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With this vid I've started working on AKE V14.1
In this version the Londinii dungeon will become darker and there will be upgrades in both the Red District as the "Blue caves" ...
In this vid I'm using Midas' Astral Recall spell to teleport me out of the cell I want to modify and if I use this spell again it brings me back to this cell, reason for this is that I can not have a savegame in a cell that's modified so I make the save in Midas Astral Realm.
Closing the game I can now modify this cell with the editor and then load my Astral save, use Astral Recall again and have a look at these modifications ingame.

Music enyojed were some songs of the Who I found @ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2IvnHpxZ8M