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This is an obse plugin that enables a visible body when in first person. Also, any points where the game force switches to 3rd person (sitting, death, etc) are now in 1st person.
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This is an obse plugin that enables a visible body when in first person. Also, any points where the game force switches to 3rd person (sitting, death, etc) are now in 1st person.
Immersive Interiors adds new found realism to the game, allowing you to see out of the interior windows. This means you can be in the local pub staring out of the window at the town around you, or watch the sun set behind the city walls.
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Immersive Interiors adds new found realism to the game, allowing you to see out of the interior windows. This means you can be in the local pub staring out of the window at the town around you, or watch the sun set behind the city walls.
Lights of Oblivion - Road Lanterns
Adds exterior light posts to all the main roads of Cyrodiil, and lanterns to settlements and inns. You can choose between 6 different light posts.
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Lights of Oblivion - Road Lanterns
Adds exterior light posts to all the main roads of Cyrodiil, and lanterns to settlements and inns. You can choose between 6 different light posts.
Enhanced Economy is a complete overhaul of Oblivion\'s economic game, in order to achieve two goals: To make it more immersive, and to make it possible to adjust the economic difficulty to each player\'s taste. Dynamic Barter Gold can be tweaked, and all other features can be disabled or tweaked, so it is very easy to adjust the mod to your taste.
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Enhanced Economy is a complete overhaul of Oblivion\'s economic game, in order to achieve two goals: To make it more immersive, and to make it possible to adjust the economic difficulty to each player\'s taste. Dynamic Barter Gold can be tweaked, and all other features can be disabled or tweaked, so it is very easy to adjust the mod to your taste.
This is a hunger, thirst and sleep mod, making eating, drinking and sleeping a more immersive experience. It includes built-in language localization support for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified).
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This is a hunger, thirst and sleep mod, making eating, drinking and sleeping a more immersive experience. It includes built-in language localization support for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified).
Put it in its Place - Enhanced Grabbing
Overhauls the Grab key's interaction with the Crime, Disposition, Social, Stealth and Thieving mechanisms. All of that to let you grab without a conscience ...
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Put it in its Place - Enhanced Grabbing
Overhauls the Grab key's interaction with the Crime, Disposition, Social, Stealth and Thieving mechanisms. All of that to let you grab without a conscience ...
This mod enables the player character to set up and dismantle a campsite to provide a place to sleep when out in the wilderness. It includes built-in language localization support for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified).
- 2.9MB
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This mod enables the player character to set up and dismantle a campsite to provide a place to sleep when out in the wilderness. It includes built-in language localization support for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified).
Adds falling leaves to the trees in the autumn forest located north-east of Chorrol.
Harvest was designed to allow players to easily see which containers they had already searched. Along the way, that goal turned it into a popular mod for realism fans as well. When you search inside a container, it will change.
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Harvest was designed to allow players to easily see which containers they had already searched. Along the way, that goal turned it into a popular mod for realism fans as well. When you search inside a container, it will change.
Immersive Interiors Landscape AddOn
Adds distant landscape LODs to the Immersive Interiors done by SomeWelshGuy. The following cities have been patched: Bruma, Cheydinhal and Chorrol
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Immersive Interiors Landscape AddOn
Adds distant landscape LODs to the Immersive Interiors done by SomeWelshGuy. The following cities have been patched: Bruma, Cheydinhal and Chorrol
This mod simlply adds beards for many NPC in gameworld, makes game more "real" :)
Immersive Interiors - Bravil and Leyawiin
Add-on for "Immersive Interiors" by SomeWelshGuy.
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Immersive Interiors - Bravil and Leyawiin
Add-on for "Immersive Interiors" by SomeWelshGuy.
Immersive Interiors - Imperial City
Increase your immersion and realism seeing the outside world of the Imperial City from the interior windows. This is a continuation of the original Immersive Interiors mod by SomeWelshGuy.
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Immersive Interiors - Imperial City
Increase your immersion and realism seeing the outside world of the Imperial City from the interior windows. This is a continuation of the original Immersive Interiors mod by SomeWelshGuy.
Animated and calm.
This mod populates the prisons in the cities of Cyrodiil. There is a 50% chance for a prisoner to spawn in a cell. The prisoners have their own greetings, which may give clues as to why they are in prison, while others will simply talk... In the prison you'll find everything from Vampires, lunatics, ghosts, drunkards, rapists and murderers.
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This mod populates the prisons in the cities of Cyrodiil. There is a 50% chance for a prisoner to spawn in a cell. The prisoners have their own greetings, which may give clues as to why they are in prison, while others will simply talk... In the prison you'll find everything from Vampires, lunatics, ghosts, drunkards, rapists and murderers.
QQuix - Rock rock rock your ship
Ships and boats will rock with the wind improving the ambience in dock areas.
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QQuix - Rock rock rock your ship
Ships and boats will rock with the wind improving the ambience in dock areas.
Adds 35 new quest-related and non-quest-related Black Horse Courier articles that can be acquired by the player, in addition to the game\'s 25 articles.
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Adds 35 new quest-related and non-quest-related Black Horse Courier articles that can be acquired by the player, in addition to the game\'s 25 articles.
This is a mod making the player character's personal hygiene affect his/her disposition towards NPCs and creatures. It includes built-in language localization support for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified).
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This is a mod making the player character's personal hygiene affect his/her disposition towards NPCs and creatures. It includes built-in language localization support for English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Chinese (simplified).
REQUIRES OBSEAdds ability such that if player can't be seen by a npc whos in combat with him, the combat will end and that npc will search the area for him.
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REQUIRES OBSEAdds ability such that if player can't be seen by a npc whos in combat with him, the combat will end and that npc will search the area for him.
This mod improves the ability to walk, run, swim and jump by taking into account the landscape, any items carried/worn and the weather. It also adds the ability to sprint.
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This mod improves the ability to walk, run, swim and jump by taking into account the landscape, any items carried/worn and the weather. It also adds the ability to sprint.