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About this mod

Adds Renrijra Krin bandits and camps to the Blackwood

Permissions and credits
Welcome to the seventh installment of my Oblivion Immersion Series.  One of the most interesting parts about Oblivion, I thought, was the presence of the
revolutionary Renrijra Krin movement in the Blackwood.  It was always something of a let-down for me that it never had any measurable presence in the actual game.  It has to be the most invisible insurrectionist/secession movement of all time. Well not anymore!  This mod incorporates a number of features:

- Renrijra Krin enemies have been added to the leveled lists of the roads and wilderness of the Blackwood, which behave the same as bandits.

- Five Renrijra Krin camps have been added to the Blackwood, which function much like bandit camps.

- Moon sugar and more skooma have been added, being obtainable from the bodies of Renrijra Krin members and in their camps. It was always strange to me how moon sugar and skooma are supposed to be a big deal in the Empire, and yet have no real presence in the vanilla game.  The alchemy properties of moon sugar are a mixture of its properties in Skyrim and Morrowind.  Moon sugar and skooma have not been added to any merchants’ stocks, to reflect its illicit nature. 

- Optionally, Khajiit weaponry has been added as possible weapons for Renrijra Krin members and as loot in their camps.  Khajiit weaponry quality varies from silver to elven in terms of damage.  Low level characters beware—this weaponry may hit hard and make RK members unassailable. The added weaponry found in the Roving Renrijra Krin file, and excluded from the Roving Renrijra Krin vanilla file.

The main files contains two esps to choose from.  Roving Renrijra Krin contains the optional Khajiit weaponry.  Roving Renrijra Krin vanilla only makes use of vanilla weaponry.  Pick the file of your choice.


Oblivion Version 1.2.0416

Installation Instructions

Copy contents into your Oblivion data folder

Uninstallation Instructions

Delete the added contents


The two Roving Renrijra Krin esps in the main file are mutually incompatible, so use only one. This mod is not compatible with any mod that alters the leveled lists for bandits in the Blackwood region, so create a Bash patch to ensure compatibility.  Further, RRK - Skooma Parapheralia will be incompatible with any mod that significantly changes the interiors of vanilla houses, as that may effect item placement for the added substances.

This mod is incompatible with Settlements of Cyrodiil: Legion Outposts due to both mods placing settlements side by side.  A compatible version of RRK has been produced to compensate, see the optional files section for more.

Optional Files

RRK - Skooma Paraphernalia adds moon sugar, skooma, and pipes to many Khajiit homes throughout Cyrodiil.  This file is dependent on and compatible with either the regular or vanilla RRK file, so install the optional file after the main file.  All of the added moon sugar and skooma is flagged as owned, so taking it will qualify as stealing. 

RRK-SOC Legion Outposts is an alternative version that moves the offending camp to a new location, so to prevent the files from clashing.  Nothing else has been changed, and comes with both the vanilla and regular variations.  As with the main version, use only one of the esp files and
use this version only if you are running SOC: Legion Outposts.

Known Issues

None at the moment


Feel free to come to me with questions or issues and I will help as best as I can.  That said, please bear in mind that I am a novice modder and may not be able to offer much in the way of assistance.

Things I Will Not Do

I do not take requests.  Sorry, I don't.  I am a casual modder who does not have the time or skill for additional projects.  I do not want to generate disappointment by promising something that I may fail to deliver.

I don't make resources; I only use them.

Thanks to:

Bethesda Softworks
The makers of these wonderful resources
The Imperial Library
TES Nexus
LHammonds - Readme Generator

Meshes and textures provided from:

McMuffin - Skooma Pipe resource
Walx - RealSwords Bosmer, RealSwords Redguard, RealSwords Dunmer, RealSwords Breton


I am making this mod open to revision by the public.  If you have any ideas of how to expand or improve upon this mod, then go ahead.  No permission needed.  All I ask is that you give credit to me and to the creators of these resources.  In keeping with Waalx's wishes, the weapons in this mod may not be converted to other games.  This mod and its contents may not be used or distributed commercially.

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