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Dick Hertz and Eki

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  1. RichardHertz
    • premium
    • 92 kudos
    Clearly this mods gotten a lot of attention from people who dont usually mod this game (and some who straight up don’t know how to read), as its the same process as installing any other lml mod.

    Yes, it works. And no, it won’t make your character “invisible” (lol).

    Deleting all the comments that were clearly written out of frustration from not knowing how to install a mod, its not a good look for those who come and want to see how it is. Because as I said before, it works.

    To everyone else, thanks for all the love!

    Installation Guide
  2. 0x187
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    is there like a point to this mod? like can you clear the whole map of zombies>?
    1. RichardHertz
      • premium
      • 92 kudos
  3. Crotex69
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Please update this mod!
  4. Gannon134543
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can you make it so zombies will spawn in every town
  5. Rycyoung
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Are you ever gonna update this mod? We've all been waiting for years
    1. RichardHertz
      • premium
      • 92 kudos
      Maybe eventually but Project new Austin is the priority rn, these things take a lotta work
  6. R3my010
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    how did you change the text on the startup menu to undead nightmare 2? im tryna change it myself, but i just dont know how
  7. ModernArthur
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    its great.
    but there are only zombies in armadilo 
  8. Bugus123
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    give us a tutorial how to uninstall the mod (fully not just removing the lml file) since there are still some things added by the mod still in the game for me such as random piles of s#*! set on fire (even after i have reinstalled the game SEVERAL TIMES)
  9. boxerbeast1
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    thanks for the upload
  10. Aukterus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Just getting back to RDR2 after a few years.

    Only played the mod for a bit but it seems to work great in the wilderness, the map is a different color, etc.

    Question though:

    Is the purpose to inherently change the entire storyline?  Because in the wild at least, I kill a zombie.  Two more zombies spawn spontaneously where I am not looking (indicated by enemy markers on radar) and on and on until I kill about like 30 of them.  Things are cool for like 60 seconds and the same thing happens.  This is at least in the wilderness and in the little village that includes the first wagon fence.

    I guess I'm asking, how do I get anything done when hordes are practically constant?

    Also, why is there one zombie that can one shot me with a knife at full health but others who engage in knife fights with me?

    Apologies if these have been answered but I looked as much as I could and couldn't find out if this is intended gameplay or not.

    Edit: Also zombies seem to appear and disappear from just rotating my field of view.  Again just wondering if intended, bug, or if there is maybe something I missed so that zombies aren't just spawning around me in wide open fields because of looking around.
    1. RichardHertz
      • premium
      • 92 kudos
      This isn’t meant to be used with the story no, but are you using any other mods that affect ped spawns? They shouldn’t be disappearing like that
  11. RedCaden
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    We want a new undead nightmare mod RichardHertz
    1. Rycyoung
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      seriously, it's been 3 fucking years