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About this mod

This mod will allow you to make use of these large stone blocks which can be used to do pretty much anything with. You can use them to construct walls and barriers or structures or bridges, or just toss them at unsuspecting bystanders for a little carnage and a good laugh. Ive recently done a complete rebuild of this mod to solve the problems in pr

Permissions and credits
This mod will allow you to make use of these large stone blocks which can be used to do pretty much anything with. You can use them to construct walls and barriers or structures or bridges, or just toss them at unsuspecting bystanders for a little carnage and a good laugh. Ive recently done a complete rebuild of this mod to solve the problems in previous versions and I think its just about right now. The blocks are now persistent and the blocks and structures you build should stay where you build them permanently.

I have found that you can make very large towers and buildings easily when using beancounters excellent mod "Decorator Assistant" which drastically increases the possibilities with this mod. I strongly suggest downloading it along with mine to get the most out of your building blocks.

------------HOW TO USE-------------

Just download the self extracting archive. Open it up and select your Oblivion/data folder and hit extract. Then select either Stoneblocks.esp (can hurt characters if dropped on them) or SafeStoneblocks.esp (wont cause damage) from the Data Files menu when you start Oblivion. Only select one ESP at a time to avoid conflict. As a side note, I have found that switching between the safe and dangerous esps cause no problem with saved games or structures you have built.

Proceed to Calindel in the Mystic Emporium (in the IC market dist) and purchase the spell "Summon Blocks". This will create 10 blocks in your inventory for each cast which can be dropped anywhere you want to use them (just shift+click the stones and move the slider to 1). They can be picked back up into your inventory so be careful around your new stone fortress :^P

You can make use of the console to change the size of the blocks when needed for things like stairs by using the setscale command. Just face the block you want to resize and hit tilde (~). Now click the block and type "setscale .5" to shrink it to half size. "Setscale 2.0" will double the blocks size. Note that you may have to leave and reenter the cell for the blocks colission box to adjust.

See the gallery for tips on getting started with your new construction project!


If youve allready installed a previous version of the mod, just follow the normal installation instructions and allow it to overwrite the files.

--------RECOMENDED MODS--------

Decorator Assistant - A MUST HAVE mod to get the most out of the Havok Building Blocks. Lets you precisely rotate and place stones and even lock them in place. Nobody likes having their new rooftop come crashing down on them do they?

IMPERIAL FURNITURE - A great mod to let you bring furnishings into your new building. A must have to turn your new building into a home.

Havok Ladders Modders Resource - Makes it much easier to reach the tops of tall structures while your building. Can also be used for railings and ramps when needed.

No More "How Many" prompts
Drop blocks individually without messing with slider just by shift clicking the stack in your inventory. Also nice for leveling mercantile.