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About this mod

Changes the appearance of the Dhole from Southeast Asia pack to look more like the Fluffy Dholes in zoos. Adds 2 variants.

Permissions and credits
This mod gives the Dhole its iconic winter coat, changing models and textures for adults, aswell as textures for juvenile. Requires ACSE to work, includes new UI.

April 15th 2024 update: Added Leucistic and Piebald variants. Piebald has 3 marking sets that can mix between each other.

It's recommended to use the Planet Zoo Plus mod for a better experience. 

Special thanks to tigerdrake for supporting me so I could make this mod and Mikey for supporting the variants. Thanks to Rob for the in game pics.

Variant translations:

English and Spanish: Gabboi
Portuguese: Masora157
German: Dacki1990
Swedish: Stalagmite
Russian: Tanooki_leaf
Dutch: MrSmeagol1994
Czech: Papyrus

To install this remaster extract and place the folder in ovldata like a New Species mod, no file replacement needed! Requires ACSE.