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About this mod

Camera shake during deadeye is a little crazy/bugged, this calms it down

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(Dec 2024: updated for game update 1.02!)

A simple SUWSF patch for the crazy/bugged camera shake that happens sometimes during deadeye, for me this reduces it a lot, though I'm not sure if it's matching the screen shake in the originals yet.

For a before/after see this quick video: https://files.catbox.moe/mxlh4a.mp4

This only patches code related to camera shake, shouldn't have any other effects - I've only really checked deadeye camera with it though.


To install just extract all contents next to your RDR.exe file (ASI loader is included)

If you're using Clippy95's ClipTweaks you can merge the two SUWSF.ini files together, just copy the [Patch:CameraShakeFPSFix] section from this to the end of ClipTweaks INI file.

Only tested on the Steam release, not sure how other releases might work with it.

Thanks to CzBladE for the suggestion & helping to try it out!

Technical Info


When in dead eye the games main delta-time value gets multiplied by the time slowdown factor, so a 60FPS 0.016666 deltatime * 0.1 time factor becomes 10x slower, at 0.0016666

Inside camCamera::ProcessShake function, the deltatime then gets multiplied by rage::cmOperator::sm_TimeWarpFactor, which looks like it's meant to remove the slowdown and recover the actual deltatime value for the rest of the camera shake code to use. (names are from switch ver)

For whatever reason, sm_TimeWarpFactor never actually seems to change from 1 when in dead-eye, so the slowed deltatime always gets used for camera shakes, causing them to become extreme.
(seems the sm_TimeWarpFactor does actually update to the slowed time, but then immediately resets back to 1 before the camera shake code gets called, odd behaviour..)

This just patches the camera shake code to ignore that TimeWarpFactor value and divide deltatime by the actual slowdown factor instead, which seems to help it.

Hopefully this might get fixed properly in a later game update.

Other Mods

Check out my other script/code mods too!
Instant Loot Anims - skip the looting animation being played every single time
Auto-Centering Uncentered! - allows increasing time before camera will auto-center
- No War Horse - start the game without the war horse, just like back in 2010!
Auto-Holstering Unholstered! - increase the time before game holsters your weapon

Also updated some mod tools for PC:
MagicRDR PC fork - fork of MagicRDR with some fixes for script decompiler
RASM RDR1 PC - RASM script compiler updated for RDR1 PC