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Version 3.7
Updated for Dark Waters
Version 3.6
Repackaged map to reduce conflicts with others.
Version 3.5
- Support for UE5
Version 3.4
Replaced spawn system with vanilla spawn system. Select entry points from the mission select screen.
Added map details to the tablet.
Version 3.3
Added delay to spawn mechanism to prevent briefing screen from not going away.
Version 3.2
Fixed CEO spawning under floor
Version 3.1
Updated spawns for 1.0
Updated doors for 1.0
Changed some fonts.
Lowered exposure slightly.
Version 3.0
Increased player spawn locations at start
Changed level blueprint to GT Scenarios
Version 2.9
Lowered music volume
Version 2.8
Added combat music
Version 2.7
- Fixed MP door replication
- Added cover support for AI
- Added Warren Rooney and custom objective
Version 2.6
Replicated starting text widget
Added sounds and music from S4
Use trigger on all sounds instead of auto activate
Fixed light bleed
Version 2.5
Further improved spawn system for laggy players.
Version 2.4
Fixed spawn system not working in MP.
Version 2.3
Spawn system now works for all keyboard layouts.
Version 2.2
Removed directional lights from windows.
Spawn rework for ADAM.
Active shooter models no longer used.
Version 2.1
Replicated starting text
Increased ambient sound volume
Added hint text
Pak no longer cooks other maps' widgets
Version 2.0
Added loading screen. Glowing man is now gone.
Fixed Audio Ambience conflicting with other maps.
Version 1.9
Added god rays to kitchen
Version 1.8
Optimized directional lighting and light shafts.
Added dust to light shafts.
Version 1.7
Anchored HUD map layout and intro text.
Adjusted spawns to be more consistent. Characters should not spawn below or above floors.
Version 1.6
Added intro text, as well as accessible Map layout like in SWAT 4. Default key is M.
Fixed A posing downed civilian.
Version 1.5
Fixed doors in MP having invisible mesh, causing rubber banding and throwable blocking.
Lowered lighting in garage to more accurately reflect original level.
Increased volume of ambient sound. Removed music.
Fixed some filing cabinet lighting in cubicle area.
Increased max spawn placements to 33. Suspect count can now be increased to 33.
Version 1.4
AI now acts as intended. It's a lot harder.
Softened level image a little.
Adjusted exposure.
Version 1.3
Optimized the shit out of the lights by enabling light fading.
Version 1.2
Fixed texture alignment in garage and cubicle areas
Separated AI config from map file
Version 1.1
Fixed some texture reflectivity issues for some crates, fountains, and PCs.
Lowered pak load order.
Replaced club civilians with Hotel or Dealer civilians.
Removed empty doorway in 2nd floor hallway that would show as a door for clients in MP.
Downed civilians will now only spawn from Hotel bodies.
Lowered lighting intensity in cubicle areas.
Blocked ceiling and floor in garage to prevent players and AI from spawning below floor.
Slightly adjusted garage spawn point.
Version 1.0
Initial Release
Just after 1400 this afternoon, multiple gunmen stormed the offices at the Wainwright Mill Center building. They shot their way through several of the businesses, until getting pinned down by patrol in one of the offices.
This started with an attempted bank robbery at the Community Savings and Loan. However, the suspects tripped the alarms early in their attempt, alerting both the bank's security and local police. Instead of attempting to flee, they seem to have tried to continue to break into the bank, but were foiled by the vault security. When confronted by security, the suspects shot two of them, and then fled. After a brief vehicle pursuit with patrol officers, the gunmen crashed into the offices at Wainwright Mill Center and took refuge in the Red Library office. Patrol pulled back and established a perimeter.
Red Library is a software company, specializing in data storage. Its employees often work on Saturdays, and so we suspect that that was the first unlocked office the gunmen found. Unfortunately, that also means the office was occupied when they went in.
Negotiators have been talking with them since about 1530. Overall estimation is that while these guys are heavily armed, they don't really know what they are doing. So far, the suspects have demanded an escape route and five million dollars, in exchange for their ''multiple prisoners''. Negotiators have managed to get four hostages freed, in exchange for gas masks and armored vests. The freed hostages can't give us an accurate count of employees, since no one knows how many employees were working today. The recent spate of gunfire means it's time to go in and rescue the rest of the hostages.
Remaster of Red Library Offices from SWAT 4 - Music and ambient sounds from SWAT 4. - Upscaled textures from SWAT 4. - Full AI pathing support. - Selectable spawn points - Random AI Spawns, faithful to original spawn locations. - Press M when playing to access the map layout when in level. Please note that as with all custom maps, first time loads will take a while. Please be patient. I recommend to always run the map in SP before trying MP to minimize load times.
Known Issues: - AI Bad Pathing/over-extension when asked to clear Lobby area and 2rd floor hallways. - Low FPS in certain areas
Credits to BurritoBandito and the Mapping Discord crew for support.
Corresponding game assets belong to VOID interactive and Sierra/Activision. Credits to Eric Brosius for the banging S4 OST