![GENOsaur Genetic's Lore Quarter 1-2 GENOsaur Genetic's Lore Quarter 1-2](https://staticdelivery.nexusmods.com/images/3100/117579093-1630263566.jpg)
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GENOsaur Genetics History:
GENOsaur Genetics is an Company Founded in 2025 this Company Specializes on Genetic Editing and DE-Extinction in their Early years they Produce Salmon 5x their Size and Pig's Big as Black Bear's but They Gain More Public Awareness by Bringing Back Two recently Extinct animals The Javan Rhino & Baiji an Chinese Dolphin.They were Acclaimed for Bringing those Animals Back to Life and Couple Months later GENOsaur Genetics Decided the next Step is to bring back Prehistoric to Historic Extinct animals to an Real-life Jurassic Park Called Primeval Park an Zoo located in Canada.In Quarter 1-2 the Zoo was an Success and was able to Give them Enough For Expand the Park in the Future.
GENOsaur Genetics Species List Quarter 1-2:
001:Dodo-The Dodo is an Small Species of Extinct bird Found that lived in an Small Island Year's Ago.These Birds are an Icon of Extinct animals and GENOsaur had their Eye at them on Day One.These Birds Fossils were Collected across their Island and Couple of Soft Tissue was Found as Well.The Dodo that was Brought back was their First animal for the park.The Bird was Small,with and gray Body and a Fatty Body with a Short Beak.The Dodo's are Very Kind to the Zookeepers just like the Extinct Dodo's.People Response was Mixed People love how the Dodo looked and said how cute it is but Other brought up the Fact that GENOsaur Dodo Looks Nothing like the Fossil Animal Such as it Being Gray not Brown and Being Fatter Unlike the Skinny dodo but In the Future GENOsaur corrected their Dodo.The Dodo's were an hit and Became their Mascot.The Dodo's Yearly are brought to the Wild to live in their Home island.
002:Triceratops-Being One of the Most Popular Dinosaur's in the World the Triceratops was an No brainer to bring Back.The CEO of GENOsaur Said that Bringing this Animal Back was an Nightmare it Took very Long To Make an Took Over 14 Day's to Complete the Genome and that's just the Genome Unlike the Large Habitat that Cost Millions and the Finding of Their Fossils.When The Triceratops was Done the Team were Very Happy that's its Done and the Triceratops look's Good.The Triceratops had an sandy Tan Skin Patterns on it with Brown Stripes On the Frill and the Rest on the Body.The Public was also Mixed with this Dinosaur People Raised the Ethics of bringing Back such an Animal but More People were Happy to See an Living Dinosaur and in the Future GENOsaur Genetics made an Upgraded Version of this Dinosaur but The Company are Having an Great Start.
003:Quagga-The Quagga is an Sub-Species of Zebra who Lived in Africa an long Time Ago.These Zebras were Hunted to extinction by Humans because of their Prize pelt the Last One Died in an Zoo but GENOsaur Genetics was Able to bring back this Animal That was Very Easy for them.The Quagga DNA mostly Makes up with Zebra DNA so the Team Put 95% of their Quagga DNA Plain's Zebra and the Rest the Fossil Quagga.The Outcome was Very Very Like the old Quagga's with Almost Looking the Same.GENOsaur Genetics yearly Put 15 Quaggas Into the Wild back at Africa.
004:Killer Penguin-The Only Hybrid That GENOsaur Made is the Killer Penguin an Hybrid between an Theropod Dinosaur and a Rockhopper penguin.The Story of the Killer Penguin is an Odd one at that.GENOsaur Team Found Some Genome of an Theropod Notably the Tyrannosaurs but it was not Enough to bring back but Not Giving it to waste the Killer Penguin was Born Crossing the DNA with an T-rex & an Rockhopper Penguin.The Temper of this Penguin is Very Hostile and Dangerous they Need Tons of Space and Needing very Deep Water making GENOsaur Lose Millions for this penguin but the Penguin was very Popular Among Guests.These Penguins are Ranked 4 in the danger level for Animals in the Zoo and Zookeepers have to Be Very Careful Cleaning and Placing Food In the Killer Penguin Habitat.
005:Presberoynis-Presberoynis is an Prehistoric Duck who Lived across Asia & North America.These Duck's are very Easy Animals for GENOsaur to Handle with and Cause very Little Problems.The Fossil Team were able to Go Asia and Find Tons of Presberoynis Fossil's in Swamps & Caves.In Primeval Park these Waterfowl Spend their Time in the Zoo Mostly Feeding and Swim around their Habitat and One of the Least Dangerous Bird's Found in the Zoo.Many Presberoynis Chicks sometimes do Not like Eat their Food that is Odd.
006:Smilodon-The mighty Saber-Tooth Cat the Second Ice Age All-Star and a Must need for GENOsaur Genetics to bring Back.Smilodon's Across S-N America being the Apex Predator of the Ice Age Until Humans Came and Made them Extinct but Overhunting their Prey that was mostly Bison & Mastodon's.The Smilodon Fossils were Found in the LA Tar Pits to the Mud Pits of South America the Team Really wanted to bring this Animal back Being they Knew How Popular it Would be in the Zoo and how Great it would see to See an Real-Life Saber.The Smilodons were Both Made in the zoo and they had brown Colour's Across their body with an Tan Underbelly Used for Hiding in the Tall Grass The Public Loved how this Big Cat Looked and the Zoo Gave the Male Named Deigo.
007:Woolly Mammoth-The Majestic Ice Age Giant the Woolly Mammoth was an Massive Project for GENOsaur Geneitc's.The Woolly Mammoth lived in the Ice Age across Asia,North America and Europe they were the Biggest Animal at that Time Until Early Humans Wiped them Out.The Woolly Mammoth's Genome was Pretty easy for GENOsaur 75% of the DNA is Indian Elephant and the Rest is the Woolly Mammoth DNA Found Across Russia and Frozen Woolly Mammoth Soft-Tissue.The woolly Mammoth Took Pretty Long to make 19 day's to Make but GENOsaur Genetic's Really wanted this Animal Mainly the CEO Did.These Mammoth's were Done and Finally Put in their Habitat.The Woolly Mammoth's are Mainly Brown but with Other Colours that the Team Cooked Up With.The Woolly Mammoth Habitat was Very Large Only Being Smaller than the Triceratops.Woolly Mammoth's were an Massive Hit for Primeval park and Guests Saw this majestic Prehistoric Animal and Yes Of Course the Alpha Male was Named Manny Why Not?
008:Elephant Bird-An Large Bird Found in Madgascar these Birds were Found in the Grassland in the Island with No Natural Predators Until sailors came to the Island an made them Extinct.The Elephant Bird's Fossils were Mainly Found by museum's Across the World Such as Soft-Tissue and Egg's.The Elephant Bird was an easy Animal to Bring Back for GENOsaur genetic's.The Elephant Bird Look Feathers are Mostly Gray with some Yellows,Orange and Brown Stripes on the Neck with an Thick Patches on the Elephant Bird Body that GENOsaur Made for these Birds to Be Safe from Ticks.The Long Neck of these Birds are able to Reach the Tree's that GENOsaur Placed for these Birds.The Guests Liked the Elephant Bird but was not an Massive Hit With Guests so GENOsaur Genetics had to Do Something.
009:Thylacine-GENOsaur Genetics Made an Expansion in their park in Quarter 2 where they made an Oceania Zone Where their Main Habitat is the Thylacine.The Thylacine is an Marsupial not an Dog they were Predators who Hunted Prey such as Wombats and Kangaroos but Over Time People Start Farming and the Thylacine were eating their Chickens Until the Last Wild One was Shot.Years later in 2026 The Thylacine was Brought Back thanks to Our Special GENOsaur member Named Jesse She Brought back the Thylacine by Finding The Fossils of the Animal.The Thylacine Clone was Very Similar to the Real Thylacine and their Habitat is Fairly large Housing Four Thylacine's in the Habitat.The Thylacine was an Hit with Guests Unlike the Elephant Bird and GENOsaur Genetic's Were Happy How the Habitat Gave them Back at Business.
010:South island Giant Moa-The Second Habitat in the Oceania Zone is the Moa Habitat next to the Thylacine.The Moa was Similar to the Elephant Bird they Lived in an Island Notably New Zealand an Just like the Elephant Bird they were Wiped Out By Human's.The Moa was Idea Brought Up By Alex who Wanted to Put the Moa in the Zoo GENOsuar Said No At first Seeing the Not-So Feedback from the Elephant bird but they Said Yes.In New Zealand Moa Fossils were Found they were able to Bring it Back Pretty Easy with Mixing Up DNA with Cassowary's and Emu's.The Look of the Moa was Pleasing the Moa has an Bright Blue Neck with an Null Body Feathers.While Not as Popular like the Thylacine Guests did Like the Moa and GENOsaur Genetic's were Happy at Alex's Idea.
011:Dimetrodon-The Oldest Animal in Quarter 1-2 the Dimetrodon Took Over 22 Day's to Make and was Longer to Make than the Triceratops.The Dimetrodon is an Mammal-like Reptile who Lived in the Paleozoic who had an Large Sail that was used for Mating but they Died out by Climate Change drying Out their Water Source.The Dimetrodon Habitat is like an Swallow Tropical Swamp where these Animals love to hang Out.The look of this Animal has Brown Stripes and an Dark light green Scales across the Body of the Dimetrodon with Odd patterns of the Dimetrodon.The Dimetrodon was an Massive hit and Guests loved how it look.The Dimetrodons are Ranked 3 in the Danger Ranking these Animals eat meat but they Like to eat Fish and tend to not Bite The zookeeper's but they Still have to Be Careful.
012:Carnotaurus-The First Theropod Dinosaur Ever brought Back GENOsaur Genetic's really wanted this Dinosaur in the Zoo.The Carnotaurus was an Carnivorous Predator Dinosaur who Lived in South America Plains hunting Their prey Until they Went Extinct.The Carnotaurus odd Look was very Werid they had an Bulldog Look with Two Sharp Bull-like Horn's on their head with very Small Arms Smaller than even the T-rex No Reason GENOsaur wanted this Dinosaur So Badly.The Carnotaurus took 18 Day's to Make an Finally Ready to Put the Dinosaur in primeval Park.The Carnotaurus Did Not Look Different to Much like its extinct Carnotaurus the Scales on the Carnotaurus is mostly brown,Tan and an White Underbelly.The Carnotaurus was an Massive Hit in the zoo Making their Most Popular Habitat Primeval Park Gain more Popularity and Claim from the Public but Of Course Some People were Mad at Bringing back Such an Dangerous Predator but GENOsaur did not Really Care.GENOsaur was Really Happy How the Habitat and the Animal Turned out the Money they Made is able to Make an Large Expansion in their Zoo to Quarter 3-4.
This Took Really Long Guys i Hope you like the Drawing's and the Lore i made when 1.7 In Planet zoo Comes out i Will make all the GENOsaur Genetic's 1.6 paleo Mod Lore
Hope You Like it :)
and Yes their will be More to.