets, in the parks or maybe at one of the playgrounds. In the evenings and nights, they'll be home with their parents.

You can interact with the children, talk to them, ask them about their thoughts, play games with them or offer them simple gifts that you can buy in many of the stores.

You can not harm them, and you are not supposed to. As Cyrodiil is a dangerous world, all kids have their own amulet of instant teleporting that they will use if you injure them.


Majamikol - girl voice

SirCharleyTheKhajiit - boy voice (recordings originally from Children of Morrowind mod, used with permission)

Koutetsu - the "school uniform" (provided by Princess Stomper's resource package, see below), which has been the base for so many children outfits, as well as additional permission to use other of his children related meshes and outfits.

Lycanthrops: Baby in cradle-model, children-adapted meshes of vanilla outfits, girl dresses, swingsets, rockinghorses, balls, ponies (from Rideable packponies-mod by Lycanthrops and me), adaption of toys and teddybears so that they can be carried.

Uumpa - animations used by the kids (from Uumpa's animation packs).

RamyEnfant - animation from Ramys Enfant companion mod.
special note:
"Ramy's Enfant"
"These animations are established and developed by the Japanese Modding Community"

Enayla - new face textures used by orc and elf children (from Enayla's New Face Textures mod)

LogInToDownload - skirts from his Comfortable clothing mod.

Kaizit (Stesha) - carryable doll

Russader - pregnancy robe (HGEC Weighted Pregnant Dress)

Ren - hairs and eyes from Mystic Elf mod

Nequam - eyes from "Elaborate Eyes"

IDKRRR - hairs from the Corean mod

AlienSlof - new textures for the dogs

Seyheb, Sniffles, Striker879, Chambcra, Sylar/Marek, OldRPGDaddy, Firespark, Saebel - testing, trouble-shooting, valuable suggestions.

Princess Stomper with friends for the resources collected in the Children of Oblivion Resources mod, as follows:
- books by Princess Stomper, originally used in Children of Morrowind (see further notes below)
- short story by Michael Kirkbride
- custom artwork for the books
- school uniforms by Koutetsu
- Wooden toys by MicTheMage
- Bear resource by Xiamara
- Wooden sword and shield by Pekka
See readme for further notes!


Simply put the esp and the bsa in your Oblivion Data folder. Don't forget to activate the esp!


- The main home of this mod is on my web-site, If you have received this mod from any other source it may not be the latest version!!
- Please do not upload any versions, current or altered, of this mod anywhere without our knowledge and agreement.
- Please do not include this mod in any compilation without our knowledge and agreement!
- Please do not re-use the children voices anywhere without my specific agreement.
- Should something happen so that the mod is no longer available on the net, please try and contact me. I do not wish this mod to be uploaded anywhere, not even in its current state, without my specific agreement! I specifically request that you respect this.

- Emma


e-mail: [email protected], [email protected]
Emma's forum with hints- and spoilers- section: