
Verified mod author

6.9m Unique downloads

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Hi, I love old games, and enjoy modding them in my free time.

If you enjoy my mods, you can check out my free patreon page, for some extra small mods, or some WIP unfinished versions of the mods i wil be releasing on nexus some day.


I also have a few tutorials and tips and a few resources to use.
Keep in mind that everythign is free and accessible to all.


I give permission for CONSOLE USERS to port/use assets from/modify my mods to Bethesda.net, under these conditions:

- full credit is given, including credit(s) to other authors for any assets used in the mod;

- the porter will not attempt to profit monetarily by asking for donations or Patreon money, etc...

- a link back to the original mod page is in the description;

- the port will be removed at the request of the original mod author, should any terms be broken.