Introducing our new Community Manager

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Back at the beginning of March I announced a job opening on the sites for a new Community Manager role. Putting a friendly face on the sites from someone who could dedicate all their time to bettering the community, within the community, has been long over-due and now, almost 7 months later, the position has finally been filled.

It's taken a long time due to, in no small part, the sheer number of people who applied for the position. After only a few weeks I took down the job listing after receiving over 400 applications, many of them absolutely excellent candidates for the position. Over the course of many months I read through all the applications, followed up on many of them, had chats with some people and gradually whittled down the short list.

Much like Highlander, there can be only one (but please, don't think that killing our new Community Manager will give you the power!), and today I'm happy to introduce Dave, our new Community Manager, aka SirSalami.

Dave's role focuses almost entirely on the community. And I know that sounds odd, because surely everyone working here focuses on the community, but I mean it more literally. While the site programmers or NMM programmers work on tools and functionality for you all to use, Dave's main focus is on conversing with the community on a daily basis, listening to people's issues or complaints and passing that feedback on to us. Essentially, Dave will be the central point of contact for members who need to get into contact with us. He'll become the eyes and the ears of the Nexus, helping us to enact change and reform parts of the site or community that are crying out for attention. He'll head up our moderation team, providing the moderator's with much needed direction and support and providing them with a proper, dedicated individual they can truly rely upon. He'll also be the face of the Nexus abroad, in other communities, where we might need a friendly face to help people who have any questions or issues with the Nexus.

For me, personally, Dave's list of skills fit the requirements for the job perfectly. In fact, he was almost a little too over qualified for the position, having experience with and a background in a number of programming languages as well as prior experience working for an indie developer in a similar role to his role now. He's a perfect fit for the small team of us working on the Nexus sites and I'm looking forward to seeing the positive change he can bring to the sites and community.

I'm going to leave the rest for Dave, who'll be writing a news post following this one introducing himself to the community. But from myself and the rest of the Nexus team we wish Dave a very hearty welcome. We can't wait to see what he can do.


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  1. forrim
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Best news..Hopefully this means that the site is guaranteed to stay
    This place is my home, If only i had a credit card, I would totally pay for a premium account....but am not working yet

    CONGRATSS!!!!! Tho..
  2. Meisenbach
    • supporter
    • 13 kudos
  3. DECKER105
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    wubba lubba dub dub!
  4. Divah_nordique
    • premium
    • 35 kudos
    congratulation and thank you ! I think this is a good choice, SirSalami seems to be a very good guy
  5. RichWebster
    • premium
    • 223 kudos
    Congrats on finding someone, I'm sure it was gruelling