First Skyrim in-game trailer

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At the end of a countdown started yesterday, Bethesda has released the first in-game trailer for TESV: Skyrim. The trailer shows some of the new features we've been hearing about: improved combat, dragon shouts, finishing blows, more diverse magic, etc. I also spotted flowing water, NPCs working around a windmill, and some visually unique locations.

You'll also get to see how the new Creation Engine looks and hear a longer version of the Skyrim main theme. Oh, and dragons.

Watch below or on the official trailer page from Bethesda. You can also download the trailer from the official site in SD/HD and WMV/MP4.


  1. phendrena
    • supporter
    • 23 kudos
    That looks amazing and the main theme sounds fab!.
  2. Dragonskyt
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I sure hope that my PC can handle the game. It can handle new vegas just fine, but I won't get my hopes up. I also hope that alot of modders are ready to make some great mods again.
  3. lsp1
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    hope they are keeping the character customization unlike the new dragon age... several races male/female it looks and sounds great but if they get rid of that itl be meh for me
    and mod tools ;p
  4. boredom_ruler
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    I wish they would release a min requirements list so die hard fans know if they need to upgrade or not >.<

    I also hope the command console still works lol its fun renaming guards after your pet cat

    @Magiuss I agree.. hopefully they'll finally get away from the maniquin seams.. I can't turn on self shadows because it makes npcs look like they're wearing black chokers.
  5. Magiuss
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    @Gemvoxgem: According to Bethesda what you saw on the trailer is actual footage of the game. It looks excellent to me, specially the animations that aren't usually Bethesda's strong point. I for one am hoping that not only the animations but the body models prove to be decent this time.

    Can't wait for the game and all the sweet mods that will follow!
  6. gemvoxgem
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Im not really excited after seeing this trailer. Maybe that's because the lack of gameplay footage. Graphics look good but not good enough to jizz in my pants only from seeing those graphics.
  7. private pebbles
    private pebbles
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    Cant wait to play this it may have a few bugs/glitches because of a brand new engine but that won't stop me from playing it i just wish November would hurry up
  8. Zeus_II
    • premium
    • 124 kudos
    I think... I have to change my pants. O.O
    But seriously, I haven't been this excited about anything since I got my first GameBoy, which must have been at least ten years ago. From the looks of the trailer I have some hardware upgrading to do, though...

    *sigh* November suddenly seems so far away... T_T
  9. iasour
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This trailer is AWESOME!
  10. Werewolfknight
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    My reaction is beyond words, and so i must speak gibberish when talking about Skyrim now. Very sad for me, but at the same time great for me.