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Version 2.3.1
Added optional balaclavas for quick play gamemode characters
Fixed some armor meshes
Fixed clock hiding for rolled up shirts
Version 2.3.0
Updated for DLC "Dark Waters" update
Version 2.2.1
Fixed weights of some items
Version 2.2.0
Added 2 new shirts
Added 2 new pants
Added new battlebelt
Added new boots
Added PVS-7 NV
Updated some textures and meshes
Version 2.1.0
Added a new shirt and pants
Added a new helmet
Updated some models
Version 2.0.0
Updated for "Home Invasion" update (Unreal Engine 5.3.2)
Version 1.0.1
Fixed incorrect FAST helmets for OD
Reworked weights for pants
Updated blue color palette
Fixed missing items for some plate carriers
Fixed some materials and textures
Removed Herobrine
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
Mod adds customization gear for SWAT. Inspired by N.E.E.T (Not Employment Embattled Team) Home Guard, SWAT4 Multiplayer, Counter-Strike series, cosplayers, airsofters, and some SOF.
Rebel Special Forces is a fictional faction for “multiplayer” consisting of former members of the Police, Metro SWAT, Military and MLO agents. Due to corrupt connections in the government, as well as outside forces, they can possess some equipment with which they can counter LSPD SWAT forces.
Mod contains: - Item blueprints - 4 shirts with 1-2 variants - 4 pants with 2-6 variants - 4 gloves with 2 variants - 2 boots - 2 battle belts with 6 variants - 1 heavy armors with 6 variants - 1 light armors with 6 variants - 3 types of helmets with 6 variants - 2 NVGs - 2 Goggles - Glasses
Know issues: - There may be multiple clippings with other customization gear