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About this mod

Recyclers will deposit into named containers instead of dumping into the world. Supports automatic periodic operations.

Permissions and credits
Recyclers deposit the decomposed ingredients into named containers. Supports automatic periodic recycling.

 Multiplayer Host Only - disables itself when playing as a client

By default, all such ingredients would go into a container named *Recycled (case insensitive, can be configured). You can define a list of item ids (case sensitive) and aliases (case insensitive) to deposit various ingredients into such various named containers. Note that there are some vanilla misspellings (such as Uranim to look out for). See the current item identifier list below

Using the * prefix is not required with customized names, but it is recommended to avoid ambiguities with visible and mod-hidden containers.

You can define the automatic recycle period via configuration; default is every 5 seconds. Set it to zero to disable automatic recycling.

You can also define the maximum range (spherical) to look for the named containers.

ℹ️ Note that some items can't be recycled because they have no ingredients associated with them or are explicitly forbidden to be recycled by the game.
⚠️ if no aliases and no container named *Recycled can be found, the recyclers won't work, not even when pressing the button.

Example aliases:

DefaultDepositAliases = *Dump
CustomDepositAliases = Iron:*Common,Magnesium:*Common,Cobalt:*Common,Aluminium:*Precious,Iridium:*Precious

This mod is Apache 2.0 open source:


  • Important! Please remove any old BepInEx installs & mods and completely reinstall the game from scratch.
  • Install BepInEx 5.4.22 (Windows & Proton).
  • Start the game, quit the game.
  • Find the BepInEx\config\BepInEx.cfg file, and in it, set HideManagerGameObject = true. Alternatively, install the Mod Enabler mod from this package.
  • Extract any mods from the bundle into BepInEx\Plugins. Please keep the folder structure intact.

Item Identifiers



## Is the mod enabled?
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: true
Enabled = true

## Enable debug mode with detailed logging (chatty!)
# Setting type: Boolean
# Default value: false
DebugMode = false

## The name of the container to deposit resources not explicity mentioned in CustomDepositAliases.
# Setting type: String
# Default value: *Recycled
DefaultDepositAlias = *Recycled

## Comma separated list of resource_id:alias to deposit into such named containers
# Setting type: String
# Default value:
CustomDepositAliases =

## How often to auto-recycle, seconds. Zero means no auto-recycle.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 5
AutoRecyclePeriod = 5

## The maximum range to look for containers within. Zero means unlimited range.
# Setting type: Int32
# Default value: 20
MaxRange = 20