So, how’s everyone fairing out there in post-apocalyptic Boston? We know it can be a lonely place out there, so to help we’ve opened 5 new Fallout 4 forums including “Mod Suggestions” and “Spoilers” sections, so be sure you’re posting to the appropriate section please.
Also, we’ve heard your requests for recoloring the Fallout 4 Nexus Site. Robin has the photoshop files in storage at the moment while he sorts some things out with his house. We’ll be making some changes to the color-scheme as soon as we can, but for now we're stuck with Fallout 3 green.
In modding news, the legendary xSE Team (creators of OBSE, SKSE, FOSE, NVSE) have announced they've begun work on the Fallout 4 Script Extender (F4SE). Once released, F4SE will likely add additional capabilities for mod authors to alter game logic and other script driven systems. Like their previous extensions, F4SE will likely be the foundation on which many new mods will be made. We’re definitely looking forward to this!
Though F4SE will likely be in development for a while yet, xSE team have already released a BA2 extractor, a command-line tool that extracts the files contained in the new BA2 archive format utilized by Fallout 4. This gives access to all of the individual files used by the game, allowing mod authors to start looking “under-the-hood” and begin investigating how to inject new content. You can download the tool from this thread.
If you’re interested in digging around the game files but command-line tools are too cumbersome for you, the B.A.E. - Bethesda Archive Extractor v0.01 by jonwd7 provides a graphical interface that you may appreciate. It’s still in early development, but I imagine progress will be rapid. Thanks jonwd7!
While we’re excited to see everyone’s work, please remember not to publish your files prematurely. Published files should contain a functional mod. Published files that don’t will be subject to removal as detailed by our terms.
Meanwhile, MrsHandy has started an excellent Console Command Confirmation Thread. Here, folks are trying to figure out which console commands still exist from older Bethesda games, as well as trying to find new ones. This is an endeavour that everyone can help with, regardless of modding experience, so be sure to help out!
Exciting times to be part of this great community. Keep up the good work! Now, get back out there and report back with your stories from the wasteland...
- Dave "SirSalami" Talamas
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Of course, using the same shades as the game's UI.
hope it will be fixed in the next update, or by a modder.
thought the favourites binding on numpad is wanderfull and match exactely what i'm doing with all games, wher is possible.
edit: keybind is just terrible for those like me are using the arrows key, that you aspect is a working standard for movment.
not at all: the workshop building navigation menu is hardcoded on the arrows key, so if you bind those key, you cannot move while in workshop.
i also bind the wasd to other function, and i will not be able to use anyway.
if anyone as a solution, please let me know.
if someone have the same problem you can fix with Autohotkey: http://www.autohotkey.com/
here the code i use to remap the wasd, e, r over the arrows, enter and delete key
#SingleInstance Force
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99999
#IfWinActive ahk_class Fallout4
Althought, like LethalThreat said, we should still be able to upload to the Nexus as well.
That's what I think anyways, which is kind of cool of them to support modding on a console.
On the game side, I'm surprised how few bugs there are. I've only had two issues at all so far; the textures didn't load properly at Thicket Excavation and when making a second character, I had to restart Fallout 4 to move after exiting the pod.
Other than that? It's very decent. Not quite up to masterpiece standard yet, but I'm sure it will be in the coming months