About this mod
This mod changes the shops in Palworld to be unique and interesting without straying too far from vanilla experience.
also added alternative ways to buy Dog Coin and Bounty Token whilst not to OP.
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
uhh perhaps...
The Main Files > in Hx_Shop_Items.zip
-> Hx_Shop_Items_V2.2_P.pak
it modifies the DT_ItemShopCreateData_Common.uasset
//modifies village_shop, desert_shop(1&2), volcano_shop(1&2), wander_shop, medal_shop, bounty_shop
//this is the mod
The Optional but Main Files > in Hx_Shop_Pal.zip
-> Hx_Shop_Pal_liteInv+_V1_P.pak
it modifies the DT_PalShopCreateData.uasset
//make all the merchant pal shop has 15 storage instead of 5, no data change, fully vanilla with expanded storage
//still in testing the full version will contain my modified pal table on all 4 pal merchant.
Installation ????
Put it in the ~mods folder
[ \Pal\Content\Paks\~mods ] (create one if you never mod this game before)
no need for UE4SS but you can also use it there.
This mod only works on STEAM version of the game!
this mod is designed to be BALANCED - AS BEST AS POSSIBLE
(from my best ability and knowledge from playing this game wayyy too much)
this mod is designed to be as vanilla friendly and modded friendly
Best played with Old School Loot Table - for a long playthrough "slow level xp grind" and just enjoying the classic palworld slow pace.
or with TioHermans Nearly every chest drop buffed & Nearly every pal drop buffed - for a faster pace and more bounty/dogcoins!
Those are the ones I want to mention here.
There's a lot of other mods you could and should use! its up to ya! ~or just play this without other mods
this game is amazing in terms of world settings adjustment, fine tune it!! turn that slider for a 3x drop.
{only DT_ItemShopCreateData_Common.uasset is modified in my mod} // for those compatibility checks
----------------------- Look at the media section for all the change! the tldr
This mod makes it so gold is reaaaally useful and worth it to farm! it also aims to make the games replay-ability (a new save file) quality a bit more better!
heading out towards the settlements rewards you with a lot of options and things to buy.
shops actually feel well stocked with useful equipment's and materials.
\ scale well progression wise! /
some yapping below:
Every Shop location contains Recovery meds appropriate to their level themes and placements, with spheres, shields and armor!
an early game money farming/saving is now really good.
the weapons are also great but not too great, they scale with your player level anyways. so its quite balanced.
overall enhancing the need to visit them often, buying ammo you cant yet craft yourself.
the material red merchants now have pal meats to be bought for all your cooking needs with some premade dishes.
these materials are also used in elixir making, running out of that one specific thing? go buy it instead of hunting/foraging!
this provides as an alternative option, wealth/gold feels like it has purpose!
Bounty Token and Dog Coin Medal Merchants now contains the every needs of a pal tamer!
Bounty Vigilante work now give you a way to obtain condenser All purpose pal extract 1-4 star, (an alt to the 2000 dog coins condenser).
All the Raid Slabs when you need em, and ways to obtain the almost impossible penultimate armor schematics through grinding.
Dog Coin Medal Merchant now has Technique Books to obtain, also providing ways to obtain endgame armor schematics.
~aka getting before the required level, a reward system I guess.
these armor schematics are priced really high to be balanced, and as a midgame - to endgame goalpost,~you don't have to stress out over em.
(lets be real here you wont get that 0.134% or that 0.012% gold schematic without going insane). source
but of course, how would you get the Dog Coins or bounty? is grinding it also gonna drive you insane??? (maybe.)
visit your new best merchant friend in the desert! (the green merchant shop!)
all that hard earn gold coins can now be converted as extra Dog Coin / Bounty Token for your purchasing needs!
15000 gold = 10 dogcoin
10500 gold = 1 bounty
:: alt convert on the bounty shop ::
10 bounty = 70 dogcoin
why is the conversion so high? well this an option/alternate way.
you may cheese/grind it, who cares! I mean hey,
there's a literal money printer in the game! (at level 48) so go wild!
I don't want to lock out players and myself from it!
Have fun!
some fun facts:
why are some hat's not legendary tier?
it's because pocketpair forgot to make the proper hat working
even if you force it it will be a visual broken hat with no stat change from tier 0
why is 1 bounty equals to 7 dogcoin?
well because 1 bounty is~ 7.142857142857143 dogcoin roughly and I cant do that
its from doing the math of 70 bounty = 1 fruit | 500 dogcoin = 1 fruit
why not 71? - its awkward : 70 bounty = 497 dogcoin, also it looks bad on the shop
why not 72? makes the bounty shop fruit expensive than dogcoin fruit .
-> more profitable to exchange 70 bounty = 504 dogcoin, extra 4 for every fruit.
so 70 was chosen, and lets call it the Police Tax lol.
some reasoning for the schematic exchange
schematics is the best way to reward the player without giving em an instant armor.
originally it was just instant crafted armor, but it was way too op from personal testing.
if there was a shield schematic I would use that instead.
provide feedback base on the feeel of this mod, You know maybe more schematic like weapons? -----.... yeah nah maybe...
Im tired, this mod took way too long to design and be made balanced. I might flew too close to the sun trying to make it perfect which it isn't.
some plans canceled due to schedule.
my other silly Palworld mod :
- Main Menu Anniversary