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About this mod

This mod gives a few new class, subclass, or multiclass options for every companion and sidekick. The intent is to only use a single file per companion/sidekick and to only use the ones you want (as they do override one of the default choices you normally have) and delete the rest.

Permissions and credits
These are my personal class/subclass/multiclass modifications made to companions/sidekicks over the course of many playthroughs.  I wanted to play lots of different combinations but don't like using hired adventurers so this was my solution.  Included are:

Aloth: Bloodmage, Transmuter+Tactitican, Unbroken+Illusionist, Priest of Woedica
Eder: Blackjacket+Streetfighter, Tactician+Cipher, Unbroken+Trickster, Priest of Wael
Fassina: Ancient, CorpseEater+Shifter, Evoker+Assassin, Shifter+Conjuror
Konstanten: Beckoner+Berserker, Helwalker+Ghostheart, Mageslayer, Shifter+Nalpazca
Maia: ArcaneArcher, Gunhawk+Assassin, Gunhawk+Cipher, Stalker
Mirke: ForbiddenFist, ShatteredPillar, Skald+Debonaire
Pallegina: Bleakwalker, Troubador+Goldpact
Rekke: Berserker+Devoted, Enchanter+Bellower, Fury+Helwalker
Serafen: Mageslayer, Psion, Priest of Skaen, Soulblade+Furyshaper
Tekehu: Lifegiver
Vatnir: CorpseEater, Rogue+Skald
Xoti: Priest of Gaun+Streetfigher, ShatteredPillar, Priest of Skaen
Ydwin: Beckoner+Soulblade, Beguiler+Trickster, Psion+Priest of Berath

Instructions for use:

1)  Download the .zip

2)  Unzip it to your 'override' directory with the last folder being 'CompanionChanges_crdvis16'.  For me, the full path as seen in the unzip program is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\override\CompanionChanges_crdvis16"

3)  Navigate to where you unzipped it and then further into the /design/gamedata folder and you will see LOTS of files that end in .gamedatabundle.  Delete files and leave ONLY the class/subclass/multiclass modifications you want and ONLY one file per companion/sidekick.  For instance, for my latest playthrough my directory 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\override\CompanionChanges_crdvis16\design\gamedata' has just these files:


I repeat- you do NOT want multiple files for a single companion/sidekick because I think one would just override the other (or worse, might somehow mess up your game).

4)  (optional) If you think the change to a given companion/sidekick's class/subclass/multiclass necessitates altering their starting stats there are ways to do it.  The way I did it was to edit a file in the 'Balance Polishing Mod' set of mods (which are good and I recommend using them along with the community patch).  In the folder '..\override\BalancePolishingModBuffs\design\gamedata' there is a sidekick and companion attribute file that can be edited for different stats.

5)  Boot up the game and at the starting menu, go to Options -> Mod Manager.  Find the mod with the title 'Various companion subclass tweaks by crdvis16' and make sure the little blue gem to  the left is checked.

6)  Play the game.  When you recruit a companion for whom you left a .gamedatabundle file in '..\CompanionChanges_crdvis16\design\gamedata\' you should see that one of their usual class/subclass/multiclass choices has been replaced with the modded one.  Choose that new option!  Otherwise, why did you bother going through all of this?

Also- I would recommend not having 'auto-leveling' enabled in the game options.  I think I deleted most of the auto-leveling stuff in the .gamedatabundle files so I don't even know what would happen if you had it on.  Why do you have it on, anyway??

Q:  It's not working, can you help?
A:  Probably not!  I learned just enough about modding to make these mods and not much more.

Q:  I used the mod to change one of the companions and it doesn't seem right.  What gives?
A:  Beats me.  It seemed to work properly for me- I did a playthrough using each of these modifications.  I also usually double checked that the mod worked by hiring an adventurer right after recruiting the companion and choosing the same class/subclass/multiclass options as the modded companion and then comparing the two in order to make sure I didn't make a mistake.  But it's certainly possible I missed something at some point.

Q:  Can you do a class/subclass/multiclass mod for companion X for me?
A:  Nope!  But it really wasn't that hard to learn how to do these mods so do it yourself!  There is a mod forum on the Obsidian website that can get you started and you even have all of these mods (and other similar ones) as examples to emulate.

Q:  Why didn't you just use XYZ mod or make these changes using the unity console??
A:  I dunno.  I actually tried messing around with the unity console initially but it seemed flaky and I could never get it to actually work right.  So I went this route instead.

Q:  It is a sacrilege that you've modded companion/sidekick X to be class/subclass Y.  What is wrong with you?
A:  Sometimes gameplay is more important than staying true to the lore/rp.  Especially on like playthrough #5...