CD PROJEKT RED just announced a modding contest for all of you designers out there. Create a holiday themed outfit for your favorite Witcher 3 character and you could win a real Witcher 3 sword! So awesome!
Head over to the official contest page for more details:
Be sure to fill out the form on the contest page and tag your creation with "Witcher Mod Contest" so that everyone can find it!
We can't wait to see your submissions. Good luck! (I'm already jealous of the winner...)
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So, who's the winner?
And where to get the Santa-Claus-Geralt?
Decided January 27.
And i am not dissing the game. Still think its the best RPG and GoY for 2015, better than Fallout for sure. But the modding part was disappointing.
What?! Who's slapping Witcher 3? Some perfectly valid statements are made here, and I think everyone agrees TW3 is a great game?....
It is sad however, that the tools available to mod the game are not easy to understand and use, and that is putting it mildly. This does in fact mean, to a certain subset of players, that the life span of a game becomes shorter (This counts especially for Bethesda game fans, who are the primary Nexus users).
Also, there are some seriously fundamental differences between FO4 or Bethesda games in general and TW3. In no way does that make either of them bad, but you cannot state that fans of one should be fans of the other.
TW3 is primarily story focussed (and an excellent one at that), has a voiced pre-made protagonist that has an already established back-story. Being so heavy on story, it is riddled with cut-scenes, it basically is an excellent movie cut in pieces with good gameplay in-between. There isn't the same amount of I go and kill everyone freedom you get in Bethesda games, nor can you go first person. Depending on what type of player you are, these pre-moulded and cut-scene riddled games may not be for everyone, and vice versa. Bethesda always lacked a seriously good story, apart from perhaps Morrowind.
Again, both great games, but you can't say one is better because you happen to like it more. They may both be single player RPG's, that doesn't mean they are equal.
If there was a holiday themed outfit for Inigo and Vilja, what would we do in January? Of course, in Skyrim, you can never go wrong with winter wear. ;-)
Seems like Witcher fans should demand more mods. Never played Morrowind, but I noticed when I was looking for Witcher 3 mods that Morrowind modders have been stepping up to bat in creating mods since the dawn of... well, whenever it came out.
Skywind for instance, won't prolong the use of Skyrim and many modders never even play the Vanilla game at all.
I have the Legendary Skyrim for modding and have never finished the main quest or even started the DLC.
Skyrim the game I finished when a bug stopped me from fighting Alduin, think it was a portal Parthanax was supposed to open for me, but some bug stopped the main quest continuing and it involved Parthanax/blades. I finished the game then.
Indeed I may be done with Fallout 4, as a game and I've only just got to the institute, I will get the DLC in a sale for modding assets, but am no more likely to play them, than I did Skyrim. I currently have no desire to experience more of BGS's bad game.
Don't argue, I''m a modder, if I say it's bad, then for me, it's bad, your opinion is as irrelevant to me, as mine is to you.
The sandbox/engine will be modded into a state I determine is good for me and only me.
It doesn't matter if I want a combat that's challenging or Death Claws I can have sex with.
If that's what I want and the mod exists to provide it or I make it, it's right and good for me.
BGS haven't made a good game since Morrowind, anyone who thinks Fallout 4 is GotY material, needs to try any other game, any game will do. The Witcher 3 is my GotY and again only my opinion matters, only yours shouild matter to you.
Now don't get me wrong BGS make the best modding/sandboxes in gaming and I love them for it, but the games get worse and worse.
There's too much I will change to list, but the one thing I never thought I would hate most about any BGS release is the Looting/crafting system.
I hate the system in Fallout 4, looking for LOOT should be fun with rare momenyts of joy.
Instead I found I must collect all loot and use everything for crafting.
I've always hated the idea that anything like bottlecaps could become money.
It's a stupid idea that would never happen, but so is the pip-boy brick on your arm.
Money was useless, I never bought or sold anything, the components were always more valuable and my crafted kit always better.
Eventually I grew to detest the entire crafting settlement system, due to this loot all mechanic, even looting isn't fun, just a monotonous chore.
I expected liberating the settlements to be vital to progress, not optional and irrelevant.
I wanted to turn the whole of Boston into a nation (Settlement), to protect them from every other faction.
So that's just the biggest dissapointment in the game and one that leaves me with little desire to progress.
Companion AI is a little better, but companions are stupid and uninteresting with little unique dialogue, despite the many great companion mods for Skyrim, the BGS ones are as pathetic as Lydia and for gods sake stop the repeating comments, better voiceless than another constant repeater.
Game worse, sandbox good as ever, nothings changed that much, to me.
The voiced protagonist doesn't limit roleplay, the 4 dialogue choices are much more limiting than hearing what's chosen and role play needs mods for me, anyway and voiceless is a mod option.
Thing is, we all have opinions and few modders are Bethesda Fanboys, modding implies the games flawed to the modder and those who truly care, are the most critical of all.
Some gamers can't tolerate different opinions, modders usually can.
My opinion is always right for me, your opposite one, is right for you.
Who are you replying to?
I agree with most you say on opinion and how for some, modding is more important than the game. But you mod the sandbox that comes with the game. I personally, as others probably do as well, would use those interchangeably. And hence, even though I never finished Oblivion or Fallout 3 either, and only partially finished Skyrim (if doing the main quest is finishing the game....) I still "play" it, to mod it.
Not every modder is the same. I tend to mod for a long time, or create mods, usually for my own. And then go through a phase of actually playing again. I regret the fact that TW3 as a sandbox, is not easy to mod. If it was, I'd probably buy the DLC and actually play at least part of it. As it stands now, I probably never launch it up again. That is a real shame! I generally dislike cut-scene games, but I actually liked this one.
I've seen the "movie" (the cut-scenes), and that's it really. Doing it over and changing your choices would remove the whole game wonder for me, I have to force myself down a route I wouldn't go. It also would ruin the "film" aspect of the game. Who wants to re-watch an awesome movie, just to find out all the plots changed? A different ending? But obiously as you rightfully note, this is an opinion, not a factual thing. There will be many others like yourself who have a totally different opinion.
If a game's graphics get dated over a 10 year duration and some modders spice it up like they did with morrowind. Then that's also prolonging the lifetime because suddenly it looks nice again and gives me the courage to play it all over again. Well that's my opinion ofc. and you are free to have yours but you stated it like it's some sort of fact for everyone, that's why I felt like replying here.
Just compare the talks from FO4 with W3... FO4 is like crap in comparison, it's made for 6 years old kids. It's not deep, it's 100% casual, boring, without any closer look. In W3 any talk is interesting and professional and anything else than boring. Just exploring and looting (FO4) is not everything. Both get repetitive after some time, but W3 less than FO4.
And we're not talking about the obsolete graphics FO4 uses. Man it looks 1:1 the same like FO3, just a bit less blurry textures. Nothing else changed... How lazy of them, still using their crappy gimme-bugs engine.
They don't have to use the extended Cry-Engine for Star Citizen (best engine around), but man, not this s#*! again. ^^ Did you ever played Dark Souls and how can you play Skyrim after you knew Dark Souls? Skyrims so called battle system is way too easy, it's no challenge at all. Dragon killing = too easy. Compared with the thousand times better Non-QTE and Non-Button-Smashing battle system from Dark Souls series, Skyrim & Co. are just too simple, they don't have any system. It's pure button smashing. Or Mordor, it's pure QTE, so no real challenge.
Without all the modding possibilities, Skyrim and Co. wouldn't be so hyped, especially because of the boring and mostly in-existent story (think about W3), gameplay, graphics etc. feels all like from the 80's. Maybe that's the charm, for me it smells like making easy money with the Fallout franchise, because people buy it anyway.
wouldn't be surprised if it was true to be honest
really ? weird 0.-
even on the forums, they're rather silent.