About this mod
Add the mightiest of birds - Harpy Eagle - to your zoo!
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits

This mod adds the Harpy Eagle
as a new species to planet zoo
This mod comes complete with the following:

- Unique custom models for adult and juvenile
- Complete custom UI and Zoopedia with info sourced from Wikipedia and Animalia.Bio
- Modified Behaviors and habitat preferences
- Several custom animations!
- Custom statues and signs.
- Requires ACSE and Eurasia Animal pack to work
- This Mod is available in:
- Dutch (by Maxdonalds)
- French (by Golden.Klimt)
- German (by Dacki1990)
- Portuguese (by Masora157)
- Spanish (by alvarodayne)
This mod is based on the Wolverine and uses its enrichment items
To install this extract the downloaded file and place the folder within
called "HarpyEagle" into your ovldata folder of planet zoo.
( you can find where Planet Zoo's folders are by clicking the browse
button on Planet Zoo's install files tab in the properties window with
This mod includes multiple custom animations, including custom enrichment item animations.
I have created animations that combine with custom blueprints to create brand new interactions.
If you choose not to use my blueprints or create your own,
the enrichment animations will have the animal interact with air LOL.
My blueprints were made to be used as is or as guides to create your own set pieces!
( I know my animations are not perfect, and the camera is a bit finicky
during them but hopefully they will enrich your experience )
I will be remastering a number of my other bird mods to incorporate these new animations so be sure to check for updates!

Link to Perching Pole blueprint on steam workshop

Link to Flight Range blueprint on steam workshop

Custom themed props!
To Celebrate my 100th mod milestone I have created 2 sets of reward statues and 2 signs!
To install this extract the downloaded file and place the folder within
called "HarpyEagleProps" into your ovldata folder of planet zoo.
Find them in game by using the filters: Harpy Eagle and GreatCakeMods
Be sure to delete these props from any zoos before you remove the mod or it can cause crashes.

Please don't report any crashes or issues with this mod until you have done thorough troubleshooting. Thank you!
Support me on Ko-Fi and the OpenNinja Modding Community on Discord!

Check out other similar mods of mine!
Northern Bald eagle
Tasmanian Wedge-Tailed Eagle
Striated Caracara
California Condor
Cape Vulture