File information
Created by
DavidJCobb HeroinZero MajorJim aitch-zed NepsyNepUploaded by
NepsyNepVirus scan
About this mod
A Version of Major Jims Ui Updated editied to work with full gamepad support from Northern Ui Vanilla style (Use this if you want to use MajorJim's UI with a Controller)
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Simply allows you to use the amazing MajorJims Ui overhaul along with NorthernUi's Gamepad support
Links to Original Mods:
MajorJims UI Updated
All Credit to the amazing work from these guys!
All i did was go through all the XMl's and fix issues with MajorJims UI and its controller support
How to:
Install Northern Ui Away (Vanilla Style) First
Then Download and install this Afterwards
Includes everything needed to function
Note: Screenshots have other mods installed/shows such as:
NorthernUi Playstation Icons
MiniMap Reborn
Dynamic Map
Known Issues:
Not many but il list what ive noticed here
1: Xbox button graphics on containers are slightly offset from where they should be aswell as not all are using Major Jims font
2: World map sometimes wont let you click on a area to fast travel (Fix is to close and open menu again or use your mouse to hover over a location witch should restore gamepads curser ability to select locations (unsure why this happens atm but is infrequent)
3: any other issues i haven't coma across
Your more then welcome to edit as long as you credit authors
I'm not best at xml edition but did my best to make them work together.