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About this mod

Makes crafting stations for the OCRAFT framework available for purchase as house addons. Enhances immersion by enabling interactions with base-game items. Also serves as a foundation for the seamless OCRAFT integration of other mods.

Available as a bundle with my other OCRAFT integration mods.

Permissions and credits

The OCRAFT framework allows the creation of an unlimited amount of crafting stations. Natively, it introduces two types of baking ovens (indoor and outdoor), a forge, a smelter, a workbench and a cooking pot, and places several instances as static items in suitable places in the game world. This mod makes these stations available for purchase as house-addons at several vendors. It also introduces a spinning wheel, a loom, a dye pot, a sewing basket, a soap mold, a leaching barrel, a grape press, a salad mixing bowl and a wash basin as new crafting stations. In addition, several generic crafting resources that can be shared across different mods are introduced, as well as different interactive features, which are added to items from the base game. Finally, a broad selection of new crafting recipes is added.

The crafting stations can be obtained from various vendors of the "trader" type in different cities (these are the same vendors that sell house-upgrades in Vanilla Oblivion). Availability varies from vendor to vendor (not every vendor has every item). The placement of the larger crafting stations is done using the system introduced in Imperial Furniture: A symbolic hammer item is used to position the item. Smaller items (cooking pots, dye pot, sewing basket) can be manipulated directly and  locked into position from their menus. The forge consists of several pieces (a furnace, bellows, anvil and a through), which act as a single  entity and can be arranged in different configurations using the hammer menu. The loom has an option in its menu to change the rug.

This mod was designed with compatibility between OCRAFT, Millstone Farm, and Emma's mods (e.g. Lakeside Home and Longbridge Cottage) in mind, and the introduced recipes reflect this. In addition to colored yarn and cloth types, a firewood item is introduced, which is used in a set of carpentry recipes for farming tools, that match the ones from Millstone Farm, and were added to the work bench. In addition, a recipe to make lockpicks from steel scrap metal was added. Generic  replacements for the "fresh salad", "bowl of stew", lavender soap and water bucket items from Millstone are also supplied. Also provided are definitions for "weapons only" and "armor only" smithing stations, specifically designed to be used with Emma's mods (these are not sold in stores). A patch which fully carries out this integration is currently available for Millstone farm here and for Emma's Lakeside Home here. Other mods might receive similar patches in the future. 

Crafting details:

Wool, which does not exist in Vanilla Oblivion, can now be purchased at several vendors or obtained by shearing sheep. This requires shears in the inventory and works for sheep from the base game, but not necessarily for sheep added by other mods (compatibility patches can be provided upon request). Wool can be spun into yarn at the spinning wheel and then be dyed into colored yarn using the dye pot. All the standard cloth types from the base game (folded and bolt) can be crafted using the loom. In addition, a wide selection of new colored fabric types can be created. This includes the single-color fabric types from Millstone farm and more. All cloth types, including the ones from the base games, were given descriptive names.

A wide selection of clothing items can be produced using the sewing basket. These require different types of cloth, and in some cases extra colored yarn, leather, or alchemical ingredients as dye. The recipes were carefully designed to closely reflect the actual appearance of the cloth items as they are depicted in the game.

The salad mixing bowl is a crafting station inspired by Millstone Farm. It allows you to mix a fresh salad using various ingredients and a clay bowl. Unlike in Millstone Farm, this version supports multiple types of bowls rather than just one.

When eaten, the salad leaves behind a "dirty bowl" of the corresponding type, which needs to be washed using the wash basin.
The required soap is sold in stores or can be crafted, using a leaching barrel to create lye from ashes and water, and then a soap mold to combine the lye with sheep fat and other ingredients. Water can be obtained at Cobl water sources (wells and barrels) and stored in a bucket, which can be crafted or purchased. The wash basin can also be used to clean "recently used" pickaxes (of interest if you are using my Mining Requires a Pickaxe mod).  

A water keg can be purchased as a house add-on. It can be used to fill buckets. Also available is an empty keg, which can be used to brew bitter corn ale or store grape juice, which ages into wine. Grape juice can be made using the grape press.

The shears from the base game now function as a "cutting" crafting station when activated in inventory. Currently, this supports cutting leather into strips  and making torches from firewood, lamp oil and cloth (which is cut in the process).

A "simple crafts" token is added to the player inventory. This can be used to access a special crafting station, which represents basic item manipulations that can be done without tools. Here the salad mixing bowl can be put together from its components (a bowl, a spoon and a fork) and the bucket can be emptied. Some recipes available at other stations may appear here with lower yields, reflecting the inefficiency of makeshift crafting without proper tools. For example, torches made from firewood, lamp oil, and cloth yield more when cut with shears, as it's more precise than tearing.

The hourglass from the base game now actually works and informs you when an hour has passed.

Crystal balls will give you prophecies...


You can install this mod using Wrye Bash or by manually extracting the archive’s contents into the Data folder. For proper functionality, ensure this mod loads after OCRAFT in your load order.

Please use OCRAFT v1.04 or later.

This mod supports ExtendedUI. An xml file that contains descriptions for different items is supplied and is automatically installed by Wrye Bash (ExtendedUI is not a requirement). Base Object Swapper is also supported. To install the corresponding ini file, you must set the "has additional directories" flag in Wrye Bash. This adds a small chance to replace base game cloth bolts and yarn with the ones from this mod. This feature is considered experimental, as I have observed that the placement is sometimes strange, with cloth bolts being stuck in walls or the ground after replacement. 

While not strictly required, I strongly recommend using this mod with Cobl. Cobl adds water sources such as wells and barrels, which this mod recognizes and allows you to use for filling empty buckets.

For the best experience, I also strongly suggest using this mod alongside OCRAFT - Cobl Glue. Some recipes introduced here (e.g., lockpicks and farm tools) require scrap metal types that are only available in OCRAFT - Cobl Glue and will not appear without it. Additionally, OCRAFT - Cobl Glue expands crafting possibilities by adding a variety of extra recipes.

To improve ore availability, I recommend using Productive Mines, Productive Mines - Vendors - OCRAFT and Mining Requires a Pickaxe - Extended Ores.

Recommended Load Order / Mod List:

I suggest using the following list of mods, in this exact load order. Following this mod list will offer the full intended crafting experience. Several of these are included in the bundle archive.

To be placed anywhere in the load order: Skyrim Ingredients.


A central "OCRAFT - Stations for Sale.esp.ini" file controls the integration of several other .ini files, which contain the OCRAFT recipes. Different general settings are controlled in the file "OCRAFT - Stations for Sale - Settings.ini". These currently include:

- Enable/disable requiring a set of tongs and a repair hammer to use the forge (enabled by default).
- Enable/disable showing the simple crafts token in inventory (enabled by default).
- Choose whether the hourglass sends messages or message boxes (the later by default).
- Activate/deactivate the crystal ball messages (active by default).
- Behavior of water wells (switched off completely, always active or active only when bucket is in inventory).
- Behavior of wine and beer kegs (do they need to be filled, how many portions do they store).
- Wine ageing time (how many days between stages).
- Can dirty pitchers and tankards be filled.
- Do different dishes get dirty (one option for each type).


This mod is incompatible with certain thirst mods, such as FF Real Thirst, as they also modify the Cobl water source behavior. Compatibility patches may be provided in the future. It has been reported that Basic Primary Needs works just fine (it deals with water sources without using the Cobl functions). Also, this mod probably conflicts with CraftyBits in various ways, though it's unlikely you are using it together with OCRAFT.

Several objects from the base game had their properies changed or scripts attached to them, which will conflict with other mods that also modify these objects. That said, I am currently not aware of any specific conflicts. The modified objects are: shears, tongs, hourglass, crystal ball, all type of cloth and all types of sheep.

Feel free to request a compatibility patch for your favorite mod, if you encounter any problems. 


Version 1.0:
- I’ve now included the meshes and textures for the loom and cooking pots directly in the .7z file, so you no longer need to download these assets from other mods. Although I haven’t been able to contact Korana and MarcoArebico, the loom has appeared in various mods and is likely considered a public resource by now. The cooking pots closely resemble those from Vanilla Oblivion and other common resource packs. Since the original creator hasn’t specified any permissions, this may fall into a grey area. To make this mod as accessible as possible, I’ve decided to proceed with this approach. However, if you have any concerns, please let me know, and I’ll revert to the previous version that requires the external files.
- The cooking pots and the sewing basked can now be manipulated directly and no longer use the hammer token. The can be locked and unlocked from their menus.
- The option to change the rug on the loom has now been activated.

Version 1.01:
- Added a fix for the issue reported at https://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/51796?tab=bugs, whereby the "Condition Item" feature isn't always processed. Use version 1.0 instead, if you are using an OCRAFT version where this issue was already fixed (the issue is known to currently affect OCRAFT v1.03).

Version 1.1:
- Changed the names of cloth items from the base game (folded and bolt) to more descriptive terms.
- Added a dye pot, together with recipes, that can be used to produce colored yarn items. These include the colors from Millstone farm and more.
- Added several new types of cloth of various colors (Millstone colors and more).
- Added a comprehensive set of recipes for all cloth types to the loom.  
- Greatly extended the recipes for the sewing basket. Included recipes for the clothing items from Millstone farm and Emma's mods.
- Increased the weights of some of the crafting stations, to discourage players from carrying them around (values provided by Masterlix1982).
- Added carpentry recipes from Millstone farm to Workbench.
- Added firewood, that can be purchased at stores, and used for carpentry.
- Added "weapons only" and "armor only" smithing stations, to be used with Emma's mods. These cannot be purchased and exist purely as a resource for compatibility patches.

Version 1.2:
- Cleaned masters.
- Fixed minor bug, whereby the path to the mesh of the static dye pot activator was wrong (needed for e.g. Emma's mods integration patches).
- Added a mesh and a crafting recipe for an empty bucket.
- Added a lavender soap item.
- Added ingot to scrap metal and scrap metal to lockpicks recipe to work bench (steel only).
- Added "salad mixing bowl" and "wash basin" stations.
- Added "fresh salad" items (several different types of bowls) with corresponding meshes and icons.
- Added "soup bowl" items (several different types of bowls) with corresponding meshes and icons.
- Added several "dirty bowl" items.
- Added "OCRAFT - Stations for Sale - Settings.ini" file and different optional settings therein.
- Added interoperability with Cobl water sources (bucket can be filled).
- Added the "simple crafts" token to the player inventory, which is used for basic item manipulations (currently to create a salad mixing bowl from components).

Version 1.25:
- Added function to the hourglass from the base game.
- Added "cutting" crafting station to shears and recipe to cut leather into strips.
- Added water keg as house add-on.
- Added some missing wash basin recipes for bowls.
- Added wash basin recipe for cleaning pickaxes.
- Added function to crystal balls from base game.
- Bucket can be emptied in simple crafts menu.

Version 1.27:
- Removed the "Condition Item" fix introduced in Version 1.01. This issue was fixed in OCRAFT v1.04.
- Updated the script that places the Simple Crafts Token for better stability.
- Sheep from the base game can now be sheared to obtain wool.
- Added lamp oil and crafting recipes for torches.

Version 1.3:
- Added Extended UI support.
- Added leaching barrel and soap mold stations.
- Readjusted some item properties (weights etc.).
- Added new crafting ingredients: ashes, sheep fat, vial of lye.
- Added configuration options for the water well.
- Added wine pitchers, beer tankards, grape juice bucket and milk bucket.
- Added choice whether bowls, pitchers and tankards get dirty to configuration.
- Added grape press station.
- Fixed an issue with wash basin physics (jittering when not locked).
- Fixed an issue that allowed npcs to trigger sheep shearing messages.
- Added an experimental .ini file for Base Object Swapper (for yarn and cloth).
- Added purchasable empty keg, that can be filled with beer or wine, and many config options for it.
- Added static beer and wine kegs to be used by other mods.
- Integrated items from this mod into leveled lists (small chance to find amongst clutter).
- Added colored paint for Millstone Farm integration.

Version 1.31:
- Added more resources for Millstone Farm and Lakeside Home integration (Buttermilk etc.).
- Lots of under-the-hood improvements to script code.
- Fixed a bug where the wrong script was attached to the static sewing basked activator (reported by Sasquatch678).

Version 1.32:
- More cleanup of script code, wherein I learned that OBSE functions do in fact support return values... An upgrade from version 1.31 is not needed, unless you are using the latest Millstone Farm integration version. 


This mod uses several free-to-use meshes by stroti, antistar and dagTestWorld. It uses modified versions of the scripts of Imperial Furniture by AMajor7/Virtuoso and Imperial Furniture Renovated by AndalayBay. It is also heavily inspired by different mods by Emma  (Lakeside Home and Longbridge Cottage) and uses some resources of these mods. Permissions to modify and redistribute were obtained in each case. The mod also uses resources (meshes and textures) from Millstone Farm by Korana and Simple Portable Cooking Pot by MarcoArebico. The meshes for yarn and cloth bolts supplied by this mod resemble the ones from Millstone Farm but are all original work by myself. Similarly, the meshes for the bucket and the firewood were re-derived from the original stroti ones, and the salad and soup bowls were re-created from resources of the base game.