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About this mod

Add the king of eastern Africa - Masai Lion - to your zoo!

Permissions and credits

This mod adds the Southern Lion clade Masai Lion as a new species to planet zoo
This mod comes complete with the following:

  • Unique custom models for male, female and juvenile

  • Complete custom UI and Zoopedia with info sourced from Wikipedia,, and

  • Modified Behaviors and habitat preferences

  • Requires ACSE to work, no DLC required

This Mod is available in:
- English (by me)

This mod is based on the West African Lion and uses its enrichment items.

To install this extract the downloaded file and place the folder within
called "MasaiLion" into your ovldata folder of planet zoo.

( you can find where Planet Zoo's folders are by clicking the browse
button on Planet Zoo's install files tab in the properties window with

Please don't report any crashes or issues with this mod until you have done thorough troubleshooting. Thank you!

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