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Output the enemy's hp in debug tool window.
Allows the player to view party chat cutscenes that include characters that are not currently in the party.
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Allows the player to view party chat cutscenes that include characters that are not currently in the party.
A mod that replaces the Xbox 360 controller icons with the Dualshock4 (PS4)/DualSense (PS5) icons.
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A mod that replaces the Xbox 360 controller icons with the Dualshock4 (PS4)/DualSense (PS5) icons.
Spurning Ribbon in Atlasdam shop
This mod adds the item Spurning Ribbon to Atlasdam weapons shop
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Spurning Ribbon in Atlasdam shop
This mod adds the item Spurning Ribbon to Atlasdam weapons shop
This mod increases the amount of monsters H'aanit can have captured at the same time from 6 to 10.
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This mod increases the amount of monsters H'aanit can have captured at the same time from 6 to 10.
This modpak allows all steals, scrutinizes, allures, collects, in-battle steals, and captures to be automatic successes. This is KINDA intended to be used as a speedrunner's pak, either for routing or a potential new category (Ex: perfect RNG % or something), purely for the sake of shenanigans.
- 407KB
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This modpak allows all steals, scrutinizes, allures, collects, in-battle steals, and captures to be automatic successes. This is KINDA intended to be used as a speedrunner's pak, either for routing or a potential new category (Ex: perfect RNG % or something), purely for the sake of shenanigans.
Octopath Hard Mode - Expanded (NINTENDO SWITCH)
This mod implements a basic hard mode for Octopath Traveler, with a limit on consumable items.
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Octopath Hard Mode - Expanded (NINTENDO SWITCH)
This mod implements a basic hard mode for Octopath Traveler, with a limit on consumable items.
This mod attempts to make the scholar class more like a traditional black mage.
This mod modifies all steals to be guaranteed! Have fun!(This mod modifies the PurchaseItemTable file, so if any other mod has that, it might not work)
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This mod modifies all steals to be guaranteed! Have fun!(This mod modifies the PurchaseItemTable file, so if any other mod has that, it might not work)
This is a mod where the boss "Mánagarmr" is replaced with the 4 special subclass gods.
Bewildering Grace Without DEBUFF
Personal adjustment of Bewildering Grace, no DEBUFF will appear in any DP Consumption version.
- 2.4MB
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Bewildering Grace Without DEBUFF
Personal adjustment of Bewildering Grace, no DEBUFF will appear in any DP Consumption version.
Makes reputation cheaper to restore in taverns. A slightly less cheaty alternative to Perfect Rogues/Steal Everything for people who want NPC dialogue and a money sink.
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Makes reputation cheaper to restore in taverns. A slightly less cheaty alternative to Perfect Rogues/Steal Everything for people who want NPC dialogue and a money sink.
Gets rid of the heavy green tint present in shadows sometimes.
Enemy Randomizer
Side Stories Helper (plus BD mod)
An extension of my Better Descriptions mod that also replaces the vague dialog in the Side Stories menu with an in-game guide.
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Side Stories Helper (plus BD mod)
An extension of my Better Descriptions mod that also replaces the vague dialog in the Side Stories menu with an in-game guide.
Increases Cait rate x10.
This mod increases the amount of summons H'aanit, Ophelia, and Primrose have on their capture, guide, and allure abilities to 99. It also allows the NPCs summoned by Ophelia and Primrose to stay the entire battle instead of retreating after a few turns.
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This mod increases the amount of summons H'aanit, Ophelia, and Primrose have on their capture, guide, and allure abilities to 99. It also allows the NPCs summoned by Ophelia and Primrose to stay the entire battle instead of retreating after a few turns.
Crazy patch for Bewildering Grace's RNG.
Do you hate grinding from 60 to 99? Do you hate the 0'1% chance to get EXP x 100! from Bewildering Grace? This is your mod.This mod is a full boost BG with a smaller pool than the original. Obviously, RNG is also different.
- 52KB
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Crazy patch for Bewildering Grace's RNG.
Do you hate grinding from 60 to 99? Do you hate the 0'1% chance to get EXP x 100! from Bewildering Grace? This is your mod.This mod is a full boost BG with a smaller pool than the original. Obviously, RNG is also different.
Excessive Bewildering Grace - x100 EXP and JP
When boosted x4, Bewildering Grace always gives either x100 EXP or x100 JP at the end of the battle.Check optional files for guaranteed x100 without any boost.
- 147KB
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Excessive Bewildering Grace - x100 EXP and JP
When boosted x4, Bewildering Grace always gives either x100 EXP or x100 JP at the end of the battle.Check optional files for guaranteed x100 without any boost.
Make Octopath Traveler look it's best. Made to prevent the headaches the original visuals can cause.
- 3KB
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Make Octopath Traveler look it's best. Made to prevent the headaches the original visuals can cause.
News & Updates
A big thank you to everyone who entered this competition. Admittedly, we received fewer submissions than for our Halloween competition, so we’d love to hear your feedback. Do the categories help or hinder? Or has the busy run-up to the holidays kept you from participating?
Despite this, we still received so many fantastic submissions, and once again it was incredibly tough to pick our winners. As I mentioned last time, we understand that everyone will have their own favourites, bu...- 22 Comments
Monthly Roundup - November 2024
As I mentioned in the Festive Screen Archery Competition post, this Roundup is a little delayed. What can I say? We’ve all been trying to use up our holiday days before the end of the year.
Normally, I’d like to leave more time between posts, but with the Christmas holidays fast approaching, I’ve got a lot to fit into a short amount of time. I hope you all don’t mind.
Anyway, let’s crack on with our last monthly roundup of the year (how wild is that?).
Modding the Multiverse - Sumradagnoth8
If you're a passionate D&D 5E player, get ready for something special with today’s modder spotlight! Meet Sumradagnoth8, the mastermind behind some of the most exciting subclass mods for Baldur's Gate 3.
From the precision of the Arcane Archer to the fierce prowess of the Samurai, among many others, Baldur’s Gate 3 players who are looking for expanded playstyles need not look any further.
Thank you so much for agreeing to an interview! Would you ...- 11 Comments
Festive Screen Archery Competition
The holidays are coming, the holidays are coming! I hope you all read that like the song from the Coke advert. Anyway, the festive season is almost here, so I have another screen archery competition for you, yay!
I know what you might be thinking: "SlugGirl, where is the Monthly Roundup?" It's on the way, I promise. The holiday season is well underway in the office at the moment, so it's going to take a few more days to get ready for you all. I wanted to post about this competitio...- 21 Comments
Telling a Tale - Jared Alexander
Ever found yourself watching Skyrim TikToks at 2am with no end in sight? If you can relate, you might have stumbled upon some videos made by today’s modder and video game industry hero: Jared Alexander!
When he’s not working his day job on the socials of Sea of Thieves over at Rare, he’s busy with his music or his popular TikTok Series 'Skyrim Guard Tales' featuring Jesper the Guard. He’s now brought the eponymous character to life in-game for anyone to recruit as a follow...- 10 Comments
Helping a Settlement - Glitchfinder
If you’ve modded Fallout 4, there’s a very high likelihood you’ve stumbled upon today’s interviewee. We’re really excited to be chatting with them as they’ve worked on a whole host of changes to everyone’s favourite post-apocalyptic title ranging from the odd bugfix here-and-there to fully fledged expansions. So, without further ado, let’s meet Glitchfinder.
It's great to have you here with us, Glitchfinder! To kick things off, tell us a bit about your...- 32 Comments
Talkin' Stardew - Shannon Hobby
'Ello! And welcome to another modder interview here on good ol' Nexus Mods! It’s lovely to meet you all. I’m Sarah, also known as Modsetti, and I'm part of the new Content team. If you've been checking out our shorts on TikTok, Instagram, or YouTube, you might've already spotted me. I'll have a full introduction a bit later on, but for now, we'll crack on with today's interview.
Ever wondered what the beloved folk of Pelican Town would sound like if they could speak? Well, S...- 12 Comments
I know, I know, that time of year is still over a month away. Halloween was only a couple of weeks ago, and anyone else in the UK has probably only just heard the last of the fireworks after burning effigies last week. Still, we wanted to give you all as much of a heads-up as we could about this latest modding event from the Merry Modding Days team.
Those of you in the Fallout 4 community will be excited to learn that Merry Modding Days is making a return! For a...- 20 Comments
Calling all cowpokes! If you’ve ever added bounty hunting, duels, or simply the ability to sit down on even more chairs in your Red Dead Redemption 2 game, you’ve probably come across today’s interviewee: Shtivi. So, hitch your horse, hang your hat and join us for a campside chat!
Welcome Shtivi! It’s great to have you here with us, why don’t you tell us a bit about yourself and how you got into gaming, and modding after that?
Hi! My name is Ido...- 15 Comments
Monthly Roundup - October 2024
It’s that time once more, your favourite time of the month. November is here, and so is a new roundup! Once more I bring you all our offerings of what’s been happening and the goings-on behind the scenes here at Nexus Mods.
Mod Author Analytics
A new Mod Author Analytics page is now available, giving authors a monthly breakdown of the total and unique downloads for their mods. You can find the page here.
Premium Membership Payments
Great n...- 29 Comments
Halloween Competition - Winners
Firstly, I’d like to start by saying a huge thank you to every single person who entered our competition. With it being our first one, I’ll be honest, we worried we’d only get two submissions if we were lucky. So to have received the number that we did was fantastic, although it did mean that it made it extremely difficult for us to narrow down our winners.
As I mentioned in the announcement post, our choices were made based on which images we enjoyed most. We understand that ...- 29 Comments
Crafting Characters, Guiding Modders - Padme4000
Some of you may have come across today’s interviewee’s mods before, especially if you’ve ever tried to mod Baldur’s Gate 3 or Dragon Age: Inquisition, amongst other games. If, like me, you’ve ever dabbled in modding either game, you’ll almost certainly have used their modding guides too.
Today we’re sharing Padme4000’s interview!
Hey Padme4000, thanks so much for doing this interview with us! Would you mind introducing yourself for peop...- 37 Comments
Halloween Screen Archery Competition
Halloween is creeping up on us, unless, like me, you dedicate the entire month of October to all things spooky. And what better way to celebrate than by taking part in our (the Content Team’s) very first competition?
You’re all invited to join our Halloween Screen Archery competition. Whether you’re a seasoned screen archer or just starting out, and no matter which game you’re playing, we want to see your best in-game photos. There are three categories to choose from – Cla...- 26 Comments
There’s a good chance quite a few of you have probably spoken to, or at the very least seen this name in our Discord servers. Today’s interview is with Seweryn, known in the modding community as Sewer56, who is part of our App Development team.
Hey Seweryn, thanks for joining me today! For people who might not have spoken to you on our Discord, could you introduce yourself, please?
My name is Seweryn, alias Sewer56, if you see me on the web; and I’m ...- 20 Comments
Wielded With Grace - Clevererraptor6
Ever felt like your Tarnished could use a bit more finesse in their fight against the Shardbearers? Well, clevererraptor6’s move set mods have got you covered, bringing a whole new level of grace to your battles across the Lands Between.
Find your new weapon of choice, and see how they're redefining combat for you all!
Hey Clevererraptor6, thanks for doing this interview! Could you start by telling us a bit about yourself?
Hello and thanks...- 18 Comments
May the Mods Be With You - DeityVengy
If you've been keeping an eye on our YouTube channel, you might have already seen a teaser of who I'm interviewing today. I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with DeityVengy, a YouTuber-turned-modder who has been working on the absolutely massive Star Wars Genesis: A total conversion modlist for Starfield that transforms the Bethesda title into the ultimate Star Wars open-world RPG.
So grab some blue milk, hop on your speeder and join us as we have a look at the process for creati...- 18 Comments
Monthly Roundup - September 2024
I come to you with another Monthly Roundup, like a cat leaving a dead bird for you at the end of your bed. Am I struggling to come up with new ways to introduce this already you ask? Yes, yes I am.
So let’s just crack on with it!
Nexus Mods App
The newest release of our new App launched last week, and with it comes our regular caution. To update it, you will need to completely uninstall the old version, including all mods. It is still in very early stages...- 60 Comments
Journeying to the West - norskpl
If you’ve been playing and modding the incredible Black Myth: Wukong, there’s a high likelihood you’ve come across today’s interviewee: norskpl. Whether it’s adding character skins or transforming our monkey protagonist’s iconic weapon, there’s plenty for us to chat about, so let’s get straight to it!
Thanks for agreeing to chat with us, norskpl! First things first, tell us a little bit about yourself?
Hi, thank you for the opportunity to ...- 18 Comments
Welcome to the second instalment of our ‘Get to Know Us’ series. This time, the wheel of fate has landed on Ben!
Allow me to introduce Ben, or as he’s known on Nexus Mods, BenGosney. He’ll be the first to tell you it’s not the most imaginative username, but as he says, "I’m easy to find!". We hope you enjoy this interview as much as the last one!
Hey Ben, would you mind introducing yourself?
Hi, I’m Ben! I’m one of the backend ...- 17 Comments
Rad Rides - BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah
Think of today’s interview as Pimp My Ride meets the post-apocalypse, whether you’re cruising through the wasteland in style or escaping the clutches of a Deathclaw in a souped-up ride, BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah’s mods will have you covered. While Bethesda has recently taken the leap by adding vehicles to Starfield, BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah has been ahead of the curve, transforming the Commonwealth with custom rides long before spaceships were all the rage.
So gear up, strap in, and g...- 27 Comments