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About this mod

Places the WSO on all planes, and modifies the 3rd-person models, giving the planes extended cockpits with seats and proper placements for the WSO.

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Places the WSO on all planes, and modifies the 3rd-person models, giving the one-seater planes extended cockpits with seats and proper placements for the WSO. Models are modified from the base-game. No changes to first person models.

Incompatible with mods that change plane stats, such as All Weapons for All Planes or Unreleased Planes
Incompatible with mods that change the model of any one-seat plane.
Compatible with weapon change mods, such as Overpowered Weapons.
Compatible with any skin mods, however there may be stretching around the cockpit if patterns are placed too close.

Modifies all one-seater third-person models, modifies the plane datatable (DB_Aircraft).
Will also change models of enemy planes that can be used by the player, such as all enemy VX-23s becoming two-seaters.

You can contact me in the Project Wingman Discord's Modding Section, or at Epsilon#0580 to request patches or fixes, I will get to it faster than the comments.