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About this mod
This mod adds a custom voiced standalone follower named Marcus the Knight to The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion.
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Version: 1.1
Date: 5/26/2023
Category: Companions
Author: ElderScrollsFan001
Oblivion 1.2.416
DLC - Knights of the Nine
This mod adds a custom voiced standalone follower named Marcus the Knight to The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion.
This mod adds a custom voiced standalone follower named Marcus the Knight to The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion.
He based on a follower mod for The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim also called Marcus the Knight - Custom-Voiced Standalone Follower by Dama Karmelowa.
The voice come from The Custom Voice Resource - CVR- Charming - Male Voice Type voiced by Christian Gaughf.
He can be found in the Chapel of Mara in Bravil.
I see his this Marcus as the Skyrim version great-grand father.
Marcus the Knight is a standalone follower I'm was woring on based on the a frame work the came from a follower named Diana Manks.
I download her from Planet Elderscrolls from days long-ago.
You might find her on Game Front as I once found her there before Game Front got upgraded.
Diana Manks is was also based Ariana Trudeaux so Marcus the Knight is also based on Ariana Trudeaux.
I improved the frame work quite a bit, One thing I could not do was was voice rumors and such.
You will hear the imperial male voice every once in awhile in rumors and such.
Which in this case was ok as the Charming - Male Voice didn't have much dialogue I could use for Oblivion any way.
I merged Reznod's Easy Companion Share with the bug fix from companion fixesp which fixed and stops the save game
bloating bug that Reznod's Easy Companion Share had.
Also being a standalone follower any compatiblity issues with other followers like Ariana Trudeaux where removed.
I've never had any issues with the character and Oblivion Gates, but with any followers I recommend
using Companion Returns from Oblivion or OB Gate Partner Bug Fix.
He has three dialogue branches which will determain how well he likes you when you recute him as well a some extra topics
to improves his disposition.
He can follow and sneak.
He has a horse he can ride when asked to.
He has a journal that can be found in the Priory of the Nine.
The horse can be called to him when asked to ride or in sepeate dialogue.
When asked to follow on foot he will equip his armor and the horse is sent away/disabled.
When he joins your quest you get a Ring of Calling which when equiped will bring him to the player.
He won't take to kindly to your character stealing especially from the Chapels, Knights of the Nine, and the Fighter Guilds. If you going to do something shady you might get way with once, but it might be best to leave him behind.
You can exchange his equipment in his inventory. He has custom armor which has steel stats. He will level with the player.
1.a Just adds a script I forgot to add to the the horse that prevents the player from accedently steeling it.
1.1 adds a custom bed roll for Ysolda in Bravil Chapel Great Hall and updates Marcus' dialog topic "Follow me, but go casual" so that he will
change into clothes. I suddenly realized I could use the same script that he uses to equip armor to equip clothes with the right AI package.
Manual Install
1. Extract this archive to any folder and then copy the contents to Oblivion's Data folder.
2. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the Marcus the Knight - Custom-Voiced Standalone Follower.esp file(s).
OBMM Install
Installing the Mod
1. Extract the archive to any other folder.
2. Copy the extracted archive to [Install Path]\Oblivion\OBMM\Mods\
3. Start Oblivion Mod Manager
4. Click the Create button
5. Click the Add Archive button, navigate to the archive and select it, then click the Yes button.
6. Click the Create OMOD button, wait until it finishes, then click the Ok button
Activating the Mod
1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager
2. Double-click the name of the mod in the right-hand side of the OBMM screen, once installed the mod icon will turn blue
BAIN Install
1. Copy the entire archive into your Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers folder.
2. In Wrye Bash Installers tab, highlight the new archive.
3. Check any sub-folders, ESP/ESM's as required.
4. Right click the archive name and Install.
5. In Wrye Bash Mods tab, check the ESP/ESM's and rebuild Bashed patch. (Also recommeneded to run BOSS first).
Manual Un-Install
1. Start Oblivion Launcher, click Data Files, and enable the Marcus the Knight - Custom-Voiced Standalone Follower.esp file(s).
2. Delete the files/folders associated with the mod.
OBMM Un-Install
1. Start Oblivion Mod Manager
2. Double click the mod to deactivate it, once finished the icon will turn green
BAIN Un-Install
1. In Wrye Bash Mods tab, deselect the ESP/ESM's associated with this mod.
2. In Wrye Bash Installers tab, right click on the archive name and Uninstall.
3. Rebuild Bashed patch.
None that I know of
Known Issues:
Once when I tried to use Marcus' Ring of Calling in the priory basement after being transported to there at the end of the quest Umaril the Unfeathered. It repeatedly caused CTDs.
I'm not sure why it might be a mod conflict. I recommend waiting after the speech by Sir Thedret to his fellow knights before using Marcus' Ring of Calling if you take him along when raiding Garlas Malatar.
Thanks to InsanitySorrow for his ReadMe Generator this file is based on.
Thanks to Bethesda for creating Oblivion.
Thanks to Marcus the Knight - Custom-Voiced Standalone Follower by Dama Karmelowa
Thanks to Custom Voice Resource - CVR by Kikiapplus
Thanks to Custom Voice Resource - CVR - Charming - Male Voice Type voiced by Christian Gaughf.
Thanks to Wingless Crusader Helmet by Turelek
Thanks to Ariana Trudeaux by Blocky
Thanks to Diana Manks
Version: 1.1 by Eamico
Thanks to Reznod's Easy Companion Share
Thanks to companion fixesp by AndyW
Thanks to BetSoba's FaceGen Files by BetSoba
Thnaks to facegen Files Debashish/lipun12ka4
Thanks to Nollemasters Crusader Gear by Nollemaster
Tools Used:
Insanity's ReadMe Generator
Elderscrolls Construction Set
Construction Set Extender
FaceGen to Oblivion Converter
You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of this mod.