Alpha Demo Released!

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Pre-Alpha Demo


This new demo showcases the base building blocks for designing a dungeon including: digging and fortifying walls, claiming tiles and placing basic rooms. Underlords can summon, or even possess, Blood Imps if they find their work ethics less than desirable. Please be aware that this is an extremely early pre-alpha build of the game, don't be surprised if you run into a bug or two!

Curious Underlords should beware, for the Empire has set up a small base in the area. The Juggernauts guarding the base have a certain affinity for Blood Imp crêpes. However, new minions have surfaced in the dungeon whom, if paid well, could be very useful in keeping the Empire’s soldiers at bay. And with the new Barracks, you will be able to train them in the near future to be more effective.

This takes us one step closer to showcasing what our team can accomplish, especially in a very short time, to bring you a true spiritual successor to Dungeon Keeper. Updates from this point will focus on adding more functionality and resolving any bugs that pop up. We would also like to begin revealing more of the features which distinguish us from other games such as Shrines, Veins of Evil and more over the next few weeks.

Rewards Add-ons

As has been posted in previous updates, we are looking at ways for our backers to add additional copies of the game, T-shirts, and more to their pledges. Especially with the holidays approaching, we wanted to open these options up as soon as possible! Adding these extras to your pledge is very easy, simply increase your pledge by the amount listed in the table below, and we will send a survey to you by email once the campaign ends so you can detail which extras you have chosen.

Holiday Gift Cards

While an Underlord is not the best at giving anything away beyond a good slap or a session in the torture room, we feel that it is time for us to soften our hearts to get into the holiday spirit. As such, we promise to give all the Blood Imps at least a 1 minute break for Christmas... 10 years from now... maybe.

If you are looking to get someone a fantastic gift (especially with the add-ons above), just download one of the cards that we will be making available tonight in a backer-only update, and send it to that special person. When the campaign finishes, the aforementioned survey will allow you to gift your pledge to whomever you please once our Kickstarter campaign has concluded.

And that's everything for today.... what are you still doing reading this? Go play the demo!

Until next time Underlord,

-WFTO Team

Have any other ideas or suggestions? Leave a comment on our Kickstarter page or send us a direct message.

Alternatively, you can get in touch with us at the following locations:

1 comment

  1. Mekii
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    Oh my oh my! How come that I didn't notice this thread until today? *downloads*