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About this mod
Did you ever think, that some icons looks like stock images? Or why some skill descriptions are basically doing same thing in different way, but worded so... differently? Or why descriptions looks so bland at first place?
- Requirements
Nexus requirements
Mod name Notes Colored Chat Names Colored Chat Support.pak needs to be loaded BEFORE the abkarino_ColoredChat_P.pak. - Permissions and credits
Credits and distribution permission
- Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources
- Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances
- Modification permission You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features so long as you credit me as the original creator
- Conversion permission You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file
- Asset use permission You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission as long as you credit me
- Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms
- Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets
Author notes
This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions
File credits
Special thanks to Ema Pex, pinki_ninja, SenpaiKillerFire, and Wednesday Enthusiast for their help with Unreal Engine 4.2.7. Also, thanks to a fish, Duke Durandil, faaskee, Jade, Larmendra, Matthelzor, Moenado, oni, 5ar4h, and Server Hater for their support.
Donation Points system
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- Mirrors
Name GameBanana ModWorkshop - Changelogs
Version XXVI
- Updated OVERSKILL descriptions, and made some minor localization fixes.
- Updated and streamlined menu colors, and removed redundant outlines.
- Added support and reduced sociopath effects, in Overlay.pak.
- Added blocked icon and lobby filter colors, in Miscellaneous.pak.
- Added support for simplified renown color and icon, in Renown.pak.
- Added text shadows and letter spacing for HUD, in Background.pak.
- Added button designs for gamepad and bundled it with keyboard, in Buttons.pak.
Version XXV
- Updated for game version 2.0.1.
- Added partial support for OVERSKILLs.
- Updated outdated skill descriptions.
- Added new buff icons for minigun and sociopath.
- Added support for Default Room Status.
- Updated Colored Buffs for new icons.
- Updated Extra Titles with Jacket logo.
Version XXIV
- Added more details to First World Bank objectives.
- Updated ECMs with their new functions.
- Updated Colored Modifiers, camera related modifiers are now shown in yellow.
Version XXIII
- Added missing UI features for First World Bank.
- Added color-coded vote answers in chat.
- Standardized new renown colors.
Version XXII
- Updated for game version 1.5.0.
- Added keyboard icons.
- Added new icon for aced skills.
- Added new icons for currencies.
- Slightly changed skills menu for clarity, and color balance.
- Updated social menu and heist completion strings.
Version XXI
- Updated for game version 1.4.2.
- Updated Skills.pak, with a new order that makes sense! New order made in complementary skill lines and character roles in mind.
- Updated Results.pak, because stay as a party widget is reworked and it's functional now. Instead, job completion bonuses will rock new sprites for completion types.
- Updated Nodes.pak, with classic images that being rocked in old menus. Only affects game modes.
- Updated Localization.pak, so now job overview have tips now - because new UI removed the inspect menu.
- Updated Miscellaneous.pak, no longer have outdated assets that somehow conflicts with new UI, instead have new assets for new UI. Also makes headers invisible now, because it looked like a tracksuit.
- Updated modifiers so they have their titles back, because SBZ made a new format for it.
- Updated some weapon names with the info dump from Superb Soap, thank you~
- Added support for Old Skill Order, no - not the default one, it's pre-1.4.2.
- Added support for PAYDAY 2 Classic Cut Variants, although, the mod have it's icons - it's not compatible with Legacy Tactical Support, so this will fix it.
- Added support for Size Doesn't Matter Minigun, because it looks cute and it doesn't matter.
- Added support for Extra Colors, instead of default colors, this addon will change all colors to Colored Skills and Buffs version.
- Updated Classic Vlad with, you guessed it - old Vlad for server browser.
- Updated Extra Title - with a year one edition logo.
Version XX
- Added support for Overkill Weapons menu and Encumbered status effect text style.
- Added missing built on information on some preset weapons.
- Renamed play title to Become Infamous.
- Streamlined deployable and equipment daily challenges.
- Reworked menu nodes, and moved them away from Miscellaneous to Nodes.pak.
- Fixed gas canister string in Fear & Greed.
- Fixed a missing punctuation mark in challenge re-rolling notification.
- Fixed the missing cooking waypoint in Cook Off.
- Fixed Maniacal Moonshiner's description, thanks Lil Meat!
Version XVII
- Added briefing support to Houston Breakout and Diamond District.
- Added detailed objective descriptions to Houston Breakout.
- Also fixed bugs Starbreeze made in objective titles.
- Added support for EMP icon looks in HUD, can be found in Miscellaneous.pak.
- Added support for re-roll icon looks in menu Miscellaneous.pak.
- Fixed some punctuation issues related with ellipses in subtitles.
- Fixed missing Cook Off cook objective waypoint, in Extra Waypoints.pak.
- Fixed Swift and Targeted Fire icons, thanks Argenrost!
- Renamed Pickup prompt for consumables to Pickup kit.
- Added support for Blue Latent Gloves, brown leather version.
Version XVI
- Updated localization for game version 1.3.0.
- Added missing manufacturer name for Ziv Commando, Tribune 32 and Houston Breakout weapons.
- Added support for Daily Challanges.
- Added new icons for Walking Pharmacy, Locked and Loaded and Headhunter.
- Added new waypoints for Houston Breakout heist.
- Updated objective descriptions of Boys in Blue heist with new objectives.
- Added support for Heist Selection. I tried to capture what PAYDAY 3 has with a sprinkle of PAYDAY 2 stuff, using assets from both games. Inspired from Hylie's Alternate Heist Briefing Images!
- Added support for Classic Vlad. I know y'all crazy for it.
Version XV
- Adjusted connection icons for their new layout.
- Usual capitalization alignments, and I think we're done with punctuation!
- Added support for favors, including crucial information, and corrected and standardized names.
- Added a reminder for Dirty Ice about zipline access during the briefing.
- Unified the Digital Camo descriptions to match the other post-release color options.
- Removed the hyphen to correct every instance of QR codes.
- Renamed weapon caches to correspond with their respective heists.
- Renamed heavy stagger to stumble to avoid confusion.
- Updated skills that work with stumbles to mention it in their descriptions.
- Tactician skills now use the term disoriented instead of listing all individual effects.
- Fixed an oversight in Suppressive Fire, thanks to Price9317, Lunar Pearl and Ema!
- Added support for Extra Titles, which will be updated with each major content update.
- Fixed a loot bag icon in Dirty Ice for Extra Waypoints.
Version XIX
- Added new buff icon for Precision Shot skill indicator.
- Renamed VF Jackknife SE5 to VF-SE5 Jackknife.
- Removed PAUSED and UNPAUSED labels from menu.
- Colored the Precision Shot skill indicator.
Version XIV
- Added more detailed objective descriptions.
- Added information about preset weapons on what they are built upon.
- Fixed text overlapping in state screen by removing the job description. Honestly, nobody could have read that in that short time. Thanks Ema!
- Fixed text overlapping in the Syntax Error description. Thanks Polech!
- Fixed line beneath the Full Recall skill. Thanks Lunar Pearl!
- Fixed wrong markdown of Fortitude Aced. Thanks specty!
- Fixed Fortitude skills being colored when you use MP5SD Barrel support
Version XIIX
- Updated localization for Fear & Greed chapter.
- Added new buff icon for encumbered status effect.
- Added Fear & Greed briefing background.
- Colored new buff icon for encumbered status effect, coloured purple.
- Added new title screen for Fear & Greed chapter.
Version XIII
- Fixed a few capitalizations and punctuations in Boys in Blue heist, what's up with all those mistakes SBZ?
- Fixed some main menu headers.
- Fixed Precision Shot and Cutting Shot descriptions, thanks to vladeoZ.
- Added missing manufacturer names into weapon names, I am not going to overcomplicate things, just trying to standardize things around.
- Added support for preset weapons, removed their prefix, seems like SBZ lost it's consistency with the last update, because Queen's Revenge does not have it, and honestly, it looks better this way.
- Added markdowns for Suppressors and Scopes, when necessary.
- Added special heist risks on to their descriptions at heists screen.
- Added heist triggers on to some detailed objective descriptions.
- Added support for extra waypoints, this and any other waypoint mod could work with each other, so this is an addon.
- Added support for MP5SD Barrel Over Wrapped Suppressor mod as an addon.
- Added support for Legacy Tactical Over Echelon mod as an addon.
Version XII
- Updated localization for game version 1.2.0.
- Removed heister icon changes.
- Changed description of Heavy Ballistic with it's silent nerf, thanks Lunar Pearl!
Version XI
- Added support for waypoints, I got inspired from Silly Waypoint Overhaul!
- Revisited the default skill icons that look blurry, and hope they look better now.
- Revisited the values to Speed Aim and Quick Draw skills, thanks to intensive testings made by Ema, now they are show their correct values.
- Revisited the renown & infamy color rewards, added prefix to them for to be alphebatically ordered, again, thanks to Ema.
Version X
- Updated localization for game version 1.1.5.
- Added values to Blade Bouncer, Speed Aim, From the Hip and Quick Draw skills.
- Fixed capitalization issues on spectating UI.
- Fixed a value in High Grain description.
Version VII
- Cleaned the error pop-up texts.
- Shorten notification pop-ups and interaction texts, thanks Larmendra <3
- Massively changed the interaction texts, based and inspired from Various Text Changes, by you guessed it, Ema :3
- Updated heist state UI element, so assault, search and trade will look different.
- The texts that have been changed to be without backgrounds are now appear in bold font.
- Removed the punctuations from challenges to make them in-line with other pop-ups, thanks Nico, I guess.
- Fixed key item strings punctuation, thanks Ema, again!
- Fixed an issue with Featherlight preset weapon, thanks Ema, again, again!
- Updated Cloaker damage in Flashbang description, thanks Ema, again, again, again!
- Fixed bunch of header/description punctuations.
Version VI
- Restored a cut feature, skill lines now have their descriptions beneath their initial skills.
- All instances of targeting changed into aiming.
- Fixed the form party widget, so the progression timer is actually visible now.
- Removed the backgrounds of action notification pop-ups.
- Removed the black bars from buff widgets.
- Cleaned the pre-game lobby texts.
- Cleaned the matchmaking screen texts.
- Cleaned the results screen texts.
- Cleaned the notifications overlay texts.
Version V
- Added support for interaction prompts, system chat, infamy point screen, and pop-ups for fixed capitalization and punctuation mistakes.
- Added support for social menu, button reminders and matchmaking bar for fixed capitaization and shorten unnecessarily lenghty texts.
- Added support for vendors menu and tutorials for more flavoured and informative text.
- Added support for picked up items, so will be highlighted in chat as green when picked up and red when placed down.
- Added support for assault states and negotiation bar, for more flavoured text alongside of removal of their background.
- Fixed a small mistake with a stun type in skill tree descriptions.
- Added first responder information to Manipulator/Menacing.
- Throwable descriptions are updated with more hidden gameplay mechanics.
- Cleaned up HUD localization.
- Added support for call them tasers by Higgue, Allen Scott, and ๖ۣۜFULLY-SEMI-AUTOMATIC.
Version IX
- Reworked all modifier icons, including the older ones from past versions.
- Separated modifier files from Miscellaneous to a new file.
- Shorten Security Modifiers to Modifiers.
- Shorten the modifier descriptions, so they won't make a wall of text when you press TAB.
- Shorten the new color names by removing their prefix.
- Shorten the trade headers on some states.
- Renamed Level Up Rewards to Infamy Rewards.
- Renamed skip/undo actions to avoid confusion.
- Added punctuations to missing error messages.
- Added missing markdowns to wherever drones being mentioned.
- Added support for colored modifiers.
Version IV
- Updated localization for game version 1.1.3.
- Added support for Shock Grenade, with also updated skill tree descriptions.
- Added support for challenges, so now they appear cleaner and more readable.
- Capitalization and punctuation fixes for new strings that came with update #6.
- Renamed estimated loot to PAYDAY, for more nostalgia value.
- Fixed more typos and spacing issues.
Version IIX
- Updated localization for game version 1.1.4.
- Updated debuff icons for Tactical Drones and modifiers.
- Added full support for Assassin skill line; icons, flavour texts and markdowns.
- Added full support for new modifiers.
- Updated Expose skill for Shock Grenades.
- Updated High Grain skill for new effects.
- Updated Precision Shot and Cutting Shot skills for adjustments made in 1.1.4.
- Fixed a capitalization mistake in skill tree, thanks Ema!
- Added missing information to heavy hipfire, thanks Ema!!
- Changed Extra Pockets description to avoid confusion, thanks Sarah!
- Fixed the issue with capitalization where the word "Pick Up" shows up.
Version III
- Mod now works modular for increased compatibility. Pick and choose what to install or not, DELETE THE OLDER VERSION OF THE MOD.
- Reworked the RUSH buff indicator icon. I didn't like how it shows on the screen next to other buffs, so removed the running guy out and feather icon in. Also streamlined the icon's background motives to be more inline with the other buffs.
- Also GRIT and EDGE icons background motives are slightly edited to make it more pleasing to the eyes.
- Fixed an issue with GRIT debuff indicator shows invulnerability debuff indicator.
- Added support for ECM Jammer indicator.
- Added support for High Grain indicator, thanks to Nadz! Vanilla game appears to use skill icon file for some reason, so I really appreciate it.
- Added support for low health effect, now instead of covering all spaces in the screen, it's only cover the right upper corner to reduce clutter and improve clarity. Also the asset is improved, red color is now more prominent and black outlines are removed.
- Added support for armor break effect, reduced the opacity, but reworked the asset so it looks more shattered while appear less on the screen.
- Added support for cutting tool effect, increased the asset quality slightly.
- Added support for safe cracking minigame, now it's more of a minigame UI instead of realistic looking minigame, to make it inline with other minigames.
- Added support for investigation icon, slightly sharpier and smaller now. Exclamation mark unchanged.
- Added support for heister portraits, the base asset is taken from Masked Heisters mod by Delta.Pizza, fixed the base game issue where Wolf has a 1px of a black line in his portrait, made all portaits 10% smaller and re-adjust their positions.
- Added support for renown icons, they always seem to deformed to me so I took an action.
- Removed Dallas from matchmaking button. He was asking for Medic Bag too much...
- Playstation and XBOX icons are reworked with higher quality assets, and they are more distinctive now.
- Reworked chance to down icon with something more inline with the buff icons.
- Fixed so heist time, it's no longer in all uppercase mode.
- Fixed endgame stats punctuations.
- Renamed pre-game lobby to Preplanning.
- Renamed Payday category in social menu to Nebula Friends.
- Fixed a bunch of wrong capitalizations in vanilla matchmaking menus.
- Added more information about hidden gameplay mechanics.
- Added support for colored buffs.
- Added support for colored chat names by Abkarino. This addon should be loaded BEFORE the mod.
Version II
- Updated localization for game version 1.1.2.
- Added support for Adrenaline, with rich text markdown.
- Added support for Fortitude skill line, also Supraphysiological is now rocking an unique skill icon instead of a duplicate vanilla icon. This couldn't be done without support of Nadz!
- Added support for Clean Slate.
- Added supoort for reworked Misdirect.
- Added support for armor stats, also improved with more stats and expanded to deployables, throwables and tools. Stats are mostly taken from Girthy Guide by Ema and Jade.
- Added support for StatDescription markdown, which is currently used by armor stats in vanilla game. However, it's replaced by Good markdown to keep styling in-line with the rest.
- Increased RUSH markdown color saturation.
- Restored lost flavor text in armors and Sentry Turret.
- Fixed a minor misalignment for buff text locations in Enforcer skill line. Thanks Ema!
- Fixed a minor shading issue with base game skill lines.
- Fixed the GRIT buff indicator blurring.
- Removed texture mipmaps, so no more low res pop-ins. Thanks to Nadz again!
Over 200+ icons have been remade, drawing from my experience for SSO. Many icons are repurposed from it - with significant tweaks. I've tried to capture the essence of vanilla, but with improvements.
Over 5000+ strings has been rewritten to make them more consistent, flavourful, pleasing, and clear.
Heists, objectives, skills, armors, deployables, throwables, and tools now have detailed information in their descriptions, with hidden gameplay elements explained.
This mod includes completely color-coded markdowns for descriptions of skills, loadouts, and in-game chat.
Interface have been slightly tweaked to create a more pleasant experience, and to fix bugs that present in vanilla.
Effects have been slightly edited to work in all environments and take up marginally less screen space.
This mod isn't limited to in-game use and is supported by the following tools.
Script made by Jade
A website for skill building, leaderboards, and more. With a browser user script extension like Violentmonkey, you can customize the site's interface using markdown and icons from this mod, which can be toggled on or off individually.
Submitted by Jade
A supplementary tool for loadouts, with weapon stats, attachment details, and damage breakpoints and visualise the impacts of skills and attachments. Support for this mod is built into the site. You can switch between the vanilla and modded interface from the dropdown menu.
Not compatible with any other mods that replace icons, even if they are just recolors - unless the mod is specifically tailored to work with this one. It is also not compatible with any other mods that replace locres files, which are mainly used for localization, like weapon names. Additionally, text-related features only work when the game language is set to English, though localization patches can be made by others.
Special thanks to Ema Pex, pinki_ninja, SenpaiKillerFire, and Wednesday Enthusiast for their help with Unreal Engine 4.2.7. Also, thanks to a fish, Duke Durandil, faaskee, Jade, Larmendra, Matthelzor, Moenado, oni, 5ar4h, and Server Hater for their support.