Red Dead Redemption 2
Vinegar and Salt

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  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Some great shots. Who is John's side kick?
    1. edmur
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Thx ! had a great bit of fun taking them ! that's the lady from RDO, the one that introduces you to bounty hunter's path, I don't remember her name...the best part is that she doesn't speak at all like other PED, who constantly nag and curse at you.

      She's the best companion I ve found so far after Rufus ( The Marston's family dog), who I discovered to be the only dog responding to the Attack orders with some sick killing animations (on humans only), I had him sneak on many angry campers while they were distracted shooting at me, and had him chase all sorts of animals from antelopes to rabbits and squirrels, being no real hunting dog he ruins the skin though, but hey!  against legendary beasts he's pretty efficient.