Too  Old  To  Die  Young

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A video about Arthur and Sadie in which Arthur convinces Sadie to move
into the new house he found for her.


In the opening video of RDR2, Arthur and Dutch's Gang rescue Sadie Adler, from the vicious
O'Driscoll Gang. She is saved, but her husband is dead, and her house is ablaze. (Not much
of a spoiler as you're mainly a spectator to what happens in the introduction.)

As time progresses, neither Arthur or Sadie are completely happy with the way things have
been going with Dutch's Gang. Sadie and Arthur are kindred spirits in my opinion having
both lost their true-true loves. They share that, plus being some darn good outlaws,
especially when it comes to handling a six gun. They have a couple of exciting, heart-
pounding (and bloody) adventures together that make their gun fighting abilities quite clear.

I'm going to diverge from their story at that point, to create an alternate path for them. It's
not clear whether anything much will come out of that intention -- well, other than this video --
but we'll see. Sadie has gone to the Manzanita Post for a long visit with some old friends.
You see, it's not the outlaw life that's bothering her -- surprisingly, she's taken to that quite
well -- no, it's the turmoil in Dutch's Gang that has driven her away.

In the meantime, Arthur, who has a heart of gold, despite his rough exterior, has obtained a
new house for Sadie. Being an outlaw, such as he is, it's better not to ask how he got the
house. Arriving at Manzanita, Arthur is met rather coolly by Sadie. But, he's determined to
give her the house, and to suggest that maybe the two of them ought to team up now and
then. "You know, put a little distance between us and Dutch."

It's not going to be an easy sale with a strong, independent woman like Sadie. But Arthur is
determined and is relying on the age old standby's -- liquor and guitar music -- to make his
pitch. Eventually, Sadie agrees, at least to go see the house. ...And maybe she agreed, just to
stop him from singing.

The next morning they ride south into New Austin to see the house. It's called the Don Julio
House located on a canyon lake of that same name. The house is well protected, hidden
deep in the canyon with no roads leading to it. Arthur did a good job in finding such a safe
house for Sadie.

I think that Arthur is just a little sweet on Sadie, but at the moment, there is no chance that
Sadie will return that feeling. It's not been very long since her husband was killed. She's not
ready for that, not at all. The video does end on a positive note, nonetheless.


I shot this in 4K, so it looks good in full screen.


A few of my Favorite Storytellers, Cartoonists, Modders, and Screen Shooters.
Take a look at their work – you’ll thank yourself for the effort.

7thNightHawk, Acpanda, Avalos, aza1967, Bennzoor, Bernt, Blackmaid, Brigand231, Cavalier753, choochoo1, Corfus, Culuf, Davethedrunk, Dazaster, DeathbyKitty, DeltaFour21Bravo, Denzel4444, Derpsdale, deshaz, Elianora, etholas, FastBlackCat, friffy, frank213, fristo, TheFourthHorse, gmg2dave, Gopher, hammerscp, HavocSlater, Hawkscr1mer, Heaventhere, ilovevobla, jim_uk, Karna5, Klaxoid, LedLeech, Lee5lee, Lidertz, MagdalenaA, MaGlas, Marthos, Millenia, MissMorose, moterovinus, nivea, OnelazyBattlemaga, prodlimen, ProtectorDrake, Reaper, Reimar67, reveccamorikava, ritchieblackmore, Riven1978, RogueCyborg, rth119, SanDhum, sinapus, skywolle, SomewhatWindy, Stavetskaya, Thrax7545, Thuggysmurf, TomDean, tgstyle24, TreyM, Vermi77, VoDovaKiin, Vronykah, Wolfgrimdark, 83Willow, Xazomn, zzjay


  1. cormell
    • premium
    • 341 kudos

    If you don't know of Brother Dege, you might want to take a look at them. If you like dark country, that is. Music from the likes of Heavy Horses and Blues Saraceno.

    There were just a few challenges making this video. I'm using Rampage, a cheat engine and object placement tool. I don't know how to save things with it yet. So, every time I reloaded the game, I had to respawn Sadie. The funny thing is that each time she had a different horse. And one time the horse didn't have a saddle. Oh well I went ahead and shot that portion of the video anyway. I was getting a little tired and lazy by that point.
  2. Bernt
    • premium
    • 394 kudos
    That video is a pretty amazing work of art. I had to darken the room for it, then watched in full screen, 4 k and went all WOW A nice feel good story. And a video of a quality that - almost- might have been a clip from a real movie. By one of the classic directors
    So you got your 4k monitor. I bet you're enjoying it
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Well, thank you, but you're too kind.  guess I can't complain too much about a video maker for $70 that only does 30 fps. (You definitely can see the chop in the riding scenes.)
      The 4K monitor is more that I expected, and with the addition of my new glasses -- WOW! RDR2 is a GPU taxing game though. I've got a GeForce RTX 2080 with 8 GB and another 16 GB of RAM. The GPU will run flat out especially if I have a few browser windows open. And the CPU memory will hit 80% capacity or so. I need to do some optimization and maybe add some graphics memory.
  3. wolfgrimdark
    • premium
    • 900 kudos
    Very romantic and emotional main image!
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Strumming a guitar at a campfire -- yup.
  4. tgstyle24
    • supporter
    • 104 kudos
    Wonderful video, Laird, I like how you have cut the way he is riding together in the beginning, looks like a real movie
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Thank you. The movie maker I'm using will only output 30 fps, so the video is a little choppy as they ride. But all in all, not too bad.
  5. VoDovahKiin
    • supporter
    • 131 kudos
    If only Arthur could romance Sadie.. if only.
    Wonderful video Partner :)
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Yeah, that would be interesting. Then again the romance options in some of the games I've played are pretty lame.
    2. Chickmatthews
      • member
      • 1 kudos
  6. Karna5
    • premium
    • 325 kudos
    Fascinating, and superbly done.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Thanks. I remember Fable on the gray work horse.
    2. Karna5
      • premium
      • 325 kudos
      Your film is actually alive. They feel like real people.
  7. thesarantis
    • premium
    • 211 kudos
    Wonderful video and great story my friend!
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Thank you. I thought it was a good song for Arthur. He's not young anymore and dying weighs heavy on his mind.
  8. blu377
    • supporter
    • 199 kudos
    Cool video & breakdown on the story so far, although I must admit I did miss the landscape shots that you could of easily thrown in
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Thanks. Landscape. Well you just have to look quickly to see what's passing by as they ride. But sure, maybe some more landscapes one of these days.
  9. FastBlackCat
    • premium
    • 316 kudos
    The first time I ran across a Brother Dege tune, it was around 2014 by the title of, "Crazy M'fer" (can't spell the whole thing out here or I'd probably get into trouble with the Nexus moderators).

    Wonderful job on this vid, especially considering the limitations of the game (NV and F4 are much easier to be able to set up to tell stories with).  Arthur's singing reminds me of my mom--neither one could/can carry a tune.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Deuce2416 mentioned that Too Old to Die Young was in Django Unchained -- that was maybe 10 years ago. Looked it up, the song was released in 2010. I'm always the last kid on the block to know these things. Thanks, glad you liked it.
  10. deuce2416
    • premium
    • 176 kudos
    I recognize this song from Django Unchained

    Not my usual genre of music but i loved it.
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      I've been listening to the Django Unchained OST this morning. It's quite a collection and I didn't know that this Brother Dege was in it. There's even a couple tunes from Ennio Morricone. I'm glad you liked it.
  11. arghTease
    • premium
    • 212 kudos
    really enjoyed the vid and the backstory. 
    1. cormell
      • premium
      • 341 kudos
      Thanks. Just kicking around some ideas in the back of my head.