1) Download Unity Asset Bundle Extractor
2) Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity\PillarsOfEternity_Data\assetbundles\prefabs\objectbundle\spiritshift_whatever
3) Click Info. Sort by Size. Find and Select Monobehavior ( Size 548 ). Click Export Dump.
4) Open your newly exported file with any text program. Look for Float DurationOverride = 15.000000. That's 15 seconds. Change it to any number, like 9999.000000 and save the file.
5) Go back to Unity Asset Bundle Extractor (it should still be open). Click Import Dump. Select the file you just saved in Step 4.
6) X back to the main Unity Asset Bundle Extractor screen. Click File > Save. Save this over your spiritshift_whatever file.
*Disclaimer: Make sure to backup your spiritshift_whatever file before saving over it.-
Note: Incendax is referring to the ORIGINAL spiritshift files, DO NOT install the mod first. I do highly recommend the most recent iemod though as it will allow you keep the spiritshift going outside of combat.
Thank you very much, Incendax74 https://i.imgur.com/WLDgTLM.png
i registered to tell you that you are the absolute unit of a man, you can have my firstborn
thank you soooooooo much! -
Any update for this? Program just crashes when I hit info.
This still works! Thank you so much!
At step 4 I couldn't find Float Duratijavascript-event-stripped. I found something called duration override with float 15 but that doesn't seems to be it.
Any tips? -
I have made a new updated mod that includes all of these features!
Please check it out! http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/138/? True Druid -
I made my own mod for this, try it out I will Dev it further if people like it.
Currently it's JUST for Hiravias.
http://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity/mods/137/? -
for those who want this mod but cannot wait for the author, here's a quick fix:
follow this tutorial: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86034-tutorial-making-potions-usable-outside-of-combat/
when searching for the value you want to change look for the monobehaviour with its size around 550 bytes. There you'll find the values you need to change (can change if it's combat only and the cooldown).
Here we will try to change the duration of this ability. Look for "float durationoverride" its value should be 15.000000.
Use the hex editor and look for 00 00 70 41 (since this value is around the bottom mark the boxes "direction up" and "scope from end" )
This is the value you want to change (i changed it to 00 3c 1c 46 so i now have a spirtshift lasting 9999 seconds).
Et voila! You are all set
Note that you can also fiddle with other values and see what you get
Good luck have fun y'all-
Thanks a lot for this, it's at least something. Would never have found the potion thread otherwise, and this is worth a shot at least.
Hey, any idea if this still works? I change the 00 00 70 41 to 00 3c 1c 46, save, but nothing changes ingame. Could IE Mod be conflicting with it?
I tested it with my files today it still worked, careful that you edit the right 00 00 70 41 value, there are several. Take the one on the bottom.
I made my own mod for this, try it out I will Dev it further if people like it.
Currently it's JUST for Hiravias.
Hi, Could you please make a mod that extends the duration of Sorcerer summon spells?
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