Game Crashing Please Help

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I've recently got back into planet zoo after not playing for a while  and wanted to redownload a bunch of my favourite mods and when i downloaded them all and tried booting up the game it crashed and every time i tried after the same happened. If anyone has had similar experiences can you please help me? Thank you!


  1. brethicken
    • member
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    I also recently had this issue, the normal animals are in the market are just fine (base game animals), but the second I search up red panda (I had a remaster mod for it.) it crashes. It's only the ones with new variants where their images don't show up. I deleted all the mods, and it works just fine now! 
  2. RedHoodedFandom
    • supporter
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    I've just started getting this issue. I wanted to add some new animals to my game so I knew my mods worked but then one of the new ones crashed my game whenever I tried to search them up in the trading center. Suddenly none of my mods worked, even after I deleted the new ones and started from a clean slate
  3. Soopershpee
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    I would recommend checking each mod. For every one that doesn't work, download and install the file  again. I hope this helps
    1. Crabmantis
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I thought of that but it would take way too long to open the game every time and have to redownload each mod. thanks for the idea though!
    2. davidra100305
      • member
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      You checked if your mods are up to date for 1.5 version
    3. Crabmantis
      • member
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      I checked all of the mods and they were up to date while doing that i found out that one of the iguana mods was causing the crashes. thank you guys for all the help!
      • member
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      Well There Are Some Mods That Makes Game Crashing
      I'll type some link for with out crash But Don't click Vet reserch it will crash!
      All Flamingos :
      All Leopards :\
      All Safari Animals More Then 90 animals :
      All Outback animals Over 60 animals :
      Safari Prop pack :
      Outback Prop Pack :
      Jurrasic World Prop :
      THANK YOU.