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Adds new armors with helmets for male and female characters.

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The mod adds new armors with helmets for both male and female characters - Glass Armor N (New), Glass Helmet N and their replicas. The armors come in a single non-modular set, similar to Dark Brotherhood armor. Helmets come as separate pieces.

Glass Armor N is a thin glass set of armor with a silver framing, created as a lighter and less bulky alternative to vanilla Glass Armor. Defensive properties are generally similar. Durability has been decreased by 30% but there is an advantage of smaller weight. Helmets come in two variations - normal and beast (B) version to better fit beast races.

"Replica" version of the armor is included (tagged as " - Replica " ). It's a cheaper copy of the Glass Armor N meant for low level characters. Replica is not made out of glass and lacks it's distinctive "glow". However, it's not purely decorative and by properties its close to Mithril or Iron set. Affordable low price.

Buy at "A Fighting Chance", Imperial City.
Since glass is rare only two sets are available.

No game or mod assets reused. All icons and proper ground models included.
Two download options - 2K version and 1K textures version for higher performance.