About this mod
Modifies Race Relations to make lore and racism have more of an effect on the game.
Balances each race/gender and their abilities according to lore and in-game descriptions.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations

I Can't Believe It's Not Vanilla!
⭐ Balances the Relations, Stats, Skills, and Abilities of each race/gender according to lore and in-game descriptions.
ALL relevant lore taking place before the events of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion that I could find,
spanning the entirety of the series, has been taken into consideration.
Lore and racism have more of an effect on the game now.
⭐ The strengths and weaknesses of each race and gender combo have been accentuated,
making every race and gender combo feel more unique and fun from the start!
⭐ Some Starting Abilities have been altered for a more hardcore, rewarding and lore-friendly experience.

Click on the "Spoiler" buttons below each character description to learn more.
╔════════════╝ * Additions to Vanilla signified by this color ╚═══════════╗
║ * Changes to Vanilla signified by this color and/or "→" symbol followed by bold text ║
╚═══════════╗ * Removals from Vanilla signified by this color ╔══════════╝
Vanilla Race Stats

My Race Stats

Natives of the civilized, cosmopolitan province of Cyrodiil, they have proved to be shrewd diplomats and traders.
They are skilled with heavy armor and in the social skills and tend to favor the warrior classes.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Imperial +5 (subconscious bias)
Breton +5 (lore; long-term allies; similar cultures)
Redguard -5 (Redguards deemed Imperials ineffective since 2E 862, especially since 3E 249; lore)
Dark Elf -10 (Dark Elves are prejudiced against many races)
High Elf -10 (High Elves are prejudiced against many races)
Khajiit -10 (border disputes with Empire; territory annexation by Empire)

Voice of the Emperor
Charm 30 pts for 30 secs on Target → Charm 30 pts for 60 secs on non-creature Target
*You can no longer use Voice of the Emperor to Charm Creatures; nothing will happen as they can't understand you.
Star of the West
Absorb Fatigue 100 pts on Touch → Restore Fatigue 100 pts on Self
Imperials naturally having the ability to Absorb a target's Fatigue once a day does not fit my vision for this mod.
A cryptic Power, not much is known about it.
Imperials could be considered the heart of Tamriel, which dominates the Western Hemisphere of Nirn. They're reminiscent of Ancient Romans and Greeks, and Athens is considered the 'birthplace' of the West. With their emphasis on Gladiatorial and Olympic spectacles this power reminds me of a lesser version of the Redguard 'Adrenaline Rush' Ability - granting the Imperial an immediate restoration of Fatigue.
Note from an Imperial Scholar:
This Power is thought to be connected to the Amulet of Kings in some form. However why specifically it has “West” in the name is a topic of debate. The "West" part of the name could possibly be explained by the Heart of Lorkhan’s Journey, in which it was shot from the Adamantite Tower (High Rock) to where it landed in Red Mountain (Morrowind). The Heart of Lorkhan is often referred to as a Star. The Amulet of Kings was formed from a droplet of Lorkhan’s Heart in an Ayleid well, thus the “Star of the West” as it’s from the Star that came from the West. It is said that should the Amulet of Kings be destroyed, this power will be diminished from the Imperial Spirit.
Fun Fact: In TESV: Skyrim, no Imperial has this ability anymore, likely due to the destruction of the Amulet of Kings in TESIV: Oblivion. (?)

Blade +5
Block +5 (historic usage of Romanesque Imperial Shields)
Blunt +5
Hand to Hand +5
Heavy Armor +10
Mercantile +10
Speechcraft +10


Strength: 40
Intelligence: 40
Willpower: 30
Agility: 30
Speed: 40 → 35
Endurance: 40
Personality: 50 → 55
Luck: 50

Strength: 40 → 35
Intelligence: 40
Willpower: 40 → 35
Agility: 30 → 35
Speed: 30 → 35
Endurance: 40 → 35
Personality: 50 → 55
Luck: 50

Hailing from the province of Elsweyr, they are cunning, quick, and agile.
They make excellent thieves due to their natural agility and unmatched acrobatics skill.
All Khajiit can see in the dark.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Khajiit +5 → Khajiit +10
Breton -5 (dislikes/distrusts Khajiit mischief)
Nord -5 (Prejudice; dislikes/distrusts Khajiit mischief)
Redguard -5 (dislikes/distrusts Khajiit mischief)
Argonian -10 (mutual distrust/dislike)
Imperial -10 (dislikes/distrusts Khajiit mischief; Renrijra Krin)
Orc -10 (Orcs don't get along with many races)
Dark Elf -15 (Dark Elves are prejudiced against many races, especially "beast races")
High Elf -15 (High Elves are prejudiced against many races, especially "beast races")
Wood Elf -20 (Five Years War; War of the Blue Divide)

Eye of Fear
Demoralize 100 pts for 30 secs on Target
*Unchanged from Vanilla.
Eye of Night → Eye of the Night
Night-Eye 30 secs on Self
*Renamed for grammatical consistency. Otherwise unchanged from Vanilla.
Recommended: Khajiit Night-Eye Spell

Athletics +5
Blade +5
Hand to Hand +10
Acrobatics +10
Light Armor +5
Mercantile +5 (Bribery; Smuggling - "Khajiit has wares, if you have coin")
Security +5
Sneak +5 → +10


Strength: 40
Intelligence: 40 → 30
Willpower: 30
Agility: 50
Speed: 40 → 50
Endurance: 30
Personality: 40
Luck: 50

Strength: 30
Intelligence: 40 → 30
Willpower: 30
Agility: 50
Speed: 40 → 55
Endurance: 40 → 35
Personality: 40
Luck: 50

Citizens of Skyrim, they are a tall and fair-haired people.
Strong and hardy, Nords are famous for their resistance to cold.
They are highly talented warriors.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Nord +5 → +10
Redguard -5 (War of the Bend'r-mahk)
Orc -10 (mutual dislike; history of land disputes/battles)
High Elf -10 (High Elves are prejudiced against many races)
Dark Elf -15 (much lore)

Nord Frost Immunity → Nord Frost Resistance
Permanent 50% Frost Resistance
*Renamed because Nords aren't completely immune to frost, just highly resistant. Otherwise unchanged from Vanilla.
Shield 30% for 60 secs on Self → Permanent 10% Shield (always active; no longer cast)
*Nords should not have to activate/cast a spell/power to apply their natural-born hardiness.
That's why I changed it to be a permanent defense buff and made it less powerful.
Nordic Frost
Nord Power: 0 Magicka - Frost dmg 50 pts on Touch → Spell: 110 Magicka - Frost dmg 50 pts on Touch
*Nords no longer start the game with this ability because Nords aren't magically inclined and Nordic Frost is overpowered.
Now any character can learn this spell, BUT:
You have to learn it from a spell tome, of which there is only one on the map -
hidden (?) in a secluded area in the Jerall Mountains along the border of Skyrim.

Armorer +5 → +8
Blade +10 → +6
Block +5 → +6
Blunt +10 → +8
Hand to Hand +6 (Barbarian / Viking-like)
Heavy Armor +10
Light Armor +6 (skilled in light armors as seen in Skyrim)
Restoration +5 (Nords are not magically inclined)


Strength: 50
Intelligence: 30
Willpower: 30 → 40
Agility: 40 → 35
Speed: 40 → 35
Endurance: 50
Personality: 30
Luck: 50

Strength: 50 → 45
Intelligence: 30
Willpower: 40
Agility: 40
Speed: 40
Endurance: 40 → 45
Personality: 30
Luck: 50

The people of the Wrothgarian and Dragontail Mountains, Orcish armorers are prized for their craftsmanship.
Orc troops in heavy armor are among the finest in the Empire, and are fearsome when using their berserker rage.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Orc +5 (Orcs now have kinship for each other in the land of Cyrodiil)
Imperial -5
Wood Elf -5
Argonian -5 → -10
Khajiit -5 → -10
Nord -5 → -10 (mutual dislike; history of battles; Yashnag's Chiefdom vs. Western Skyrim)
Dark Elf -5 → -12 (more prejudiced than average as Orcs are considered beast or half-beast)
High Elf -5 → -12 (more prejudiced than average as Orcs are considered beast or half-beast)
Breton -5 → -20 (much lore; sacking Orsinium)
Redguard -5 → -20 (much lore; sacking Orsinium)

Orc Magic Resistance
Permanent 25% Magic Resistance
*Unchanged from Vanilla.
For 60 seconds...
Fortify Health 20 pts
Fortify Fatigue 200 pts
Fortify Strength 50 pts
Drain Agility 100 pts → 50 pts
Drain Personality 100 pts

Armorer +10
Block +10
Blunt +10
Hand to Hand +5
Heavy Armor +10
Light Armor +5 (History of tribal leather / fur clothing)


Strength: 45 → 55
Intelligence: 30 → 24
Willpower: 50 → 54
Agility: 35 → 28
Speed: 30 → 28
Endurance: 50 → 55
Personality: 30 → 26
Luck: 50

Strength: 45
Intelligence: 40 → 28
Willpower: 45 → 52
Agility: 35 → 33
Speed: 30 → 33
Endurance: 50 → 55
Personality: 25 → 24
Luck: 50

The most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel.
In addition to their cultural affinities for many weapon and armor styles,
they also have a hardy constitution and a natural resistance to disease and poison.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Redguard +5 → +10
Breton -5
Imperial -5
Nord -5 (War of the Bend'r-mahk)
Dark Elf -10 (Dark Elves are prejudiced against many races)
High Elf -10 (High Elves are prejudiced against many races)
Orc -15 (much lore; sacking Orsinium)

Redguard Poison Resistance
Permanent 75% Poison Resistance → Permanent 50% Poison Resistance
Redguard Disease Resistance
Permanent 75% Disease Resistance → Permanent 50% Disease Resistance
Adrenaline Rush
For 60 seconds...
Fortify Agility 50 pts → 40 pts
Fortify Strength 50 pts → 40 pts
Fortify Speed 50 pts → 40 pts
Fortify Endurance 50 pts → 40 pts
Fortify Health 25 pts

Athletics +10
Blade +10
Block +6 ("Most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel")
Blunt +10 → +6 (Traditionally prefer swords)
Hand to Hand +6 ("Most naturally talented warriors in Tamriel")
Heavy Armor +5 → +6
Light Armor +5 → +6
Mercantile +5


Strength: 50 → 45
Intelligence: 30
Willpower: 30
Agility: 40 → 45
Speed: 40 → 45
Endurance: 50 → 45
Personality: 30
Luck: 50

Strength: 40
Intelligence: 30
Willpower: 30 → 35
Agility: 40→ 45
Speed: 40 → 45
Endurance: 50 → 40
Personality: 40 → 35
Luck: 50

The clanfolk of the Western Valenwood forests, also known as "Bosmer."
Wood Elves are nimble and quick, making them good scouts and thieves, and there are no finer archers in all of Tamriel.
Their ability to command simple creatures is well-known.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Wood Elf +5 → +10
Nord -5 (Nords generally distrust Elves, though more tolerant of Wood Elves)
Orc -5 (Orcs don't get along with many races, though some have a history living amongst Wood Elves)
Dark Elf -10 (Dunmer look down on the simple Bosmer)
High Elf -10 (Altmer look down on the simple Bosmer; lore; War of the Blue Divide)
Khajiit -20 (lore; Five Years War; War of the Blue Divide)

Wood Elf Poison Resistance
Permanent 75% Poison Resistance
*According to lore, Wood Elves are naturally resistant to poison. They didn't have any Poison Resistance in the Vanilla game.
Wood Elf Disease Resistance
Permanent 75% Disease Resistance
*Unchanged from Vanilla.
Beast Tongue
Command Creature 20 pts for 60 secs on Target
*Unchanged from Vanilla.

Athletics +5
Alchemy +10
Alteration +5
Acrobatics +5
Light Armor +5
Marksman +10
Sneak +10


Strength: 30
Intelligence: 40
Willpower: 30 → 35
Agility: 50 → 55
Speed: 50 (Vanilla Behavior: Despite 50 Speed, they're shorter so they're a little slower.)
Endurance: 40 → 30
Personality: 30
Luck: 50

Strength: 30
Intelligence: 40
Willpower: 30
Agility: 50 → 55
Speed: 50 (Vanilla Behavior: They're taller than male Wood Elves and thus faster.)
Endurance: 30
Personality: 40 → 35
Luck: 50

This reptilian race, well-suited for the treacherous swamps of their homeland,
has developed natural immunities to diseases and poisons.
They can breathe water and are good at picking locks.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Argonian +5 → +10
Breton -5 (difference of culture and lifestyle; The Knahaten Flu)
Imperial -5 (difference of culture and lifestyle; The Knahaten Flu)
Nord -5 (Nords are prejudiced against many races; The Knahaten Flu)
Redguard -5 (difference of culture and lifestyle; The Knahaten Flu)
Wood Elf -5 (The Knahaten Flu)
Khajiit -10 (mutual distrust/dislike; The Knahaten Flu)
Orc -10 (mutual distrust/dislike; The Knahaten Flu)
High Elf -15 (High Elves are prejudiced against many races, especially "beast races")
Dark Elf -20 (History of wars and enslaving Argonians)

Argonian Poison Immunity
Permanent 100% Poison Resistance
*Unchanged from Vanilla.
Argonian Disease Resistance
Permanent 75% Disease Resistance
*Unchanged from Vanilla.
Argonian Water Breathing
Able to breathe under water!
*Unchanged from Vanilla.

Athletics +10
Blade +5
Hand to Hand +5
Alchemy +5
Illusion +5
Mysticism +5
Light Armor +10 (Historically better suited for Light Armor)
Security +10
Sneak +5


Strength: 40
Intelligence: 40 → 35
Willpower: 30 → 45
Agility: 50 → 45
Speed: 50 → 45
Endurance: 30
Personality: 30
Luck: 50

Strength: 40 → 35
Intelligence: 50 → 40
Willpower: 40 → 45
Agility: 40 → 45
Speed: 40 → 45
Endurance: 30
Personality: 30
Luck: 50

In addition to their quick and perceptive grasp of spellcraft,
even the humblest of Bretons can boast a resistance to magical energies.
They are particularly skilled at summoning and healing magic.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Breton +5
Imperial +5 (lore; long-term allies; similar cultures)
Redguard -5 (lore; historic conflict; War of Betony)
Dark Elf -10 (Dark Elves are prejudiced against many races)
High Elf -10 (High Elves are prejudiced against many races)
Orc -15 (much lore; sacking Orsinium)

Dragon Skin
Shield 50% for 60 secs on Self → Permanent 15% Shield (always active; no longer cast)
Bretons should not have to activate/cast a spell/power to apply their natural-born hardiness.
That's why I changed it to be a permanent defense buff and made it less powerful.
Breton Magic Resistance
Permanent 50% Magic Resistance → Permanent 25% Magic Resistance
Breton Enhanced Magicka
Permanent Fortified Magicka 50 pts
*Unchanged from Vanilla.

Alchemy +5 → +6
Alteration +5 → +6
Conjuration +10
Illusion +5
Mysticism +10 → +8
Restoration +10
Mercantile +5 (known to be shrewd merchants throughout Tamriel)
Speechcraft +5 (they try to emulate high society)


Strength: 40 → 35
Intelligence: 50 → 45
Willpower: 50
Agility: 30
Speed: 30
Endurance: 30 → 35
Personality: 40 → 45
Luck: 50

Strength: 30
Intelligence: 50 → 45
Willpower: 50
Agility: 30→ 35
Speed: 40 → 35
Endurance: 30
Personality: 40 → 45
Luck: 50

Also known as "Dunmer" in their homeland of Morrowind,
the Dark Elves are noted for their skilled and balanced integration of the sword, the bow and destruction magic.
They are resistant to fire and can learn to summon an ancestral ghost in times of need.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
Dark Elf +5
Breton -5
Imperial -5
Redguard -5
Wood Elf -5
High Elf -10
Khajiit -5 → -10
Orc -10 (historic lore; aware of resentment)
Nord -5 → -15 (much lore; history of wars)
Argonian -10 → -20 (history of wars and enslaving Argonians)

Dark Elf Fire Resistance
Permanent 75% Fire Resistance → Permanent 50% Fire Resistance
Ancestor Guardian
Summons Ancestor Guardian for 60 secs
*Unchanged from Vanilla, BUT Dark Elfs no longer start the game with this ability!
You have to learn this ability from a Tome written in the Dunmer language that only Dunmers can read!
No other character can read this Tome... see what happens if you try to read it!
You can find the Tome in these 3 locations...
Leyawiin Mages Guild | Buy from Fathis Ules | Hero Hill

Athletics +5 → +6
Blade +10 → +8
Blunt +5 (Traditionally use bladed weapons)
Alchemy +6
Destruction +10
Mysticism +5 → +8
Light Armor +5 → +6
Marksman +5 → +6


Strength: 40
Intelligence: 40
Willpower: 30 → 40
Agility: 40
Speed: 50 → 40
Endurance: 40
Personality: 30
Luck: 50

Strength: 40 → 35
Intelligence: 40
Willpower: 30 → 40
Agility: 40
Speed: 50 → 40
Endurance: 30 → 35
Personality: 40
Luck: 50

Also known as "Altmer" in their homeland of Summerset Isle,
the High Elves are the most strongly gifted in the arcane arts of all the races.
However, they are also somewhat vulnerable to fire, frost and shock.

(If character is this race, NPCs of the following races' disposition toward the character affected accordingly)
High Elf +5 → +10
Breton -5
Imperial -5
Redguard -5
Wood Elf -5
Argonian -10
Dark Elf -10
Khajiit -10
Nord -10 (Nords generally distrust Elves)
Orc -10 (historic lore; aware of resentment)

High Elf Elemental Weakness
Permanent 25% Weakness to Fire, Frost and Shock
*Unchanged from Vanilla.
High Elf Disease Resistance
Permanent 75% Disease Resistance
*Unchanged from Vanilla.
High Elf Enhanced Magicka
Permanent Fortified Magicka 100 pts
*Unchanged from Vanilla.

Alchemy +5
Alteration +10
Conjuration +5
Destruction +10
Illusion +5
Mysticism +10
Restoration +5 (gifted in all magical fields of study)
Speechcraft +5 (sophisticated; known for solving problems with words)


Strength: 30
Intelligence: 50 → 55
Willpower: 40
Agility: 40 → 35
Speed: 30 → 35
Endurance: 40 → 35
Personality: 40
Luck: 50

Strength: 30 → 25
Intelligence: 50 → 55
Willpower: 40 → 45
Agility: 40 → 35
Speed: 40
Endurance: 30
Personality: 40
Luck: 50
New Version Changes:
- I modified the Racial Dispositions to have more of an impact while keeping lore and balance in mind. Previously racism was barely noticeable. Now it should be more noticeable and actually have an effect on gameplay.
- Edited each races skills in order to hold true to lore and TES III Morrowind. Having a +10 (or +8) in a skill actually feels special now.
- Tweaked some Abilities.
- Tweaked a bunch of other things.
Note on Racial Skill Bonuses:
Note on the human-like races:
Note on Ancestor Guardian:
I plan on eventually writing even more for this book!
You can find a copy of this book at 'Hero Hill,' where some Dark Elf must have seemingly left it behind with an Ancestral Claymore. What makes this claymore unique is that it is less durable and does less damage, but weighs less and has a faster attack speed than most other claymores.
⭐ Faction Relations ⭐
⭐ Leveled List Fixes - Goons Without Glass ⭐
⭐ Truly No Default Starting Spells ⭐
⭐ More Light Spells ⭐
The changes this mod makes are very unobtrusive. Patching is easy!
If you require help for compatibility with a specific mod, feel free to ask!