About this mod
Increase the amount of pokespawns and spawn distance.
Pokemon spawn a bit closer to the player and spawn/despawn at twice the distance as before.
They also spawn in greater numbers at once as you're moving about.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
They also spawn in greater numbers at once as you're moving about.
High and Medium will cause performance issues on the Switch. Odds are even Low will.
minCreateDistance 25.0 -> 20.0
maxCreateDistance 40.0 -> 80.0
minDestroyDistance 45.0 -> 85.0
maxDestroyDistance 45.0 -> 85.0
maxGenerationNum 15 -> 48
minCreateDistance 25.0 -> 20.0
maxCreateDistance 40.0 -> 60.0
minDestroyDistance 45.0 -> 65.0
maxDestroyDistance 45.0 -> 55.0
maxGenerationNum 15 -> 32
minCreateDistance 25.0 -> 20.0
maxCreateDistance 40.0 -> 60.0
minDestroyDistance 45.0 -> 65.0
maxDestroyDistance 45.0 -> 65.0
maxGenerationNum 15 -> 20
Less Poke spawns than even default with a slightly larger creation distance.
minCreateDistance 25.0 -> 20.0
maxCreateDistance 40.0 -> 50.0
minDestroyDistance 45.0 -> 55.0
maxDestroyDistance 45.0 -> 55.0
maxGenerationNum 15 -> 8
Shameless Self-Promotion
Pokémon Compass is a romhack geared towards a vanilla-enhanced experience with a new progression that manually reworks every NPC battle, adds over 200 new raids including custom 7★ event raids, makes every HOME Pokémon available, removes version exclusivity, and more!
Team Seri's Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Mods
Join the Inidar Academy Discord.
Copy the resulting romFS folder into
Note: For Violet, replace
0100A3D008C5C000 with 01008F6008C5E000
Or if a Standalone version is available, you can copy the romFS folder from the zip straight into
Note: For Violet, replace
0100A3D008C5C000 with 01008F6008C5E000