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About this mod

Adds a new industry components that can, when set up as an industry, automatically sort cuts of cars by destination

Permissions and credits
Experimental only

To start the sorting process, go to the locations window and select the sorting location/industry. Select an engine and choose the tracks for the different destinations. The selection you make will be saved. If you want to switch between different loadouts regulary, you can save the current loadout to a file or load a different loadout from a file. The files are stored in Railroader/Mods/YardSort/Loadouts. Before you press the start button, make sure that cars are only attached to one side of the engine you selected. You also need to make sure that the cars are on the yard side of the engine. Other engines beside the one you selected can also be sorted into the tracks, but only if they they are not in a position where they could be MU'd to the sorting engine.
An Example: Consider the following train: ENG1_TND1_ENG2_TND2_CAR_CAR_CAR_ENG3_CAR
If ENG1 or ENG2 are the sorting engines, all cars and ENG3 will be sorted. If ENG3 is the sorting engine, you won't be able to start the process because cars are attached to both sides of it.
On hump yards, rolling cars will be automatically braked to avoid derailments and damage.

There are several ready-to-use yard mods in the optional files.

If you want to set up your own yard industry:
The first component of the industry needs to be of the type "Model.Ops.YardComponentHumpSort" or "Model.Ops.YardComponentFlatSort", depending on the style of the yard.

For flat yards:
It can look like this:
"yard": {
              "type": "Model.Ops.YardComponentFlatSort",
              "name": "Bryson Yard Sort",
              "trackSpans": [ ]
after that, you need a component for each track.
              "type": "Model.Ops.YardComponentTrack",
              "name": "Track 1",
              "trackSpans": [ "BrysonSortYard1"]
Only one span can be used for each track and they all need to be in the same direction. All tracks need to be connected on the 'upper' end of the spans, the 'lower' end can be a stub.If the lower end is not a stub, make sure that the end of the span is far enugh away from the first switch, so that an engine with a waypoint to the end of the span can reach said waypoint, even when the switch is not lined.

For hump yards:
The main copmponent looks like this:
"yard": {
              "type": "Model.Ops.YardComponentHumpSort",
              "name": "Hump",
              "trackSpans": [ "PCLBBRYHMPYRD_Top" ]
The span in the main component needs to be located at the top of the hump and be about 8m long. For hump yards, span directions don't matter.
For the tracks:
"t01": {
              "type": "Model.Ops.YardComponentTrack",
              "name": "Track 1",
      "targetSpeed":8 //Optional Property. Default value is 8mph, values between 2 and 15 are accepted. Sets the target speed for the automatic braking of cuts.
              "trackSpans": [ "PCLBBRYHMPYRD_Bra01", "PCLBBRYHMPYRD_App01" ]
The first span is a short bit at the end of the track, all cars on it will have their handbrake applied to stop them from rolling back. The second span needs to start 10m below the top of the hump and cover all switches to the start of the track.

A big THANK YOU to Zamu for his support and technical expertise and to the people from my discord directory-channel for their testing, bug reports and feature suggestions!