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Version 1.0
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Welcome to Flashy Shield
Ever wanted Blitz shield from R6? Here is the shield with working flash!
Works in SP and MP! Everyone needs to have this mod! Requirements: SBL
Default key to use is 'L'. This is configurable, if you want to change your keybind:
1. Navigate to %localappdata%\ReadyOrNot\Saved\Config\Windows
2. Edit Engine.ini
3. At the top of the file paste the following section and make space between them by pressing ENTER [/Game/Mods/MOD/BP_FlashShield.BP_FlashShield_C] Key=F7
4. Replace F7 with key using one of unreal keys https://unrealcommunity.wiki/list-of-key/gamepad-input-names-j9c5mqou
5. Save the file and everything should work
If you have any problems feel free to ask anything!
Note: - Flash will always stun every suspect that is on your screen - You cannot flash SWAT members(including players/AI) - 5 seconds cooldown - May not work in lobby
Thank you my awesome testers: - "Hetman" - "Wiśnia"