Another reality - Mexico when entered from Guarma - Torquemada in the background

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If you don't believe, try it for yourself. Go from Annesburg to Guarma and then to Mexico. This is how it looks like then. 
Thanks for AClassySliceOfToast for his "Toast Bridge" in Mexico. Thanks to RedMaxBR for Torquemada.


  1. stges
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Or just spawn in guarma water with rampage instead of "Go from Annesburg to Guarma and then to Mexico"
    1. KrokoszT
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I didn't spawn anything! That's the point. I just rode by horse from Guarma to Widow's patch made by RedMaxBR and almost whole Mexico was flooded by sea. As soon as I passed the Butter Bridge the Mexico landscape changed to normal. There was no editing or spawning! It's just the game itself added this ocean.